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2018年09月10日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



id主键 + rc

id唯一索引 + rc

id非唯一索引 + rc

id无索引 + rc

id主键 + rr

id唯一索引 + rr

id非唯一索引 + rr

id无索引 + rr




select * from t1 where id = 10;(不加锁。因为mysql是使用多版本并发控制的,读不加锁。)

delete from t1 where id = 10;(需根据多种情况进行分析)

假设t1表上有索引,执行计划一定会选择使用索引进行过滤 (索引扫描),根据以下组合,来进行分析。


1. id主键 + rc

id主键read committed 隔离级别,给定sql:delete from t1 where id = 10; 只需要将主键上,id = 10的记录加上x锁即可。如下图所示:



mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table t1 add primary key (id);

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'a'),(4,'c'),(7,'b'),(10,'a'),(20,'d'),(30,'b');

mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
|  1 | a    |
|  4 | c    |
|  7 | b    |
| 10 | a    |
| 20 | d    |
| 30 | b    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select @@tx_isolation;
| @@tx_isolation |
| read-committed |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
|  1 | a    |
|  4 | c    |
|  7 | b    |
| 10 | a    |
| 20 | d    |
| 30 | b    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=10;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=11;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 0  changed: 0  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=7;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0



2. id唯一索引 + rc

id不是主键,而是一个unique的二级索引键值。那么在rc隔离级别下,delete from t1 where id = 10; 需要加什么锁呢?见下图:

此组合中,id是unique索引,而主键是name列。此时,加锁的情况由于组合一有所不同。由于id是unique索引,因此delete语句会选择走id列的索引进行where条件的过滤,在找到id=10的记录后,首先会将unique索引上的id=10索引记录加上x锁,同时,会根据读取到的name列,回主键索引(聚簇索引),然后将聚簇索引上的name = ‘d’ 对应的主键索引项加x锁。

为什么聚簇索引上的记录也要加锁?试想一下,如果并发的一个sql,是通过主键索引来更新:update t1 set id = 100 where name = 'd';此时,如果delete语句没有将主键索引上的记录加锁,那么并发的update就会感知不到delete语句的存在,违背了同一记录上的更新/删除需要串行执行的约束。

结论:若id列是unique列,其上有unique索引。那么sql需要加两个x锁,一个对应于id unique索引上的id = 10的记录,另一把锁对应于聚簇索引上的[name=’d’,id=10]的记录。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> alter table test.t1 add unique index idx_id (id);
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)
records: 0  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
records: 0  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'f'),(2,'zz'),(3,'b'),(5,'a'),(6,'c'),(10,'d');
query ok, 6 rows affected (0.01 sec)
records: 6  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    1 | f    |
|    2 | zz   |
|    3 | b    |
|    5 | a    |
|    6 | c    |
|   10 | d    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set id =100 where name='d';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set id =100 where name='c';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id =101 where name='a';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0


3. id非唯一索引 + rc

id列是一个普通索引。假设delete from t1 where id = 10; 语句,仍旧选择id列上的索引进行过滤where条件,那么此时会持有哪些锁?同样见下图:

根据此图,可以看到,首先,id列索引上,满足id = 10查询条件的记录,均已加锁。同时,这些记录对应的主键索引上的记录也都加上了锁。与组合二唯一的区别在于,组合二最多只有一个满足等值查询的记录,而组合三会将所有满足查询条件的记录都加锁。



mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);

mysql> alter table t1 add index idx_id (id);

mysql> insert into t1 values(2,'zz'),(6,'c'),(10,'b'),(10,'d'),(11,'f'),(15,'a');


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    2 | zz   |
|    6 | c    |
|   10 | b    |
|   10 | d    |
|   11 | f    |
|   15 | a    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set id=11 where name='b';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set id=11 where name='d';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set id=11 where name='f';
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 0  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id=11 where name='c';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0


4. id无索引 + rc

id列上没有索引,where id = 10;这个过滤条件,没法通过索引进行过滤,那么只能走全表扫描做过滤。
对应于这个组合,sql会加什么锁?或者是换句话说,全表扫描时,会加什么锁?这个答案也有很多:有人说会在表上加x锁;有人说会将聚簇索引上,选择出来的id = 10;的记录加上x锁。那么实际情况呢?请看下图:


为什么不是只在满足条件的记录上加锁呢?这是由于mysql的实现决定的。如果一个条件无法通过索引快速过滤,那么存储引擎层面就会将所有记录加锁后返回,然后由mysql server层进行过滤。因此也就把所有的记录,都锁上了。

注:在实际的实现中,mysql有一些改进,在mysql server过滤条件,发现不满足后,会调用unlock_row方法,把不满足条件的记录放锁 (违背了2pl的约束)。这样做,保证了最后只会持有满足条件记录上的锁,但是每条记录的加锁操作还是不能省略的。

结论:若id列上没有索引,sql会走聚簇索引的全扫描进行过滤,由于过滤是由mysql server层面进行的。因此每条记录,无论是否满足条件,都会被加上x锁。但是,为了效率考量,mysql做了优化,对于不满足条件的记录,会在判断后放锁,最终持有的,是满足条件的记录上的锁,但是不满足条件的记录上的加锁/放锁动作不会省略。同时,优化也违背了2pl的约束。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);

mysql> insert into t1 values(5,'a'),(3,'b'),(10,'d'),(2,'f'),(10,'g'),(9,'zz');

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    5 | a    |
|    3 | b    |
|   10 | d    |
|    2 | f    |
|   10 | g    |
|    9 | zz   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='a';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='b';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='d';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='f';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='g';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='zz';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id=6 where name='zzf';
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 0  changed: 0  warnings: 0




5. id主键 + rr

id列是主键列,repeatable read隔离级别,针对delete from t1 where id = 10; 这条sql,加锁与组合一:"id主键 + rc"一致。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table t1 add primary key (id);

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'a'),(4,'c'),(7,'b'),(10,'a'),(20,'d'),(30,'b');

mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
|  1 | a    |
|  4 | c    |
|  7 | b    |
| 10 | a    |
| 20 | d    |
| 30 | b    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @@tx_isolation;
| @@tx_isolation  |
| repeatable-read |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
|  1 | a    |
|  4 | c    |
|  7 | b    |
| 10 | a    |
| 20 | d    |
| 30 | b    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=10;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=11;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 0  changed: 0  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set name='a1' where id=7;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0


6. id唯一索引 + rr

id唯一索引 + rr的加锁与id唯一索引,rc一致。两个x锁,id唯一索引满足条件的记录上一个,对应的聚簇索引上的记录一个。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table test.t1 add unique index idx_id (id);

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'f'),(2,'zz'),(3,'b'),(5,'a'),(6,'c'),(10,'d');


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    1 | f    |
|    2 | zz   |
|    3 | b    |
|    5 | a    |
|    6 | c    |
|   10 | d    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set id =100 where name='d';
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> update t1 set id =100 where name='c';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0

mysql> update t1 set id =101 where name='a';
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
rows matched: 1  changed: 1  warnings: 0


7. id非唯一索引 + rr

在repeatable read隔离级别,id上有一个非唯一索引,执行delete from t1 where id = 10; 假设选择id列上的索引进行条件过滤,最后的加锁行为,是怎么样的呢?同样看下面这幅图:

此图,相对于组合三:[id列上非唯一锁,read committed]看似相同,其实却有很大的区别。最大的区别在于,这幅图中多了一个gap锁,而且gap锁看起来也不是加在记录上的,倒像是加载两条记录之间的位置,gap锁有何用?

其实这个多出来的gap锁,就是rr隔离级别,相对于rc隔离级别,不会出现幻读的关键。确实,gap锁锁住的位置,也不是记录本身,而是两条记录之间的gap。所谓幻读,就是同一个事务,连续做两次当前读 (例如:select * from t1 where id = 10 for update;),那么这两次当前读返回的是完全相同的记录 (记录数量一致,记录本身也一致),第二次的当前读,不会比第一次返回更多的记录 (幻象)。


如图中所示,有哪些位置可以插入新的满足条件的项 (id = 10),考虑到b+树索引的有序性,满足条件的项一定是连续存放的。记录[6,c]之前,不会插入id=10的记录;[6,c]与[10,b]间可以插入[10, aa];[10,b]与[10,d]间,可以插入新的[10,bb],[10,c]等;[10,d]与[11,f]间可以插入满足条件的[10,e],[10,z]等;而[11,f]之后也不会插入满足条件的记录。因此,为了保证[6,c]与[10,b]间,[10,b]与[10,d]间,[10,d]与[11,f]不会插入新的满足条件的记录,mysql选择了用gap锁,将这三个gap给锁起来。

insert操作,如insert [10,aa],首先会定位到[6,c]与[10,b]间,然后在插入前,会检查这个gap是否已经被锁上,如果被锁上,则insert不能插入记录。因此,通过第一遍的当前读,不仅将满足条件的记录锁上 (x锁),与组合三类似。同时还是增加3把gap锁,将可能插入满足条件记录的3个gap给锁上,保证后续的insert不能插入新的id=10的记录,也就杜绝了同一事务的第二次当前读,出现幻象的情况。



其实,针对此问题,还有一个更深入的问题:如果组合五、组合六下,针对sql:select * from t1 where id = 10 for update; 第一次查询,没有找到满足查询条件的记录,那么gap锁是否还能够省略?

结论:repeatable read隔离级别下,id列上有一个非唯一索引,对应sql:delete from t1 where id = 10; 首先,通过id索引定位到第一条满足查询条件的记录,加记录上的x锁,加gap上的gap锁,然后加主键聚簇索引上的记录x锁,然后返回;然后读取下一条,重复进行。直至进行到第一条不满足条件的记录[11,f],此时,不需要加记录x锁,但是仍旧需要加gap锁,最后返回结束。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);

mysql> alter table t1 add index idx_id (id);

mysql> insert into t1 values(2,'zz'),(6,'c'),(10,'b'),(10,'d'),(11,'f'),(15,'a');


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    2 | zz   |
|    6 | c    |
|   10 | b    |
|   10 | d    |
|   11 | f    |
|   15 | a    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into t1 values(6,'aa');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into t1 values(6,'bb');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into t1 values(6,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(7,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(8,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(9,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(10,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(11,'cc');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> insert into t1 values(11,'ff');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into t1 values(11,'g');
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


8. id无索引 + rr

repeatable read隔离级别下,id列上没有索引。此时sql:delete from t1 where id = 10; 只能进行全表扫描。最终的加锁情况,如下图所示:



当然,跟id无索引, read committed类似,这个情况下,mysql也做了一些优化,就是所谓的semi-consistent read

semi-consistent read开启的情况下,对于不满足查询条件的记录,mysql会提前放锁。


semi-consistent read如何触发:1)read committed隔离级别;2)repeatable read隔离级别,同时设置了 innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog 参数。
更详细的关于semi-consistent read的介绍,可参考博客: 。

结论:在repeatable read隔离级别下,如果进行全表扫描的当前读,那么会锁上表中的所有记录,同时会锁上聚簇索引内的所有gap,杜绝所有的并发 更新/删除/插入 操作。当然,也可以通过触发semi-consistent read,来缓解加锁开销与并发影响,但是semi-consistent read本身也会带来其他问题,不建议使用。


mysql> create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));

mysql> alter table test.t1 add primary key (name);

mysql> insert into t1 values(5,'a'),(3,'b'),(10,'d'),(2,'f'),(10,'g'),(9,'zz');

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=10;
query ok, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | name |
|    5 | a    |
|    3 | b    |
|   10 | d    |
|    2 | f    |
|   10 | g    |
|    9 | zz   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'j');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(2,'j');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
mysql> insert into t1 values(100,'j');
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction


9. serializable

serializable隔离级别。对于sql2:delete from t1 where id = 10; 来说,serializable隔离级别与repeatable read隔离级别完全一致,因此不做介绍。

serializable隔离级别,影响的是sql1:select * from t1 where id = 10; 这条sql,在rc,rr隔离级别下,都是快照读,不加锁。但是在serializable隔离级别,sql1会加读锁,也就是说快照读不复存在,mvcc并发控制降级为lock-based cc。


10. 一条复杂的sql


如图中的sql,会加什么锁?假定在repeatable read隔离级别下 ,同时,假设sql走的是idx_t1_pu索引。

在详细分析这条sql的加锁情况前,还需要有一个知识储备,那就是一个sql中的where条件如何拆分?具体的介绍,建议阅读文章: 。分析结果:

  • index key:pubtime > 1 and puptime < 20。此条件,用于确定sql在idx_t1_pu索引上的查询范围。

  • index filter:userid = 'hdc' 。此条件,可以在idx_t1_pu索引上进行过滤,但不属于index key。

  • table filter:comment is not null。此条件,在idx_t1_pu索引上无法过滤,只能在聚簇索引上过滤。

在分析出sql where条件的构成之后,再来看看这条sql的加锁情况 (rr隔离级别),如下图所示:

从图中可以看出,在repeatable read隔离级别下,由index key所确定的范围,被加上了gap锁;index filter锁给定的条件 (userid = ‘hdc’)何时过滤,视mysql的版本而定,在mysql 5.6版本之前,不支持index condition pushdown(icp),因此index filter在mysql server层过滤,在5.6后支持了index condition pushdown,则在index上过滤。若不支持icp,不满足index filter的记录,也需要加上记录x锁,若支持icp,则不满足index filter的记录,无需加记录x锁 (图中,用红色箭头标出的x锁,是否要加,视是否支持icp而定);而table filter对应的过滤条件,则在聚簇索引中读取后,在mysql server层面过滤,因此聚簇索引上也需要x锁。最后,选取出了一条满足条件的记录[8,hdc,d,5,good],但是加锁的数量,要远远大于满足条件的记录数量。

结论:repeatable read隔离级别下,针对一个复杂的sql,首先需要提取其where条件。index key确定的范围,需要加上gap锁;index filter过滤条件,视mysql版本是否支持icp,若支持icp,则不满足index filter的记录,不加x锁,否则需要x锁;table filter过滤条件,无论是否满足,都需要加x锁。


mysql> create table t1(id int,userid varchar(10),blogid varchar(10),pubtime int,comment varchar(10));
mysql> alter table t1 add index idx_t1_pu (pubtime,userid);
mysql> alter table t1 add primary key (id);

mysql> insert into t1 values(1,'hdc','a',10,null),(4,'yyy','b',3,null),(6,'hdc','c',100,null),(8,'hdc','d',5,'good'),(10,'hdc','e',1,null),(100,'bbb','f',20,null);

mysql> select * from t1;
| id  | userid | blogid | pubtime | comment |
|   1 | hdc    | a      |      10 | null    |
|   4 | yyy    | b      |       3 | null    |
|   6 | hdc    | c      |     100 | null    |
|   8 | hdc    | d      |       5 | good    |
|  10 | hdc    | e      |       1 | null    |
| 100 | bbb    | f      |      20 | null    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql>  select * from t1 force index (idx_t1_pu) where pubtime > 1 and pubtime < 20 and userid = 'hdc' and comment is not null for update;
| id | userid | blogid | pubtime | comment |
|  8 | hdc    | d      |       5 | good    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime > 1 and pubtime < 20 and userid = 'hdc' and comment is not null;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=1;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=3;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=5;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=10;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=20;
error 1205 (hy000): lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

mysql> delete from t1 where pubtime=100;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


11. 死锁原理与分析





 create table t1 (id int,name varchar(10));
 alter table t1 add primary key (id);
 alter table t1 add index idx_name (name);
 insert into t1 values(1,'aaa'),(2,'ccc'),(3,'aaa'),(4,'bbb'),(5,'ccc'),(6,'zzz');


mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from t1 where id=1 for update;
| id | name |
|  1 | aaa  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update t1 set name='qqq' where id=5;
error 1213 (40001): deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

mysql> begin;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=5;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from t1 where id=1;
query ok, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)


2018-09-07t08:55:27.931528z 17 [note] innodb: *** we roll back transaction (1)

2018-09-07t08:59:43.321054z 17 [note] innodb: transactions deadlock detected, dumping detailed information.
2018-09-07t08:59:43.321129z 17 [note] innodb: 
*** (1) transaction:

transaction 448141, active 32 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
lock wait 3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s)
mysql thread id 16, os thread handle 139708911650560, query id 238 localhost root updating
update t1 set name='qqq' where id=5
2018-09-07t08:59:43.321178z 17 [note] innodb: *** (1) waiting for this lock to be granted:

record locks space id 574 page no 3 n bits 80 index primary of table `test`.`t1` trx id 448141 lock_mode x locks rec but not gap waiting
record lock, heap no 6 physical record: n_fields 4; compact format; info bits 32
 0: len 4; hex 80000005; asc     ;;
 1: len 6; hex 00000006d68e; asc       ;;
 2: len 7; hex 300000000606cd; asc 0      ;;
 3: len 3; hex 636363; asc ccc;;

2018-09-07t08:59:43.321659z 17 [note] innodb: *** (2) transaction:

transaction 448142, active 17 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
3 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
mysql thread id 17, os thread handle 139708912715520, query id 239 localhost root updating
delete from t1 where id=1
2018-09-07t08:59:43.321700z 17 [note] innodb: *** (2) holds the lock(s):

record locks space id 574 page no 3 n bits 80 index primary of table `test`.`t1` trx id 448142 lock_mode x locks rec but not gap
record lock, heap no 6 physical record: n_fields 4; compact format; info bits 32
 0: len 4; hex 80000005; asc     ;;
 1: len 6; hex 00000006d68e; asc       ;;
 2: len 7; hex 300000000606cd; asc 0      ;;
 3: len 3; hex 636363; asc ccc;;

2018-09-07t08:59:43.322123z 17 [note] innodb: *** (2) waiting for this lock to be granted:

record locks space id 574 page no 3 n bits 80 index primary of table `test`.`t1` trx id 448142 lock_mode x locks rec but not gap waiting
record lock, heap no 2 physical record: n_fields 4; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 1: len 6; hex 00000006d663; asc      c;;
 2: len 7; hex f4000000060110; asc        ;;
 3: len 3; hex 616161; asc aaa;;

2018-09-07t08:59:43.347673z 17 [note] innodb: *** we roll back transaction (1)



虽然每个session都只有一条语句,仍旧会产生死锁。要分析这个死锁,首先必须用到本文前面提到的mysql加锁的规则。针对session 1,从name索引出发,读到的[hdc, 1],[hdc, 6]均满足条件,不仅会加name索引上的记录x锁,而且会加聚簇索引上的记录x锁,加锁顺序为先[1,hdc,100],后[6,hdc,10]。而session 2,从pubtime索引出发,[10,6],[100,1]均满足过滤条件,同样也会加聚簇索引上的记录x锁,加锁顺序为[6,hdc,10],后[1,hdc,100]。发现没有,跟session 1的加锁顺序正好相反,如果两个session恰好都持有了第一把锁,请求加第二把锁,死锁就发生了。


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