当前位置: 移动技术网 > 移动技术>移动开发>Android > JDK Android_SDK Android_Studio Genymotion VirtualBox搭建安卓开发环境

JDK Android_SDK Android_Studio Genymotion VirtualBox搭建安卓开发环境

2018年11月03日  | 移动技术网移动技术  | 我要评论

jdk android_sdk android_studio genymotion virtualbox搭建安卓开发环境。


(二)android sdk安装和配置

(三)android studio安装和配置




在/hime/softwares下新建android_sdk? android_studio? genymotion? jdk? virtualbox文件夹

[xhh@localhost ~]$ su


[root@localhost xhh]# pwd


[root@localhost xhh]# cd /home

[root@localhost home]# dir


[root@localhost home]# mkdir softwares

[root@localhost home]# cd softwares

[root@localhost softwares]# mkdir jdk android_sdk android_studio genymotion virtualbox

[root@localhost softwares]# dir

android_sdk? android_studio? genymotion? jdk? virtualbox

[root@localhost softwares]#


[xhh@localhost downloads]$ su


[root@localhost downloads]# dir






[root@localhost downloads]# mv jdk-8u161-linux-x64.tar.gz /home/softwares/jdk

[root@localhost downloads]# mv android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz /home/softwares/android_sdk

[root@localhost downloads]# mv android-studio-ide-171.4443003-linux.zip /home/softwares/android_studio

[root@localhost downloads]# mv genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin /home/softwares/genymotion

[root@localhost downloads]# mv virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64.rpm /home/softwares/virtualbox





[root@localhost softwares]# cd jdk

[root@localhost jdk]# dir


[root@localhost jdk]# tar -xzvf jdk-8u161-linux-x64.tar.gz

[root@localhost jdk]# dir

jdk1.8.0_161? jdk-8u161-linux-x64.tar.gz

[root@localhost jdk]# cd jdk1.8.0_161

[root@localhost jdk1.8.0_161]# dir

bin?? ??? db?? ???? javafx-src.zip? lib????? man?? ?? release? thirdpartylicensereadme-javafx.txt

copyright? include? jre?? ??? ???? license? readme.html? src.zip? thirdpartylicensereadme.txt

[root@localhost jdk1.8.0_161]# cd lib

[root@localhost lib]# dir

amd64?? ??? ?ct.sym?? ?ir.idl?? ??????? jconsole.jar? missioncontrol? packager.jar? tools.jar

ant-javafx.jar?? ?dt.jar?? ?javafx-mx.jar? jexec?? ????? orb.idl?? ????? sa-jdi.jar??? visualvm

[root@localhost lib]# vim /etc/profile

export java_home=/home/softwares/jdk/jdk1.8.0_161

export path=$path:$java_home/bin

export classpath=$java_home/lib/dt.jar:$java_home/lib/tools.jar

[root@localhost lib]# source /etc/profile

[root@localhost lib]# java -version

openjdk version "1.8.0_131"

openjdk runtime environment (build 1.8.0_131-b12)

openjdk 64-bit server vm (build 25.131-b12, mixed mode)

[root@localhost lib]#


(二)android sdk安装和配置


[xhh@localhost android_sdk]$ dir


[xhh@localhost android_sdk]$ su


[root@localhost android_sdk]# tar -xvf android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz

[root@localhost android_sdk]# dir

android-sdk-linux? android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz

[root@localhost android_sdk]# cd android-sdk-linux

[root@localhost android-sdk-linux]# dir

add-ons? platforms? sdk\ readme.txt? tools

[root@localhost android-sdk-linux]# cd tools

[root@localhost tools]# dir

android? ddms?? ??? ?? emulator64-ranchu-arm64?? emulator-ranchu-arm64?? lib?????? monkeyrunner? source.properties

ant?? ? draw9patch?? ?? emulator64-ranchu-mips64? emulator-ranchu-mips64? lib64???? notice.txt??? support

apps?? ? emulator?? ?? emulator64-x86?? ???? emulator-x86?? ???? lint????? proguard?? ???? templates

bin?? ? emulator64-arm?? emulator-arm?? ??? ???? hierarchyviewer?? ???? mksdcard? qemu?? ???? traceview

bin64?? ? emulator64-mips? emulator-mips?? ??? ???? jobb?? ??? ???? monitor?? screenshot2?? uiautomatorviewer

[root@localhost tools]# ./android

在android sdk manager中载tools、api extras等

[root@localhost tools]# vim /etc/profile

export android_home=/home/softwares/android_sdk/android-sdk-linux

export path=$path:$android_home/tools:$android_home/platform-tools

[root@localhost tools]# source /etc/profile


(三)android studio安装和配置


[root@localhost android_studio]# dir


[root@localhost android_studio]# unzip android-studio-ide-171.4443003-linux.zip

[root@localhost android_studio]# dir

android-studio?? ?android-studio-ide-171.4443003-linux.zip

[root@localhost android_studio]# cd android-studio

[root@localhost android-studio]# dir

bin? build.txt?? ?gradle?? ?install-linux-tar.txt? jre? lib? license? license.txt? notice.txt? plugins

[root@localhost android-studio]# cd bin

[root@localhost bin]# dir

appletviewer.policy? fsnotifier??? idea.properties? lldb???? printenv.py? studio64.vmoptions? studio.sh

format.sh?? ????? fsnotifier64? inspect.sh?? ???? log.xml? restart.py?? studio.png?? ?????? studio.vmoptions

[root@localhost bin]# ./studio.sh




[xhh@localhost genymotion]$ su


[root@localhost genymotion]# dir


[root@localhost genymotion]# ./genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin

bash: ./genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin: permission denied

[root@localhost genymotion]# chmod +x genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin

[root@localhost genymotion]# ./genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin

bash: ./genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin: permission denied

[root@localhost genymotion]# bash ./genymotion-2.12.0-linux_x64.bin

installing for all users.

installing to folder [/opt/genymobile/genymotion]. are you sure [y/n] ? y

- trying to find virtualbox toolset .................... warning (virtualbox was not found in you path. please install it manually)

- extracting files ..................................... ok (extract into: [/opt/genymobile/genymotion])

- installing launcher icon ............................. ok

installation done successfully.

you can now use these tools from [/opt/genymobile/genymotion]:

?- genymotion

?- genymotion-shell

?- gmtool

[root@localhost genymotion]#




[xhh@localhost virtualbox]$ su


[root@localhost virtualbox]# dir


[root@localhost virtualbox]# rpm -ivh virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64.rpm

warning: virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64.rpm: header v4 dsa/sha1 signature, key id 98ab5139: nokey

error: failed dependencies:

?? ?libsdl-1.2.so.0()(64bit) is needed by virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64

[root@localhost virtualbox]# yum search libsdl

loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks

loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

?* base: mirrors.cn99.com

?* extras: mirrors.aliyun.com

?* updates: mirrors.163.com

====================================================== matched: libsdl =======================================================

sdl.i686 : a cross-platform multimedia library

sdl.x86_64 : a cross-platform multimedia library

sdl-devel.i686 : files needed to develop simple directmedia layer applications

sdl-devel.x86_64 : files needed to develop simple directmedia layer applications

sdl-static.i686 : files needed to develop static simple directmedia layer applications

sdl-static.x86_64 : files needed to develop static simple directmedia layer applications

[root@localhost virtualbox]# yum install sdl-devel.x86_64

[root@localhost virtualbox]# rpm -ivh virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64.rpm

warning: virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-1.x86_64.rpm: header v4 dsa/sha1 signature, key id 98ab5139: nokey

preparing...????????????????????????? ################################# [100%]

updating / installing...

?? 1:virtualbox-5.1-5.1.30_118389_el7-################################# [100%]

creating group 'vboxusers'. vm users must be member of that group!

vboxdrv.sh: failed: look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong.

this system is not currently set up to build kernel modules (system extensions).

running the following commands should set the system up correctly:

? yum install gcc make

? yum install kernel-devel-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64

(the last command may fail if your system is not fully updated.)

? yum install kernel-devel

there were problems setting up virtualbox.? to re-start the set-up process, run

? /sbin/vboxconfig

as root.

[root@localhost virtualbox]# yum install gcc make

[root@localhost virtualbox]# yum install kernel-devel-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64

[root@localhost virtualbox]# /sbin/vboxconfig

vboxdrv.sh: stopping virtualbox services.

vboxdrv.sh: building virtualbox kernel modules.

vboxdrv.sh: starting virtualbox services.

[root@localhost virtualbox]# locate virtualbox

[root@localhost virtualbox]# find / -name virtualbox


find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: permission denied




[1]+? stopped???????????????? find / -name virtualbox

[root@localhost virtualbox]# cd /usr/bin

[root@localhost bin]# ./virtualbox

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