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2019年02月14日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2565245/=> [20190130]删除tab$记录的恢复.txt
http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2565250/=> [20190130]删除tab$记录的恢复2.txt

ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdblkcheckerror], [1], [94232], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


scott@book> @ ver1
port_string                    version        banner
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx       oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

--//首先更正前面脚本的几个错误:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2565250/=> [20190130]删除tab$记录的恢复2.txt

 57                 echo "x /rx dba $dba *kdbr[$begin]" | rlbbed | egrep "^^flag@.*: *0x7c" > /dev/null
--//原来写成echo "x /rx dba $dba *kdbr[$begin]" | rlbbed | egrep "^^flag@.*: 0x7c" > /dev/null ,可能出现多个空格的情况.
 58                 if [ $? -eq 0 ]
 59                 then
 60                     echo "dba=$dba;ckix_value=0" >> scan4a.txt
 61                 fi

$ cat scana.sh
#! /bin/bash
cat clearout.txt | while read dba
    echo set dba $dba
    echo -n "assign "
    echo -e  "set dba $dba \np ktbbh" |rlbbed | /bin/grep -b 4 -a 9 "ub4 kxidsqn \+@.*0x00000751$"| egrep "ktbbhitl|ktbitflg" | cut -c11-21,55-60 | paste -d. - - | sed -e 's/   /=/'
    echo sum apply dba $dba

--//注:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2565250/=> [20190130]删除tab$记录的恢复2.txt 里面的脚本已经更正.

$ /bin/cp -r /home/oracle/backup/book_20190122_bad/* /mnt/ramdisk/book/

$ . scan.sh
process 1 start : 2019/02/12 08:45:44 scan dba 1,144 ,  create scan1.txt about ktetbdba,ktetbnbk
process 1 finish: 2019/02/12 08:45:44,enter continue...
process 2 start : 2019/02/12 08:45:45 scan block , get kdbtnrow,kdbtoffs ang grep kdbtnrow=0
process 2 finish: 2019/02/12 08:46:16,enter continue...
process 3 start : 2019/02/12 08:46:50 scan block , create bbed'script scan3_bbed.txt for modify delete of flag  and create scan4a.txt about block of ckix
process 3 finish: 2019/02/12 08:52:01,enter continue...
process 4 start : 2019/02/12 08:52:06 create bbed's scan4_bbed.txt for modify cluster of mref of value
process 4 finish: 2019/02/12 08:53:12,enter continue...
process 5 start : create bbed's scan5_bbed.txt for sum apply
process 5 finish: 2019/02/12 08:54:11,enter continue...

$ cat scan4m_bbed.txt
assign dba 4288539 offset 8169 = 1
assign dba 4288546 offset 8145 = 1


$ grep -v 0x6c scan3_bbed.txt
assign /x dba 4194451 offset 7349 = 0x20
assign /x dba 4197642 offset 7888 = 0x20
assign /x dba 4207636 offset 7087 = 0x20
assign /x dba 4225801 offset 3621 = 0x4c
assign /x dba 4225801 offset 4436 = 0x4c
assign /x dba 4288537 offset 7717 = 0x4c
$ grep ^# scan3_bbed.txt
#assign /x dba 4288539 offset 7920 = 0x6c
#assign /x dba 4288546 offset 7851 = 0x6c

$ grep  0x6c scan3_bbed.txt | grep -v "^#" |wc
   2963   23704  124395


3.执行生成的bbed脚本并修复块 6110,6111,6112错误.

bbed parfile=/home/oracle/bbed/bbed.par cmdfile=/home/oracle/hrp430/bbed/scan3_bbed.txt
bbed parfile=/home/oracle/bbed/bbed.par cmdfile=/home/oracle/hrp430/bbed/scan4k_bbed.txt
bbed parfile=/home/oracle/bbed/bbed.par cmdfile=/home/oracle/hrp430/bbed/scan5_bbed.txt

ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdblkcheckerror], [1], [94232], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdblkcheckerror], [1], [9951], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdblkcheckerror], [1], [31548], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

bbed> set dba 4204236
        dba             0x004026cc (4204236 1,9932)

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
block = 9932

block checking: dba = 4204236, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x7fb110a7b25c
kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect
        tosp=5052 fsc=0 stb=0 avsp=4937
block 9932 failed with check code 6111
--//解决方法就是assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp;sum apply就ok了.
--//我以前处理这个错误有点繁琐.实际上设置fsc=0,设置提交标识为快速提交标识0x2,在执行assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp,

$ cat scanb.sh
#! /bin/bash
# get dba of tailchk ,grep begin # line, save scan6.txt
# and then grep -v 0x5f5f06,save clearout.txt,other save notclearout.txt

grep dba scan3_bbed.txt | grep -v "^#" | cut -d" " -f4 | uniq | while read dba
        echo -n $dba :
        echo "p dba $dba offset 0 tailchk 8188"| rlbbed | grep "ub4 tailchk"
done >| scan6.txt

grep -v 0x5f5f06 scan6.txt >|  clearout.txt
grep    0x5f5f06 scan6.txt >|  notclearout.txt

# create modify ktbbhitl[n].ktbitflg , ktbbhitl[n]._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0 and kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp of script.
cat clearout.txt | cut -d" " -f1 |while read dba
        echo set dba $dba
    echo -n "assign "
    echo -e  "set dba $dba \np ktbbh" |rlbbed | /bin/grep -b 4 -a 9 "ub4 kxidsqn \+@.*0x00000751$"| egrep "ktbbhitl|ktbitflg" | cut -c11-21,55-60 | paste -d. - - | sed -e 's/   /=/'
    echo -n "assign "
    echo -e  "set dba $dba \np ktbbh" |rlbbed | /bin/grep -b 4 -a 9 "ub4 kxidsqn \+@.*0x00000751$" | egrep "ktbbhitl"| cut -c11-21 | sed -e 's/$/._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0/'
        echo "assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp"
    echo sum apply dba $dba
done >| clearout_bbed.txt

# create modify ktbbhitl[n]._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0 and kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp of script.
cat notclearout.txt | cut -d" " -f1 |while read dba
        echo set dba $dba
#   echo -n "assign "
#   echo -e  "set dba $dba \np ktbbh" |rlbbed | /bin/grep -b 4 -a 9 "ub4 kxidsqn \+@.*0x00000751$"| egrep "ktbbhitl|ktbitflg" | cut -c11-21,55-60 | paste -d. - - | sed -e 's/   /=/'
    echo -n "assign "
    echo -e  "set dba $dba \np ktbbh" |rlbbed | /bin/grep -b 4 -a 9 "ub4 kxidsqn \+@.*0x00000751$" | egrep "ktbbhitl"| cut -c11-21 | sed -e 's/$/._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0/'
        echo "assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp"
    echo sum apply dba $dba
done >| notclearout_bbed.txt

$ . scanb.sh
$ grep  "ktbbhitl[1].ktbitflg=" clearout_bbed.txt | grep -v 0x0
$ echo $?

$ head -5 clearout_bbed.txt
set dba 4204236
assign ktbbhitl[1].ktbitflg=0x0002
assign ktbbhitl[1]._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0
assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp
sum apply dba 4204236


$ head -5 clearout_bbed.txt
set dba 4204236
assign ktbbhitl[1].ktbitflg=0x2002
assign ktbbhitl[1]._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=0
assign kdbhtosp=kdbhavsp
sum apply dba 4204236

bbed parfile=/home/oracle/bbed/bbed.par cmdfile=/home/oracle/hrp430/bbed/clearout_bbed.txt
bbed parfile=/home/oracle/bbed/bbed.par cmdfile=/home/oracle/hrp430/bbed/notclearout_bbed.txt

$ dbv  file=/mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
dbverify: release - production on tue feb 12 10:37:09 2019
copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle and/or its affiliates.  all rights reserved.
dbverify - verification starting : file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
dbverify - verification complete
total pages examined         : 97280
total pages processed (data) : 64316
total pages failing   (data) : 0
total pages processed (index): 13442
total pages failing   (index): 0
total pages processed (other): 4185
total pages processed (seg)  : 1
total pages failing   (seg)  : 0
total pages empty            : 15337
total pages marked corrupt   : 0
total pages influx           : 0
total pages encrypted        : 0
highest block scn            : 393502590 (3.393502590)



bbed> x /rnnc dba 1,523 *kdbr[9]
rowdata[1269]                               @4910
flag@4910: 0x2c (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh)
lock@4911: 0x01
cols@4912:    3
col    0[2] @4913: 33
col    1[2] @4916: 33
col  2[189] @4919: create index i_tab1 on tab$(bobj#) pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage (  initial 64k next 1024k minextents 1 maxextents 2147483
645 pctincrease 0 objno 33 extents (file 1 block 312))

bbed> assign /x  dba 1,523 offset 4910= 0x3c
warning: contents of previous bifile will be lost. proceed? (y/n) y
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @4910     0x3c

bbed> sum apply dba 1,523
check value for file 1, block 523:
current = 0x7e6b, required = 0x7e6b

bbed> verify dba 1,523
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
block = 523

block checking: dba = 4194827, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x6eee44
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=4398 fsc=0 avsp=3525 dtl=8120
block 523 failed with check code 6110


sys@book> startup pfile='/tmp/@.ora';
oracle instance started.
total system global area  643084288 bytes
fixed size                  2255872 bytes
variable size             205521920 bytes
database buffers          427819008 bytes
redo buffers                7487488 bytes
database mounted.
database opened.

sys@book> shutdown  immediate ;
database closed.
database dismounted.
oracle instance shut down.

sys@book> startup open read only pfile='/tmp/book.ora'
oracle instance started.
total system global area  643084288 bytes
fixed size                  2255872 bytes
variable size             205521920 bytes
database buffers          427819008 bytes
redo buffers                7487488 bytes
database mounted.
database opened.


sys@book> select * from sys.tab$ minus select * from orachk001;
no rows selected

sys@book> select * from orachk001 minus select * from sys.tab$;
no rows selected

--//ok,几乎完美恢复.我执行如下select * from sh.sales;,顺利读出,没有任何问题.

scott@book> create table t as select * from all_objects;
table created.

scott@book> drop table t purge ;
table dropped.


如对本文有疑问, 点击进行留言回复!!

