当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>脚本编程>Ajax > 流行的Ajax应用演示和源码下载


2017年12月12日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论
: ajax, simple, fast web image gallery demo ; at novell
: a microlink is a link that opens up content below it.
: demo by nigel crawley
: at aquaajax
: multiplayer chess
: examples demonstrating several aspects of the backbase technology.
: inner html, javascript updater etc.
: contact manager, noaa 7 day forecast code and demos.
: news feed
: highlight any text on this site then right click. a tooltip containing the definition of the selected word should show up.
: ajax loading gif generator.
: creating a secure login system using xmlhttprequest
: a newsletter signup form that shows thank you on the same page.
: project management applicaiton with rich ui
: a star rating system that uses ajax.
: an ajax-based slideshow system.
: spell check text / form content.
: tools for the ajax developer
: amazon catalog tree
: amazon product suggestion (like google suggest)
: digg-like ajax interactions; open source
: ajax demos at backbase
: ping, track changes, drop down, google suggest hack etc at clearnova
: fading lists, sortable lists, dropout boxen, shaky lists
: ajax chat
: daily word puzzles
: ajax slideshow
: a collection that demonstrate the power of dhtml
: windows desktop, outlook-like, rss reader
: at cyberdummy
: edit a piece of text inline
: file upload and progress bar at encodable.com
: at cyberdummy
: hello world, dynamic table, desktop app clone etc
: pop up window using idea of light box.
: ajax examples
: ajax-based catalogue demo
: linb(lazy internet and browser)
: ajax logging tool.
: js/uix is an un*x-like os for standard web-browsers, written entirely in javascript.
: free web chat application
: simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page.
: light box with inline div's instead of ajax calls.
: simple way of creating an updating stock quote table in ajax.
: drag and drop poetry
: php/mysql/javascript powered chat engine
: online calendar
: at cyberdummy
: open and extensible framework for managing configurations of common open source network services.
: image processing demo
: enabling ajax applications on mobile phones
: various examples illustrating the capabilities of ops, from the ops tutorial examples to xforms examples
: virtual office limited demo
: php free chat
: s5 is a slide show format based entirely on xhtml, css, and javascript.
: image reflector script that uses uses opacity-based fades
: at cyberdummy
: smallest ajax example in the world?
: by primal grasp
: japanese game demo
: tacos provides a library of useful tapestry components. this application provides some examples to get you started.
: to-do list / bug-tracker
: thickbox is a lightbox than can show html pages as well as images.
: tooltip.js is a simple class to make it possible to add tooltips to your page.
: ajax chat
: open-source to-do lists
: ajax boggle
: ajax chat
: yahoo search as you type
: demo programs for various components

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