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asp.net core 系列 12 选项 TOptions

2019年01月22日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

大竹爱子,西南铝板,温流 正雅


  本章讲的选项模式是对configuration配置的功能扩展。 讲这篇时有个专用名词叫“选项类(toptions)” 。该选项类作用是指:把选项类中的属性与配置来源中的键关联起来。举个例,假设json文件有个option1键,选项类中也有个叫option1的属性名,经过选项配置,这样就能把json中的键的值映射到选项类属性值中。也可以理解在项目应用中,把一个json文件序列化到.net类。




    // used for notifications when toptions instances change
    public interface ioptionsmonitor<out toptions>
        // 摘要:
        //     returns the current toptions instance with the microsoft.extensions.options.options.defaultname.
        toptions currentvalue { get; }

    // used to create toptions instances
    public interface ioptionsfactory<toptions> where toptions : class, new()
        // 摘要:
        //     returns a configured toptions instance with the given name.
        toptions create(string name);

    // represents something that configures the toptions type. note: these are run before all 
    public interface iconfigureoptions<in toptions> where toptions : class
        // 摘要:
        //     invoked to configure a toptions instance.
        // 参数:
        //   options:
        //     the options instance to configure.
        void configure(toptions options);

    public interface ipostconfigureoptions<in toptions> where toptions : class
        // 摘要:
        //     invoked to configure a toptions instance.
        // 参数:
        //   name:
        //     the name of the options instance being configured.
        //   options:
        //     the options instance to configured.
        void postconfigure(string name, toptions options);

    public interface iconfigurenamedoptions<in toptions> : iconfigureoptions<toptions> where toptions : class
        // 摘要:
        //     invoked to configure a toptions instance.
        // 参数:
        //   name:
        //     the name of the options instance being configured.
        //   options:
        //     the options instance to configure.
        void configure(string name, toptions options);

    // used by ioptionsmonitor<toptions> to cache toptions instances.
    public interface ioptionsmonitorcache<toptions> where toptions : class
        // 摘要:
        //     clears all options instances from the cache.
        void clear();
        // 摘要:
        //     gets a named options instance, or adds a new instance created with createoptions.
        // 参数:
        //   name:
        //     the name of the options instance.
        //   createoptions:
        //     the func used to create the new instance.
        // 返回结果:
        //     the options instance.
        toptions getoradd(string name, func<toptions> createoptions);
        // 摘要:
        //     tries to adds a new option to the cache, will return false if the name already
        //     exists.
        // 参数:
        //   name:
        //     the name of the options instance.
        //   options:
        //     the options instance.
        // 返回结果:
        //     whether anything was added.
        bool tryadd(string name, toptions options);
        // 摘要:
        //     try to remove an options instance.
        // 参数:
        //   name:
        //     the name of the options instance.
        // 返回结果:
        //     whether anything was removed.
        bool tryremove(string name);

    // used to access the value of toptions for the lifetime of a request
    public interface ioptionssnapshot<out toptions> : ioptions<toptions> where toptions : class, new()
        // 摘要:
        //     returns a configured toptions instance with the given name.
        toptions get(string name);

    //used to retrieve configured toptions instances
    public interface ioptions<out toptions> where toptions : class, new()
        // 摘要:
        //     the default configured toptions instance
        toptions value { get; }
view code


    (1)  ioptionsmonitor<toptions>

      ioptionsmonitor<toptions>用于toptions实例更改时的通知,用于管理 toptions选项类 。该ioptionsmonitor<toptions>支持以下方案:

      (1) 更改通知。当配置文件发生修改时,会监听同步到选项类。

      (2) 命名选项。iconfigurenamedoptions支持命名选项。接口继续关系 iconfigurenamedoptions:iconfigureoptions

      (3) 重新加载配置。通过 ioptionssnapshot 重新加载配置数据,ioptionsmonitor也支持该功能。 接口继续关系ioptionssnapshot :ioptions

      (4) 选择性选项失效 (ioptionsmonitorcache<toptions>)。

    (2)  其它接口

      ioptionsfactory<toptions> 负责产生toptions选项实例,它具有单个 create 方法。

      默认实现采用所有已注册 iconfigureoptions<toptions> 和 ipostconfigureoptions<toptions> 并首先运行所有配置(所有的来源配置),

      然后才进行选项后期配置ipostconfigureoptions<toptions> 。



  1.2 常规选项配置

    toptions选项类必须为包含公共无参数构造函数的非抽象类。下面示例中选项类myoptions具有两种属性:option1 和 option2。 设置默认值为可选,但以下示例中的类构造函数设置了 option1 的默认值。 option2 具有通过直接初始化属性设置的默认值。

     public class myoptions
          public myoptions()
              // set default value.
              option1 = "value1_from_ctor";

          public string option1 { get; set; }
          public int option2 { get; set; } = 5;
       //registers a configuration instance which toptions will bind against.
        private readonly myoptions _options;
     //otherpages/page1 public page1model( ioptionsmonitor<myoptions> optionsaccessor) { _options = optionsaccessor.currentvalue; } public void onget() { var option1 = _options.option1; var option2 = _options.option2; var simpleoptions = $"option1 = {option1}, option2 = {option2}"; }
    // 此时simpleoptions值:"option1 = value1_from_ctor, option2 = 5"
      //下面在appsettings.json 文件添加 option1 和 option2 的值。
        "option1": "value1_from_json",
        "option2": -1,

    当配置文件appsettings.json中option1和option2键的值改变后,myoptions 选项类中的属性option1和option2的值也会改变。 下面再次运行otherpages/page1

      //此时simpleoptions的值为:"option1 = value1_from_json, option2 = -1"



  1.3 通过委托配置简单选项

     使用委托设置选项值。 此示例应用使用 myoptionswithdelegateconfig 类 ,这里仍然是使用相同的键option1,option2。 它通过 myoptionswithdelegateconfig 使用委托来配置绑定。

      public class myoptionswithdelegateconfig
        public myoptionswithdelegateconfig()
            // set default value.
            option1 = "value1_from_ctor";
         public string option1 { get; set; }
         public int option2 { get; set; } = 5;
         services.configure<myoptionswithdelegateconfig>(myoptions =>
         // 在page1model构造方法中生成myoptionswithdelegateconfig实例时调用 myoptions.option1 = "value1_configured_by_delegate"; myoptions.option2 = 500; });


    public page1model(
            iconfiguration configuration,
            ioptionsmonitor<myoptionswithdelegateconfig> optionsaccessorwithdelegateconfig,
            ioptionsmonitor<myoptions> optionsaccessor
            _optionswithdelegateconfig = optionsaccessorwithdelegateconfig.currentvalue;
            _options = optionsaccessor.currentvalue;
            configuration = configuration;

        public iconfiguration configuration { get; }
        private readonly myoptions _options;
        private readonly myoptionswithdelegateconfig _optionswithdelegateconfig;

        public string bindguidmsg { get; set; }

        public void onget()
            bindguidmsg = $"option1 = {_options.option1}, option2 = {_options.option2}";

            bindguidmsg += "</br>";

            bindguidmsg += $"delegate_option1 = {_optionswithdelegateconfig.option1}, " +
                           $"delegate_option2 = {_optionswithdelegateconfig.option2}";

    每次调用 configure 都会将 iconfigureoptions<toptions> 服务添加到服务容器。 在前面的示例中,option1 和 option2 的值同时在 appsettings.json 中指定,但 option1 和 option2 的值被配置的委托替代。

    当启用多个配置服务时,指定的最后一个配置源优于其他源,由其设置配置值。 运行应用时,页面模型的 onget 方法返回显示选项类值的字符串:

    // myoptions实例取值如下:
    simpleoptions:option1 = -1,option2 = 5 
    // myoptionswithdelegateconfig实例取值如下:
    delegate_option1 = value1_configured_by_delegate,delegate_option2 = 500


   1.4 子选项配置

     当配置文件中的子节点需要与选项类进行关联映射时,可以通过服务注入bind到指定的configuration节点。在以下代码中,已向服务容器添加第三个 iconfigureoptions<toptions> 服务。 它将 mysuboptions 绑定到 appsettings.json 文件的 subsection 部分:

      "option1": "value1_from_json",
      "option2": -1,
      "subsection": {
         "suboption1": "subvalue1_from_json",
         "suboption2": 200
     public class mysuboptions
          public mysuboptions()
              // set default values.
              suboption1 = "value1_from_ctor";
              suboption2 = 5;

          public string suboption1 { get; set; }
          public int suboption2 { get; set; }
     public page1model(
            iconfiguration configuration,
            ioptionsmonitor<myoptionswithdelegateconfig> optionsaccessorwithdelegateconfig,
            ioptionsmonitor<myoptions> optionsaccessor,
            ioptionsmonitor<mysuboptions> suboptionsaccessor
            _optionswithdelegateconfig = optionsaccessorwithdelegateconfig.currentvalue;
            _options = optionsaccessor.currentvalue;
            _suboptions = suboptionsaccessor.currentvalue;
            configuration = configuration;

        public iconfiguration configuration { get; }
        private readonly myoptions _options;
        private readonly myoptionswithdelegateconfig _optionswithdelegateconfig;
        private readonly mysuboptions _suboptions;
       // onget方法
      suboptions = $"suboption1 = {_suboptions.suboption1}, suboption2 = {_suboptions.suboption2}"
      //运行应用时,onget 方法返回显示子选项类值的字符串:
      // mysuboptions实例取值如下:
      suboption1 = subvalue1_from_json,suboption2 = 200


  1.5 iconfigurenamedoptions选项命名

    iconfigurenamedoptions:是用于对选项类在注入服务时,进行命名。下面是把myoptions选项类注入到服务,并取了别名named_options_1。 如下所示:

      services.configure<myoptions>("named_options_1", configuration);
    private readonly myoptions _named_options_1;
    public indexmodel(
        ioptionssnapshot<myoptions> namedoptionsaccessor)
        _named_options_1 = namedoptionsaccessor.get("named_options_1");
     // ioptionssnapshot源码
      public interface ioptionssnapshot<out toptions> : ioptions<toptions> where toptions : class, new()
          // 摘要:
          //     returns a configured toptions instance with the given name.
          toptions get(string name);


  1.6 configureall 

    上面介绍的选项类,在注入服务时都是使用的services.configure,它是针对选项类的当前实例,例如:在page1和page2都使用了实例myoptions( private readonly myoptions _options)但它们属于不同的实例。 

      //使用 configureall 方法配置所有选项实例
            services.configureall<myoptions>(myoptions =>
                //所有myoptions实例配置 option1的值
                myoptions.option1 = "configureall replacement value";
      named_options_1: option1 = configureall replacement value, option2 = -1
      named_options_2: option1 = configureall replacement value, option2 = 5



         选项模式是对configuration配置的功能扩展,主要用于把json文件序列化到.net类(选项类)。通过注入services. configure或services.configureall把选项类注入到服务并绑定到configuration上。 选项这篇还有其它功能如:选项后期配置( ipostconfigureoptions), 启动期间访问选项, 选项验证等,详细了解查看官网




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