当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>数据库>Mysql > MySQL之递归小问题


2017年12月12日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



drop table if exists test;
create table test(
id varchar(100),
name varchar(20),
parentid varchar(100)
insert test select
'13ed38f1-3c24-dd81-492f-673686dff0f3', '大学教师', '37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d' union all select 
'1ce203ac-ee34-b902-6c10-c806f0f52876','小学教师', '37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d' union all select 
'37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d', '教师' ,      null                union all select 
'c877b7ea-4ed3-f472-9527-53e1618cb1dc', '高数老师', '13ed38f1-3c24-dd81-492f-673686dff0f3' union all select 
'ce50a471-2955-00fa-2fb7-198f6b45b1bd', '中学教师', '37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d';
delimiter $$
create procedure usp_ser(in idd varchar(100))
declare lev int;
set lev=1;
drop table if exists tmp1;
drop table if exists tmp2;
create temporary table tmp1(id varchar(100),name varchar(20),parentid varchar(100),levv int);
create temporary table tmp2(pid varchar(100));
insert tmp2 select parentid from test where id=idd;
insert tmp1 select t.* , lev from test t join tmp2 a on t.id=a.pid;
    while exists(select 1 from tmp2 )
truncate tmp2;
set lev=lev+1;
insert tmp2 select t.id from test t join tmp1 a on t.id=a.parentid and a.levv=lev-1;
insert tmp1 select t.*,lev from test t join tmp2 a on t.id=a.pid;
end while ;
select id,name,parentid from tmp1;
delimiter ;
 call usp_ser('c877b7ea-4ed3-f472-9527-53e1618cb1dc');
| id                  | name   | parentid               |
| 13ed38f1-3c24-dd81-492f-673686dff0f3 | 大学教师 | 37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d |
| 37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d | 教师   | null                 |
 call usp_ser('13ed38f1-3c24-dd81-492f-673686dff0f3');
| id                  | name | parentid |
| 37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d | 教师 | null   |
 call usp_ser('37e2ea0a-1c31-3412-455a-5e60b8395f7d');
empty set (0.02 sec)

下面给个一次性用普通表完成的 查询子节点的递归查询


drop table if exists test;
create table test(
id int,
parentid int
insert test select
1, 0 union all select 
2, 1 union all select 
3, 1 union all select 
4, 0 union all select 
5, 2 union all select 
6, 5 union all select 
7, 3 ;
delimiter $$
create procedure usp_ser(in idd varchar(100))
declare lev int;
set lev=1;
drop table if exists tmp1;
create table tmp1(id int,parentid int ,levv int,ppath varchar(1000));

insert tmp1 select *,lev,id from test where parentid=idd;

 while row_count()>0

set lev=lev+1;
insert tmp1 select t.*,lev,concat(a.ppath,t.id) from test t join tmp1 a on t.parentid=a.id and levv=lev-1;
end while ;
select * from tmp1;
delimiter ;
 call usp_ser(0);
| id  | parentid | levv | ppath |
|  1 |    0 |  1 | 1   |
|  4 |    0 |  1 | 4   |
|  2 |    1 |  2 | 12  |
|  3 |    1 |  2 | 13  |
|  5 |    2 |  3 | 125  |
|  7 |    3 |  3 | 137  |
|  6 |    5 |  4 | 1256 |

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