当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>开发语言>PHP > PHP中Enum(枚举)用法实例详解


2018年04月25日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论




splenum extends spltype {
/* constants */
const null __default = null ;
/* 方法 */
public array getconstlist ([ bool $include_default = false ] )
/* 继承的方法 */
spltype::__construct ([ mixed $initial_value [, bool $strict ]] )


class month extends splenum {
  const __default = self::january;
  const january = 1;
  const february = 2;
  const march = 3;
  const april = 4;
  const may = 5;
  const june = 6;
  const july = 7;
  const august = 8;
  const september = 9;
  const october = 10;
  const november = 11;
  const december = 12;
echo new month(month::june) . php_eol;
try {
  new month(13);
} catch (unexpectedvalueexception $uve) {
  echo $uve->getmessage() . php_eol;


value not a const in enum month


 * abstract class that enables creation of php enums. all you
 * have to do is extend this class and define some constants.
 * enum is an object with value from on of those constants
 * (or from on of superclass if any). there is also
 * __default constat that enables you creation of object
 * without passing enum value.
 * @author marijan Šuflaj <msufflaj32@gmail.com>
 * @link http://php4every1.com
abstract class enum {
   * constant with default value for creating enum object
  const __default = null;
  private $value;
  private $strict;
  private static $constants = array();
   * returns list of all defined constants in enum class.
   * constants value are enum values.
   * @param bool $includedefault if true, default value is included into return
   * @return array array with constant values
  public function getconstlist($includedefault = false) {
    $class = get_class($this);
    if (!array_key_exists($class, self::$constants)) {
    return $includedefault ? array_merge(self::$constants[__class_], array(
      "__default" => self::__default
    )) : self::$constants[__class_];
   * creates new enum object. if child class overrides __construct(),
   * it is required to call parent::__construct() in order for this
   * class to work as expected.
   * @param mixed $initialvalue any value that is exists in defined constants
   * @param bool $strict if set to true, type and value must be equal
   * @throws unexpectedvalueexception if value is not valid enum value
  public function __construct($initialvalue = null, $strict = true) {
    $class = get_class($this);
    if (!array_key_exists($class, self::$constants)) {
    if ($initialvalue === null) {
      $initialvalue = self::$constants[$class]["__default"];
    $temp = self::$constants[$class];
    if (!in_array($initialvalue, $temp, $strict)) {
      throw new unexpectedvalueexception("value is not in enum " . $class);
    $this->value = $initialvalue;
    $this->strict = $strict;
  private function populateconstants() {
    $class = get_class($this);
    $r = new reflectionclass($class);
    $constants = $r->getconstants();
    self::$constants = array(
      $class => $constants
   * returns string representation of an enum. defaults to
   * value casted to string.
   * @return string string representation of this enum's value
  public function __tostring() {
    return (string) $this->value;
   * checks if two enums are equal. only value is checked, not class type also.
   * if enum was created with $strict = true, then strict comparison applies
   * here also.
   * @return bool true if enums are equal
  public function equals($object) {
    if (!($object instanceof enum)) {
      return false;
    return $this->strict ? ($this->value === $object->value)
      : ($this->value == $object->value);


class myenum extends enum {
  const hi = "hi";
  const by = "by";
  const number = 1;
  const __default = self::by;
var_dump(new myenum(myenum::hi));
var_dump(new myenum(myenum::by));
//use __default
var_dump(new myenum());
try {
  new myenum("i don't exist");
} catch (unexpectedvalueexception $e) {


object(myenum)#1 (2) {
 string(2) "hi"
object(myenum)#1 (2) {
 string(2) "by"
object(myenum)#1 (2) {
 string(2) "by"
string(27) "value is not in enum myenum"


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