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Aspose.Words 将word2中的内容插入到word1中的指定位置

2018年11月16日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论




        public static void insertdocumentatbookmark(string datadir)
            document maindoc = new document(datadir + "insertdocument1.doc");
            document subdoc = new document(datadir + "insertdocument2.doc");

            bookmark bookmark = maindoc.range.bookmarks["insertionplace"];
            insertdocument(bookmark.bookmarkstart.parentnode, subdoc);
            datadir = datadir + "insertdocumentatbookmark_out.doc";

        /// <summary>
        /// 在指定节点之后插入外部文档的内容。
        /// 插入文档的分节符和节格式将被忽略。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="insertafternode">node in the destination document after which the content
        /// should be inserted. this node should be a block level node (paragraph or table).</param>
        /// <param name="srcdoc">the document to insert.</param>
        static void insertdocument(node insertafternode, document srcdoc)
            // make sure that the node is either a paragraph or table.
            if ((!insertafternode.nodetype.equals(nodetype.paragraph)) &
                throw new argumentexception("the destination node should be either a paragraph or table.");

            // we will be inserting into the parent of the destination paragraph.
            compositenode dststory = insertafternode.parentnode;

            // this object will be translating styles and lists during the import.
            nodeimporter importer = new nodeimporter(srcdoc, insertafternode.document, importformatmode.keepsourceformatting);

            // loop through all sections in the source document.
            foreach (section srcsection in srcdoc.sections)
                // loop through all block level nodes (paragraphs and tables) in the body of the section.
                foreach (node srcnode in srcsection.body)
                    // let's skip the node if it is a last empty paragraph in a section.
                    if (srcnode.nodetype.equals(nodetype.paragraph))
                        paragraph para = (paragraph)srcnode;
                        if (para.isendofsection && !para.haschildnodes)

                    // this creates a clone of the node, suitable for insertion into the destination document.
                    node newnode = importer.importnode(srcnode, true);

                    // insert new node after the reference node.
                    dststory.insertafter(newnode, insertafternode);
                    insertafternode = newnode;


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