当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>开发语言>PHP > 基于php和mysql的简单的dao类实现crud操作功能


2019年03月31日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

复制代码 代码如下:

    //$firephp = firephp::getinstance(true); // debugger in firefox
    class simpledao {
        private $_table = null;
        private static $_con = null;

        public function simpledao() {
            if ($this->_con == null) {
                $this->_con = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "123456");
                if ($this->_con == false) {
                    echo("connect to db server failed.");
                    $this->_con = null;
                //$firephp->log("new dao object");
                @mysql_select_db("swan", $this->_con);

        public function table($tablename) {
            $this->_table = $tablename;
            return $this;

        public function query($sql) {
            $result = @mysql_query($sql);
            $ret = [];
            if ($result) {
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                    $ret[] = $row;
            return $ret;

        public function get($where = null) {
            $sql = "select * from ".$this->_table;
            $sql = $sql.$this->_getwherestring($where);
            //echo "[get]".$sql."<br>";
            return $this->query($sql);

        public function insert($params) {
            if ($params == null || !is_array($params)) {
                return -1;
            $keys = $this->_getparamkeystring($params);
            $vals = $this->_getparamvalstring($params);
            $sql = "insert into ".$this->_table."(".$keys.") values(".$vals.")";
            //echo "[insert]".$sql."<br>";
            $result = @mysql_query($sql);
            if (! $result) {
                return -1;
            return @mysql_insert_id();

        public function update($params, $where = null) {
            if ($params == null || !is_array($params)) {
                return -1;
            $upvals = $this->_getupdatestring($params);
            $wheres = $this->_getwherestring($where);
            $sql = "update ".$this->_table." set ".$upvals." ".$wheres;
            //echo "[update]".$sql."<br>";
            $result = @mysql_query($sql);
            if (! $result) {
                return -1;
            return @mysql_affected_rows();

        public function delete($where) {
            $wheres = $this->_getwherestring($where);
            $sql = "delete from ".$this->_table.$wheres;
            //echo "[delete]".$sql."<br>";
            $result = @mysql_query($sql);
            if (! $result) {
                return -1;
            return @mysql_affected_rows();

        protected function _getparamkeystring($params) {
            $keys = array_keys($params);
            return implode(",", $keys);

        protected function _getparamvalstring($params) {
            $vals = array_values($params);
            return "'".implode("','", $vals)."'";

        private function _getupdatestring($params) {
            //echo "_getupdatestring";
            $sql = "";
            if (is_array($params)) {
                $sql = $this->_getkeyvalstring($params, ",");
            return $sql;

        private function _getwherestring($params) {
            //echo "_getwherestring";
            $sql = "";
            if (is_array($params)) {
                $sql = " where ";
                $where = $this->_getkeyvalstring($params, " and ");
                $sql = $sql.$where;
            return $sql;

        private function _getkeyvalstring($params, $split) {
            $str = "";
            if (is_array($params)) {
                $paramarr = array();
                foreach($params as $key=>$val) {
                    $valstr = $val;
                    if (is_string($val)) {
                        $valstr = "'".$val."'";
                    $paramarr[] = $key."=".$valstr;
                $str = $str.implode($split, $paramarr);
            return $str;

        public function release() {

    function t($table) {
        return (new simpledao())->table($table);

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