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2019年07月08日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论




 1 <dependency>
 2 <groupid>org.apache.axis</groupid>
 3 <artifactid>axis</artifactid>
 4 <version>1.4</version>
 5 </dependency>
 7 <dependency>
 8 <groupid>axis</groupid>
 9 <artifactid>axis-jaxrpc</artifactid>
10 <version>1.4</version>
11 </dependency>
13 <dependency>
14 <groupid>commons-discovery</groupid>
15 <artifactid>commons-discovery</artifactid>
16 <version>0.2</version>
17 </dependency>
18 <dependency>
19 <groupid>wsdl4j</groupid>
20 <artifactid>wsdl4j</artifactid>
21 <version>1.6.3</version>
22 </dependency>



1 public interface helloservice {
2     public string sayhello(string info);
4 }


1 public class helloserviceimpl implements helloservice {
2     public string sayhello(string info) {
3         return "sayhello:"+info;
4     }
5 }


 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 2 <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/"
 3     xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java">
 4     <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.http.urlmapper"
 5         name="urlmapper" />
 7     <!--要告诉别人的接口名-->
 8     <service name="helloserviceimpl" provider="java:rpc">
 9         <!--这个是 实现类-->
10         <parameter name="classname" value="com.codefish.javalab.ws.server.helloserviceimpl" />
11         <!--这是是暴露的方法名   比如可以值暴露一个-->
12         <parameter name="allowedmethods" value="sayhello" />
13         <!--这是是暴露的方法名   也可以用* 表示暴露全部的public方法-->
14         <!--<parameter name="allowedmethods" value="*" />-->
15     </service>
17     <transport name="http">
18         <requestflow>
19             <handler type="urlmapper" />
20         </requestflow>
21     </transport>
23 </deployment>



 1     package com.example.servlet;
 2     import org.apache.axis.transport.http.axisservlet;
 3     @javax.servlet.annotation.webservlet(
 4             urlpatterns =  "/services/*",
 5             loadonstartup = 1,
 6             name = "axisservlet"
 7     )
 8     public class webservlet extends axisservlet {
10     }


因为我想要以jar包形式发布,所以需要重写engineconfigurationfactory类,否则会访问不到。新建org.apache.axis.configuration.engineconfigurationfactoryservlet,继承engineconfigurationfactorydefault。更改的是getserverengineconfig(servletconfig cfg)方法。(注意:该类需要放在org.apache.axis.configuration包下,我尝试放在其他路径下无效,如有大神知道,还望告知

  1 /*
  2  * copyright 2002-2004 the apache software foundation.
  3  * 
  4  * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
  5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
  6  * you may obtain a copy of the license at
  7  * 
  8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0
  9  * 
 10  * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 11  * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
 12  * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
 13  * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
 14  * limitations under the license.
 15  */
 17 package org.apache.axis.configuration;
 19 import org.apache.axis.axisproperties;
 20 import org.apache.axis.configurationexception;
 21 import org.apache.axis.engineconfiguration;
 22 import org.apache.axis.engineconfigurationfactory;
 23 import org.apache.axis.components.logger.logfactory;
 24 import org.apache.axis.server.axisserver;
 25 import org.apache.axis.utils.classutils;
 26 import org.apache.axis.utils.messages;
 27 import org.apache.commons.logging.log;
 29 import javax.servlet.servletconfig;
 30 import java.io.inputstream;
 32 /**
 33  * this is a default implementation of servletengineconfigurationfactory.
 34  * it is user-overrideable by a system property without affecting
 35  * the caller. if you decide to override it, use delegation if
 36  * you want to inherit the behaviour of this class as using
 37  * class extension will result in tight loops. that is, your
 38  * class should implement engineconfigurationfactory and keep
 39  * an instance of this class in a member field and delegate
 40  * methods to that instance when the default behaviour is
 41  * required.
 42  *
 43  * @author richard a. sitze
 44  * @author davanum srinivas (dims@apache.org)
 45  */
 46 public class engineconfigurationfactoryservlet
 47         extends engineconfigurationfactorydefault {
 48     protected static log log =
 49             logfactory.getlog(engineconfigurationfactoryservlet.class.getname());
 51     private servletconfig cfg;
 53     /**
 54      * creates and returns a new engineconfigurationfactory.
 55      * if a factory cannot be created, return 'null'.
 56      * <p>
 57      * the factory may return non-null only if:
 58      * - it knows what to do with the param (param instanceof servletcontext)
 59      * - it can find it's configuration information
 60      *
 61      * @see engineconfigurationfactoryfinder
 62      */
 63     public static engineconfigurationfactory newfactory(object param) {
 64         /**
 65          * default, let this one go through if we find a servletcontext.
 66          *
 67          * the real reason we are not trying to make any
 68          * decision here is because it's impossible
 69          * (without refactoring fileprovider) to determine
 70          * if a *.wsdd file is present or not until the configuration
 71          * is bound to an engine.
 72          *
 73          * fileprovider/engineconfiguration pretend to be independent,
 74          * but they are tightly bound to an engine instance...
 75          */
 76         return (param instanceof servletconfig)
 77                 ? new engineconfigurationfactoryservlet((servletconfig) param)
 78                 : null;
 79     }
 81     /**
 82      * create the default engine configuration and detect whether the user
 83      * has overridden this with their own.
 84      */
 85     protected engineconfigurationfactoryservlet(servletconfig conf) {
 86         super();
 87         this.cfg = conf;
 88     }
 90     /**
 91      * get a default server engine configuration.
 92      *
 93      * @return a server engineconfiguration
 94      */
 95     public engineconfiguration getserverengineconfig() {
 96         return getserverengineconfig(cfg);
 97     }
 99     /**
100      * get a default server engine configuration in a servlet environment.
101      *
102      * @param cfg a servletcontext
103      * @return a server engineconfiguration
104      */
105     private static engineconfiguration getserverengineconfig(servletconfig cfg) {
107         // respect the system property setting for a different config file
108         string configfile = cfg.getinitparameter(option_server_config_file);
109         if (configfile == null)
110             configfile =
111                     axisproperties.getproperty(option_server_config_file);
112         if (configfile == null) {
113             configfile = server_config_file;
114         }
116         /**
117          * flow can be confusing.  here is the logic:
118          * 1) make all attempts to open resource if it exists
119          *    - if it exists as a file, open as file (r/w)
120          *    - if not a file, it may still be accessable as a stream (r)
121          *    (env will handle security checks).
122          * 2) if it doesn't exist, allow it to be opened/created
123          *
124          * now, the way this is done below is:
125          * a) if the file does not exist, attempt to open as a stream (r)
126          * b) open named file (opens existing file, creates if not avail).
127          */
129         /*
130          * use the web-inf directory
131          * (so the config files can't get snooped by a browser)
132          */
133         string appwebinfpath = "/web-inf";
134         //由于部署方式变更为jar部署,此处不可以使用改方式获取路径
135 //        servletcontext ctx = cfg.getservletcontext();
136 //        string realwebinfpath = ctx.getrealpath(appwebinfpath);
138         fileprovider config = null;
139         string realwebinfpath = engineconfigurationfactoryservlet.class.getresource(appwebinfpath).getpath();
141         /**
142          * if path/file doesn't exist, it may still be accessible
143          * as a resource-stream (i.e. it may be packaged in a jar
144          * or war file).
145          */
146         inputstream iss = classutils.getresourceasstream(engineconfigurationfactoryservlet.class, appwebinfpath+"/" + server_config_file);
147         if (iss != null) {
148             // fileprovider assumes responsibility for 'is':
149             // do not call is.close().
150             config = new fileprovider(iss);
151         }
153         if (config == null) {
154             log.error(messages.getmessage("servletenginewebinferror03", ""));
155         }
157         /**
158          * couldn't get data  or  file does exist.
159          * if we have a path, then attempt to either open
160          * the existing file, or create an (empty) file.
161          */
162         if (config == null && realwebinfpath != null) {
163             try {
164                 config = new fileprovider(realwebinfpath, configfile);
165             } catch (configurationexception e) {
166                 log.error(messages.getmessage("servletenginewebinferror00"), e);
167             }
168         }
170         /**
171          * fall back to config file packaged with axisengine
172          */
173         if (config == null) {
174             log.warn(messages.getmessage("servletenginewebinfwarn00"));
175             try {
176                 inputstream is =
177                         classutils.getresourceasstream(axisserver.class,
178                                 server_config_file);
179                 config = new fileprovider(is);
181             } catch (exception e) {
182                 log.error(messages.getmessage("servletenginewebinferror02"), e);
183             }
184         }
186         return config;
187     }
188 }


添加注解 @servletcomponentscan

@servletcomponentscan //扫描自定义的webfilter和weblistener,否则无法扫描到
public class application {
    public static void main(string[] args) {
        springapplication.run(application.class, args);


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