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2017年12月12日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

看看下面三个关联查询的 sql 语句有何区别?

select * from film join film_actor on (film.film_id = film_actor.film_id)
select * from film join film_actor using (film_id)
select * from film, film_actor where film.film_id = film_actor.film_id


为了方便区别,我们将前两种写法称作是 ansi 风格,第三种称为 theta 风格。
theta 风格

在 from 短语中列出了关联的表名,而 where 短语则指定如何关联。


select * from film, film_actor where film.film_id = film_actor.film_id and actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120

上述查询列出片长超过 120 分钟的电影,其中包括演员编号是 17 的条件。别在意查询结果,查询本身如何呢?where 表达式中包含三个条件,要看出哪个条件是关联,哪个条件是过滤还是稍费点事的。不过还是相对简单的,但如果是 5 个表,20 多个条件呢?
ansi 风格: on

使用 join ... on 可以将表关联的条件和记录过滤条件分开,将上面的语句重写后的结果如下:

select * from film join film_actor on (film.film_id = film_actor.film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120


注意: on 语句中的括号不是必须的,我个人喜欢这样写而已。

ansi 风格: using

有一种特殊情况,当两个要关联表的字段名是一样的,我们可以使用  using ,可减少 sql 语句的长度:

select * from film join film_actor using (film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120


using 和 on


select film.title, film_id from film join film_actor using (film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120;


select film.title, film_id from film join film_actor on (film.film_id = film_actor.film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120;error 1052 (23000): column 'film_id' in field list is ambiguous

因为 using "知道" film_id 字段在两个表中都有,所以没有指定确切的表都没关系,两个值必须一致就是。

on 就没那么智能,你必须指明要关联的表和字段名。

上面两个实际的结果是比较有趣的,当使用 using 时,字段只在结果中出现一次:

select * from film join film_actor using (film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120 limit 1\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       film_id: 96
        title: breaking home
     description: a beautiful display of a secret agent and a monkey who must battle a sumo wrestler in an abandoned mine shaft
    release_year: 2006
     language_id: 1
original_language_id: null
   rental_duration: 4
     rental_rate: 2.99
       length: 169
  replacement_cost: 21.99
       rating: pg-13
  special_features: trailers,commentaries
     last_update: 2006-02-15 05:03:42
      actor_id: 17
     last_update: 2006-02-15 05:05:03

而使用 on 时,字段就会出现两次:

select * from film join film_actor on film.film_id = film_actor.film_id where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120 limit 1\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       film_id: 96
        title: breaking home
     description: a beautiful display of a secret agent and a monkey who must battle a sumo wrestler in an abandoned mine shaft
    release_year: 2006
     language_id: 1
original_language_id: null
   rental_duration: 4
     rental_rate: 2.99
       length: 169
  replacement_cost: 21.99
       rating: pg-13
  special_features: trailers,commentaries
     last_update: 2006-02-15 05:03:42
      actor_id: 17
       film_id: 96
     last_update: 2006-02-15 05:05:03


mysql 对两者的处理方式是相同的,使用 explain extended 我们可以看到:

explain extended select film.title, film_id from film join film_actor using (film_id) where actor_id = 17 and film.length > 120\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
root@mysql-5.1.51> show warnings\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 level: note
  code: 1003
message: select `sakila`.`film`.`title` as `title`,`sakila`.`film`.`film_id` as `film_id`
     from `sakila`.`film` join `sakila`.`film_actor`
     where (
         (`sakila`.`film`.`film_id` = `sakila`.`film_actor`.`film_id`)
         and (`sakila`.`film_actor`.`actor_id` = 17)
         and (`sakila`.`film`.`length` > 120)

最终所有的查询都被转成了 theta 风格。


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