当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>数据库>Oracle > oracle进阶教程之connectby实例学习


2018年10月09日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


connect by 用于存在父子,祖孙,上下级等层级关系的数据表进行层级查询。


{ connect by [ nocycle ] condition [and condition]... [ start with condition ]

| start with condition connect by [ nocycle ] condition [and condition]...



start with: 指定起始节点的条件

connect by: 指定父子行的条件关系

prior: 查询父行的限定符,格式: prior column1 = column2 or column1 = prior column2 and ... ,

nocycle: 若数据表中存在循环行,那么不添加此关键字会报错,添加关键字后,便不会报错,但循环的两行只会显示其中的第一条

循环行: 该行只有一个子行,而且子行又是该行的祖先行

connect_by_iscycle: 前置条件:在使用了nocycle之后才能使用此关键字,用于表示是否是循环行,0表示否,1 表示是

connect_by_isleaf: 是否是叶子节点,0表示否,1 表示是

level: level伪列,表示层级,值越小层级越高,level=1为层级最高节点


-- 创建表
create table employee(
       emp_id number(18),
       lead_id number(18),
       emp_name varchar2(200),
       salary number(10,2),
       dept_no varchar2(8)

-- 添加数据
insert into employee values('1',0,'king','1000000.00','001');
insert into employee values('2',1,'jack','50500.00','002');
insert into employee values('3',1,'arise','60000.00','003');
insert into employee values('4',2,'scott','30000.00','002');
insert into employee values('5',2,'tiger','25000.00','002');
insert into employee values('6',3,'wudde','23000.00','003');
insert into employee values('7',3,'joker','21000.00','003');commit;





(1) 查询以emp_id为0开始的节点的所有直属节点

     select emp_id,lead_id,emp_name,prior emp_name as lead_name,salary
     from employee
     start with  lead_id=0
     connect by prior emp_id =  lead_id 

-- 等同于

 select emp_id,lead_id,emp_name,prior emp_name as lead_name,salary
 from employee
 start with emp_id=1
 connect by prior emp_id = lead_id 


(2) 以emp_id为6的所有祖先节点

       select emp_id,lead_id,emp_name,salary
       from employee 
       start with emp_id=6
       connect by prior lead_id=emp_id;


(3) 查询一个节点的叔叔伯父节点

       with t as (
       select  employee.*,prior emp_name,level le
       from employee 
       start with lead_id = 0
       connect by lead_id=prior emp_id
       select *
       from t 
       left join t tt on tt.emp_id=6
       where t.le = (tt.le-1)
       and t.emp_id not in (tt.lead_id)    


(4) 查询族兄

       with t as (
            select employee.*,prior emp_name,level le
           from employee 
           start with lead_id=0
           connect by lead_id= prior emp_id
       select t.*
       from t  t
       left join t tt on tt.emp_id=6
       where t.le=tt.le and t.emp_id<>6;


(5) level伪列的使用,格式化层级

       select lpad(' ',level*2,' ')||emp_name as name,emp_id,lead_id,salary,level
       from employee
       start with lead_id=0
       connect by prior emp_id=lead_id



(6) connect_by_root 查找根节点

       select connect_by_root emp_name,emp_name,lead_id,salary
       from employee  
       where dept_no='002'
       start with lead_id=1
       connect by  prior emp_id = lead_id;


(7) 标注循环行

       -- 插入一条数据,与另一条emp_id=7的数据组成循环行
       insert into employee values('3',7,'joker_cycle','21000.00','003');
       -- connect_by_iscycle("cycle"), connect by nocycle
       select emp_id,emp_name,lead_id,salary,connect_by_iscycle as cycle 
       from employee 
       start with lead_id=0
       connect by nocycle prior emp_id = lead_id;


(8) connect_by_isleaf 是否是叶子节点

       select emp_id,emp_name,lead_id,salary,connect_by_isleaf
       from employee
       start with lead_id=0
       connect by nocycle prior emp_id=lead_id;


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