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改变一个表的分区方案只需使用alter table 加 partition_options 子句就可以了。和创建分区表时的create table语句很像。


create table trb3 (id int, name varchar(50), purchased date)
partition by range( year(purchased) ) (
partition p0 values less than (1990),
partition p1 values less than (1995),
partition p2 values less than (2000),
partition p3 values less than (2005)


delimiter $$
drop procedure if exists pr_trb3$$
create procedure pr_trb3(in begindate date,in enddate date,in tabname varchar(40))
while begindate<enddate 1="" begindate="date_add(begindate,interval" delimiter="" do="" drop="" end="" execute="" from="" insert="" pre="" prepare="" s="concat_ws('" set="" stmt=""><p>调用存储过程插入数据</p><pre class="brush:sql;">call pr_trb3('1985-01-01','2004-12-31','trb3');</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">select 
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 partition by key(id) partitions 4;
query ok, 7304 rows affected (0.07 sec)
records: 7304 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">select 
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | `id` | null | 7472 |
| p1 | `id` | null | 0 |
| p2 | `id` | null | 0 |
| p3 | `id` | null | 0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select 1826*4;
| 1826*4 |
| 7304 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<p>for partitioned innodb tables, the row count given in the table_rows column of the information_schema.partitions table is only an estimated value used in sql optimization, and is not always exact.</p>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> select count(*) from trb3;
| count(*) |
| 7304 |
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table trb3 
partition by range( year(purchased) ) (
partition p0 values less than (1990),
partition p1 values less than (1995),
partition p2 values less than (2000),
partition p3 values less than (2005)
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 0 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
this has the same effect on the structure of the table as dropping the table and re-creating it using create table trb3 partition by key(id) partitions 2;<br>
就是说alter table trb3 partition by与 drop table然后重新create table trb3 partition by key(id) partitions 2一样呢。</p>
<h3 id="改存储引擎和普通表没啥区别">改存储引擎,和普通表没啥区别</h3>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> drop table trb3;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table trb3 (id int, name varchar(50), purchased date)
-> partition by range( year(purchased) ) (
-> partition p0 values less than (1990),
-> partition p1 values less than (1995),
-> partition p2 values less than (2000),
-> partition p3 values less than (2005)
-> );
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> call pr_trb3('1985-01-01','2004-12-31','trb3');
query ok, 0 rows affected (1.69 sec)
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> alter table trb3 engine=myisam;
query ok, 7304 rows affected (0.02 sec)
records: 7304 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> show create table trb3\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: trb3
create table: create table `trb3` (
`id` int(11) default null,
`name` varchar(50) default null,
`purchased` date default null
) engine=myisam default charset=utf8
/*!50100 partition by range ( year(purchased))
(partition p0 values less than (1990) engine = myisam,
partition p1 values less than (1995) engine = myisam,
partition p2 values less than (2000) engine = myisam,
partition p3 values less than (2005) engine = myisam) */
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h3 id="将表由分区表改为非分区表">将表由分区表改为非分区表</h3>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 remove partitioning;
query ok, 7304 rows affected (0.01 sec)
records: 7304 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| null | null | null | 7304 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show create table trb3\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: trb3
create table: create table `trb3` (
`id` int(11) default null,
`name` varchar(50) default null,
`purchased` date default null
) engine=myisam default charset=utf8
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h3 id="range-list分区管理">range list分区管理</h3>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> drop table trb3;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> create table trb3 (id int, name varchar(50), purchased date)
-> partition by range( year(purchased) ) (
-> partition p0 values less than (1990),
-> partition p1 values less than (1995),
-> partition p2 values less than (2000),
-> partition p3 values less than (2005)
-> );
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> call pr_trb3('1985-01-01','2004-12-31','trb3');
query ok, 0 rows affected (1.75 sec)
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h4 id="增加分区">增加分区</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 add partition (partition p5 values less than(2010));
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 0 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0</pre>
<h4 id="合并分区">合并分区</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 reorganize partition p3,p5 into(partition p5 values less than(2010));
query ok, 1826 rows affected (0.03 sec)
records: 1826 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p5 | year(purchased) | 2010 | 1826 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h4 id="分裂分区">分裂分区</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 reorganize partition p5 into (
-> partition p3 values less than (2005),
-> partition p4 values less than (2010)
-> );
query ok, 1826 rows affected (0.04 sec)
records: 1826 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | 1990 | 1826 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | 1995 | 1826 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | 2000 | 1826 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | 2005 | 1826 |
| p4 | year(purchased) | 2010 | 0 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h3 id="hash-key分区">hash key分区</h3>
<pre class="brush:sql;">create table trb3 (id int, name varchar(50), purchased date)
partition by hash( year(purchased) ) 
partitions 12;
mysql>call pr_trb3('1985-01-01','2004-12-31','trb3');
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | null | 731 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | null | 365 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | null | 365 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | null | 365 |
| p4 | year(purchased) | null | 366 |
| p5 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p6 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p7 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p8 | year(purchased) | null | 732 |
| p9 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p10 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p11 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<h4 id="缩建分区从12个到8个">缩建分区从12个到8个</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table trb3 coalesce partition 4;
query ok, 7304 rows affected (0.13 sec)
records: 7304 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='trb3';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | year(purchased) | null | 732 |
| p1 | year(purchased) | null | 1095 |
| p2 | year(purchased) | null | 1095 |
| p3 | year(purchased) | null | 1095 |
| p4 | year(purchased) | null | 1097 |
| p5 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p6 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
| p7 | year(purchased) | null | 730 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select count(*) from trb3;
| count(*) |
| 7304 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> select mod(2004,12);
| mod(2004,12) |
| 0 |
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> select mod(2004,8);
| mod(2004,8) |
| 4 |
<h3 id="exchanging-partitions-and-subpartitions-with-tables">exchanging partitions and subpartitions with tables</h3>
<h3 id="分区子分区交换">分区(子分区)交换</h3>
<pre class="brush:sql;"> alter table pt exchange partition p with table nt</pre>
<h4 id="限制条件">限制条件:</h4>
5.表nt的所有行都包含在表p的分区范围内(比如p range分区最大values less than 10,那么表nt不能有大于等于10的值)</p>
<h4 id="权限">权限:</h4>
<p>除了 alter, insert, and create 权限外,你还要有drop权限才能执行alter table … exchange partition.</p>
<h4 id="其他注意事项">其他注意事项:</h4>
<p>1.执行alter table … exchange partition 不会调用任何在nt表和p表上的触发器<br>
3.ignore关键字在执行alter table … exchange partition时会失效</p>
<h4 id="完整实例语句如下">完整实例语句如下:</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table pt 
exchange partition p 
with table nt;</pre>
<p>在一次alter table exchange partition 中,只能有一个分区和一个非分区表被交换<br>
想交换多个,就执行多次alter table exchange partition<br>
<h4 id="交换实例">交换实例</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">create table e (
id int not null,
fname varchar(30),
lname varchar(30)
partition by range (id) (
partition p0 values less than (50),
partition p1 values less than (100),
partition p2 values less than (150),
partition p3 values less than (maxvalue)
insert into e values 
(1669, "jim", "smith"),
(337, "mary", "jones"),
(16, "frank", "white"),
(2005, "linda", "black");</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> create table e2 like e;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show create table e2\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: e2
create table: create table `e2` (
`id` int(11) not null,
`fname` varchar(30) default null,
`lname` varchar(30) default null
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8
/*!50100 partition by range (id)
(partition p0 values less than (50) engine = innodb,
partition p1 values less than (100) engine = innodb,
partition p2 values less than (150) engine = innodb,
partition p3 values less than maxvalue engine = innodb) */
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> alter table e2 remove partitioning;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
records: 0 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> show create table e2\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: e2
create table: create table `e2` (
`id` int(11) not null,
`fname` varchar(30) default null,
`lname` varchar(30) default null
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">select 
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='e'
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | id | 50 | 1 |
| p1 | id | 100 | 0 |
| p2 | id | 150 | 0 |
| p3 | id | maxvalue | 3 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table e exchange partition p0 with table e2;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='e';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | id | 50 | 0 |
| p1 | id | 100 | 0 |
| p2 | id | 150 | 0 |
| p3 | id | maxvalue | 3 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from e2;
| id | fname | lname |
| 16 | frank | white |
1 row in set (0.00 sec) </pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> insert into e2 values(16,'fan','boshi');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into e2 values(51,'du','yalan');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from e2;
| id | fname | lname |
| 16 | fan | boshi |
| 51 | du | yalan |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> alter table e exchange partition p0 with table e2;
error 1737 (hy000): found a row that does not match the partition</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter ignore table e exchange partition p0 with table e2;
error 1737 (hy000): found a row that does not match the partition</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> update e2 set id=49 where id=51;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1 changed: 1 warnings: 0
mysql> alter table e exchange partition p0 with table e2;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> select 
-> partition_name part, 
-> partition_expression expr, 
-> partition_description descr, 
-> table_rows 
-> from information_schema.partitions where 
-> table_schema = schema() 
-> and table_name='e';
| part | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | id | 50 | 2 |
| p1 | id | 100 | 0 |
| p2 | id | 150 | 0 |
| p3 | id | maxvalue | 3 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from e partition(p0);
| id | fname | lname |
| 16 | fan | boshi |
| 49 | du | yalan |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from e2;
| id | fname | lname |
| 16 | frank | white |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)</pre>
<h4 id="交换subpartition">交换subpartition</h4>
<pre class="brush:sql;">create table es (
id int not null,
fname varchar(30),
lname varchar(30)
partition by range (id)
subpartition by key (lname)
subpartitions 2 (
partition p0 values less than (50),
partition p1 values less than (100),
partition p2 values less than (150),
partition p3 values less than (maxvalue)
insert into es values
(1669, "jim", "smith"),
(337, "mary", "jones"),
(16, "frank", "white"),
(2005, "linda", "black");
create table es2 like es;
alter table es2 remove partitioning;</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">select 
partition_name part, 
partition_expression expr, 
partition_description descr, 
from information_schema.partitions where 
table_schema = schema() 
and table_name='es';
| part | subpartition_name | expr | descr | table_rows |
| p0 | p0sp0 | id | 50 | 1 |
| p0 | p0sp1 | id | 50 | 0 |
| p1 | p1sp0 | id | 100 | 0 |
| p1 | p1sp1 | id | 100 | 0 |
| p2 | p2sp0 | id | 150 | 0 |
| p2 | p2sp1 | id | 150 | 0 |
| p3 | p3sp0 | id | maxvalue | 3 |
| p3 | p3sp1 | id | maxvalue | 0 |
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> select * from es partition(p3sp0);
| id | fname | lname |
| 1669 | jim | smith |
| 337 | mary | jones |
| 2005 | linda | black |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> alter table es exchange partition p3sp0 with table es2;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from es partition(p3sp0);
empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from es2;
| id | fname | lname |
| 1669 | jim | smith |
| 337 | mary | jones |
| 2005 | linda | black |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> alter table es exchange partition p3 with table es2;
error 1704 (hy000): subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition</pre>
<p>exchange partition有着严格的要求<br>
两个将要交换的表的 列名,列的创建顺序,列的数量,以及索引都要严格一致。当然存储引擎也要一致</p>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> desc es2;
| field | type | null | key | default | extra |
| id | int(11) | no | | null | |
| fname | varchar(30) | yes | | null | |
| lname | varchar(30) | yes | | null | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create index id_name on es2(id,fname);
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
records: 0 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> alter table es exchange partition p3sp0 with table es2;
error 1736 (hy000): tables have different definitions</pre>
<pre class="brush:sql;">mysql> drop index id_name on es2;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 0 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> alter table es2 engine=myisam;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
records: 0 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
mysql> alter table es exchange partition p3sp0 with table es2;
error 1497 (hy000): the mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of mysql</pre>
<h3 id="分区表的维护">分区表的维护</h3>
<p>check table, optimize table, analyze table, and repair table可以被用于维护分区表</p>
<p>rebuilding partitions.相当于将分区中的数据drop掉再插入回来,对于避免磁盘碎片很有效<br>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table t1 rebuild partition p0, p1;</pre>
<p>optimizing partitions.如果你的表增加删除了大量数据,或者进行了大量的边长列的更新操作( varchar, blob, or text columns)。那么optimize partition将回收未使用的空间,并整理分区数据文件。<br>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table t1 optimize partition p0, p1;</pre>
<p>运行optimize partition 相当于做了 check partition, analyze partition, and repair partition</p>
<p>some mysql storage engines, including innodb, do not support per-partition optimization; in these cases, alter table … optimize partition rebuilds the entire table. in mysql 5.6.9 and later, running this statement on such a table causes the entire table to rebuilt and analyzed, and an appropriate warning to be issued. (bug #11751825, bug #42822) use alter table … rebuild partition and alter table … analyze partition instead, to avoid this issue.</p>
<p>analyzing partitions.读取并保存分区的键分布<br>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table t1 analyze partition p3;</pre>
<p>repairing partitions.修补被破坏的分区<br>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table t1 repair partition p0,p1;</pre>
<p>checking partitions.可以使用几乎与对非分区表使用check table 相同的方式检查分区。<br>
<pre class="brush:sql;">alter table trb3 check partition p1;</pre>
<p>这个命令可以告诉你表trb3的分区p1中的数据或索引是否已经被破坏。如果发生了这种情况,使用“alter table … repair partition”来修补该分区。</p>
<h4 id="以上每个命令都支持将分区换成all">以上每个命令都支持将分区换成all</h4>
<p>the use of mysqlcheck and myisamchk is not supported with partitioned tables.</p>
<p>你可以使用 alter table … truncate partition. 来删除一个或多个分区中的数据<br>
如:alter table … truncate partition all删除所有数据</p>
<p>analyze, check, optimize, rebuild, repair, and truncate 操作不支持 subpartitions.</p>


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