当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>开发语言>Java > SpringCache框架加载/拦截原理详解


2019年07月19日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


项目a中需要多数据源的实现,比如userdao.getalluserlist() 需要从readonly库中读取,但是userdao.insert() 需要插入主(写)库


了解后知道-接口通过jdk代理(mybatis的mapper接口就是通过jdk代理动态生成的-> mapperfactorybean.class )的,没办法被aop的拦截(注解配置的拦截)

  public void dao() {




与 mybatis 对比

1.  spring-cache 是基于spring的方法级别的,也就是说你方法做了啥不关心,它只负责缓存方法结果

mybatis 的缓存(cachingexecutor / baseexecutor) 是基于数据库查询结果的缓存

 2.  spring-cache 可以配置各种类型的缓存介质(redis , ehcache , hashmap, 甚至db等等) -> 它仅仅是提供接口和默认实现,可以自己拓展

mybatis 的缓存是hashmap,单一!!lowb

springcache 的配置

1.注解(spring-boot) 2.xml配置


定义 cacheconfigure.java 就能直接使用

public class cacheconfigure extends cachingconfigurersupport {
  public cachemanager cachemanager() {
    simplecachemanager result = new simplecachemanager();
    list<cache> caches = new arraylist<>();
    caches.add(new concurrentmapcache("testcache"));
    return result;

  public cacheerrorhandler errorhandler() {
    return new simplecacheerrorhandler();


通过 @enablecaching 注解可以找到 spring-cache 初始化的核心类


public class proxycachingconfiguration extends abstractcachingconfiguration {

 @bean(name = cachemanagementconfigutils.cache_advisor_bean_name)
 public beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor cacheadvisor() {
 beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor advisor = new beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor();
 if (this.enablecaching != null) {
 return advisor;

 public cacheoperationsource cacheoperationsource() {
 return new annotationcacheoperationsource();

 public cacheinterceptor cacheinterceptor() {
 cacheinterceptor interceptor = new cacheinterceptor();
 interceptor.configure(this.errorhandler, this.keygenerator, this.cacheresolver, this.cachemanager);
 return interceptor;


通过注解,把3个类的bean 实例化: beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor 、cacheoperationsource 、cacheinterceptor


 beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor 继承了 abstractbeanfactorypointcutadvisor
 在spring 中的效果就是,在每个bean的初始化时 (每个bean都会被加载成 advised 对象 -> 有 targetsource 和 advisor[] 数组)

 bean 加载的时候 beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor 的 getpointcut()-> 也就是 cacheoperationsourcepointcut 就会被获取,然后调用 
 cacheoperationsourcepointcut.matches()方法, 用来匹配对应的bean 
 假设bean 在 beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor 的扫描中 matchs() 方法返回了true
  在每个bean的方法被调用的时候 cacheinterceptor 中的 invoke() 方法就会被调用 

  spring-cache 也完成了aop一样的实现(spring-aop也是这样做的)

 重点就是在 cacheoperationsourcepointcut.matchs() 方法中,怎么匹配接口的了 这里先不说后面具体介绍!!!!

public class beanfactorycacheoperationsourceadvisor extends abstractbeanfactorypointcutadvisor {

 private cacheoperationsource cacheoperationsource;

 private final cacheoperationsourcepointcut pointcut = new cacheoperationsourcepointcut() {
 protected cacheoperationsource getcacheoperationsource() {
  return cacheoperationsource;

 * set the cache operation attribute source which is used to find cache
 * attributes. this should usually be identical to the source reference
 * set on the cache interceptor itself.
 public void setcacheoperationsource(cacheoperationsource cacheoperationsource) {
 this.cacheoperationsource = cacheoperationsource;

 * set the {@link classfilter} to use for this pointcut.
 * default is {@link classfilter#true}.
 public void setclassfilter(classfilter classfilter) {

 public pointcut getpointcut() {
 return this.pointcut;


cacheoperationsource.java 是个接口

实现类是 -> annotationcacheoperationsource.java 重点是父类 -> abstractfallbackcacheoperationsource.java


代码量很少,主要是 attributecache 的封装使用,通过把 method - cacheoperation

然后在 cacheinterceptor.invoke() 的时候通过invocation 获取到 method-class 然后调用cacheoperationsource.getcacheoperations() 获取到 cacheoperation
cacheoperation 其实就是触发对应spring-cache 注解的操作-获取缓存的实现了

public abstract class abstractfallbackcacheoperationsource implements cacheoperationsource {

 * canonical value held in cache to indicate no caching attribute was
 * found for this method and we don't need to look again.
 private static final collection<cacheoperation> null_caching_attribute = collections.emptylist();

 * logger available to subclasses.
 * <p>as this base class is not marked serializable, the logger will be recreated
 * after serialization - provided that the concrete subclass is serializable.
 protected final log logger = logfactory.getlog(getclass());

 * cache of cacheoperations, keyed by method on a specific target class.
 * <p>as this base class is not marked serializable, the cache will be recreated
 * after serialization - provided that the concrete subclass is serializable.
 private final map<object, collection<cacheoperation>> attributecache = new concurrenthashmap<>(1024);

 * determine the caching attribute for this method invocation.
 * <p>defaults to the class's caching attribute if no method attribute is found.
 * @param method the method for the current invocation (never {@code null})
 * @param targetclass the target class for this invocation (may be {@code null})
 * @return {@link cacheoperation} for this method, or {@code null} if the method
 * is not cacheable
 public collection<cacheoperation> getcacheoperations(method method, @nullable class<?> targetclass) {
 if (method.getdeclaringclass() == object.class) {
  return null;

 object cachekey = getcachekey(method, targetclass);
 collection<cacheoperation> cached = this.attributecache.get(cachekey);

 if (cached != null) {
  return (cached != null_caching_attribute ? cached : null);
 else {
  collection<cacheoperation> cacheops = computecacheoperations(method, targetclass);
  if (cacheops != null) {
  if (logger.istraceenabled()) {
   logger.trace("adding cacheable method '" + method.getname() + "' with attribute: " + cacheops);
  this.attributecache.put(cachekey, cacheops);
  else {
  this.attributecache.put(cachekey, null_caching_attribute);
  return cacheops;

 * determine a cache key for the given method and target class.
 * <p>must not produce same key for overloaded methods.
 * must produce same key for different instances of the same method.
 * @param method the method (never {@code null})
 * @param targetclass the target class (may be {@code null})
 * @return the cache key (never {@code null})
 protected object getcachekey(method method, @nullable class<?> targetclass) {
 return new methodclasskey(method, targetclass);

 private collection<cacheoperation> computecacheoperations(method method, @nullable class<?> targetclass) {
 // don't allow no-public methods as required.
 if (allowpublicmethodsonly() && !modifier.ispublic(method.getmodifiers())) {
  return null;

 // the method may be on an interface, but we need attributes from the target class.
 // if the target class is null, the method will be unchanged.
 method specificmethod = aoputils.getmostspecificmethod(method, targetclass);

 // first try is the method in the target class.
 collection<cacheoperation> opdef = findcacheoperations(specificmethod);
 if (opdef != null) {
  return opdef;

 // second try is the caching operation on the target class.
 opdef = findcacheoperations(specificmethod.getdeclaringclass());
 if (opdef != null && classutils.isuserlevelmethod(method)) {
  return opdef;

 if (specificmethod != method) {
  // fallback is to look at the original method.
  opdef = findcacheoperations(method);
  if (opdef != null) {
  return opdef;
  // last fallback is the class of the original method.
  opdef = findcacheoperations(method.getdeclaringclass());
  if (opdef != null && classutils.isuserlevelmethod(method)) {
  return opdef;

 return null;

 * subclasses need to implement this to return the caching attribute for the
 * given class, if any.
 * @param clazz the class to retrieve the attribute for
 * @return all caching attribute associated with this class, or {@code null} if none
 protected abstract collection<cacheoperation> findcacheoperations(class<?> clazz);

 * subclasses need to implement this to return the caching attribute for the
 * given method, if any.
 * @param method the method to retrieve the attribute for
 * @return all caching attribute associated with this method, or {@code null} if none
 protected abstract collection<cacheoperation> findcacheoperations(method method);

 * should only public methods be allowed to have caching semantics?
 * <p>the default implementation returns {@code false}.
 protected boolean allowpublicmethodsonly() {
 return false;


!!!!  cacheoperationsourcepointcut.java 的 matchs() 方法

用来判断类是不是符合spring-cache 拦截条件 也就是 @cachable @cacheput 等等的注解怎么识别的地方

经过跟踪代码发现是 annotationcacheoperationsource.findcacheoperations() 调用的


public class annotationcacheoperationsource extends abstractfallbackcacheoperationsource implements serializable {

 private final set<cacheannotationparser> annotationparsers;

 protected collection<cacheoperation> findcacheoperations(class<?> clazz) {
 return determinecacheoperations(parser -> parser.parsecacheannotations(clazz));

 protected collection<cacheoperation> findcacheoperations(method method) {
 return determinecacheoperations(parser -> parser.parsecacheannotations(method));

 * determine the cache operation(s) for the given {@link cacheoperationprovider}.
 * <p>this implementation delegates to configured
 * {@link cacheannotationparser cacheannotationparsers}
 * for parsing known annotations into spring's metadata attribute class.
 * <p>can be overridden to support custom annotations that carry caching metadata.
 * @param provider the cache operation provider to use
 * @return the configured caching operations, or {@code null} if none found
 protected collection<cacheoperation> determinecacheoperations(cacheoperationprovider provider) {
 collection<cacheoperation> ops = null;
 for (cacheannotationparser annotationparser : this.annotationparsers) {
  collection<cacheoperation> annops = provider.getcacheoperations(annotationparser);
  if (annops != null) {
  if (ops == null) {
   ops = annops;
  else {
   collection<cacheoperation> combined = new arraylist<>(ops.size() + annops.size());
   ops = combined;
 return ops;

然后就是注解的解析方法 springcacheannotationparser.java


 private collection<cacheoperation> parsecacheannotations(
  defaultcacheconfig cachingconfig, annotatedelement ae, boolean localonly) {

 collection<? extends annotation> anns = (localonly ?
  annotatedelementutils.getallmergedannotations(ae, cache_operation_annotations) :
  annotatedelementutils.findallmergedannotations(ae, cache_operation_annotations));
 if (anns.isempty()) {
  return null;

 final collection<cacheoperation> ops = new arraylist<>(1);
 anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof cacheable).foreach(
  ann -> ops.add(parsecacheableannotation(ae, cachingconfig, (cacheable) ann)));
 anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof cacheevict).foreach(
  ann -> ops.add(parseevictannotation(ae, cachingconfig, (cacheevict) ann)));
 anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof cacheput).foreach(
  ann -> ops.add(parseputannotation(ae, cachingconfig, (cacheput) ann)));
 anns.stream().filter(ann -> ann instanceof caching).foreach(
  ann -> parsecachingannotation(ae, cachingconfig, (caching) ann, ops));
 return ops;


1.spring-cache 实现了 abstractbeanfactorypointcutadvisor 提供 cacheoperationsourcepointcut (pointcut) 作切点判断,提供 cacheinterceptor (methodinterceptor) 作方法拦截

2.spring-cache 提供 cacheoperationsource 作为 method 对应 cacheoperation(缓存操作) 的查询和加载

3.spring-cache 通过 springcacheannotationparser 来解析自己定义的 @cacheable @cacheevict @caching 等注解类
所以 spring-cache 不使用 aspectj 的方式,通过 cacheoperationsource.getcacheoperations() 方式可以使jdk代理的类也能匹配到


代码类在 cacheoperationsource.getcacheoperations()

重点在于 targetclass 和 method ,如果是对应的 dao.xxx() 就能matchs() 并且拦截

cacheinterceptor -> cacheaspectsupport.execute() 方法

// 代码自己看吧。也很简单 -> 结果就是spring-cache 也可以拦截到mybatis的dao层接口,进行缓存

 protected object execute(cacheoperationinvoker invoker, object target, method method, object[] args) {
 // check whether aspect is enabled (to cope with cases where the aj is pulled in automatically)
 if (this.initialized) {
  class<?> targetclass = gettargetclass(target);
  cacheoperationsource cacheoperationsource = getcacheoperationsource();
  if (cacheoperationsource != null) {
  collection<cacheoperation> operations = cacheoperationsource.getcacheoperations(method, targetclass);
  if (!collectionutils.isempty(operations)) {
   return execute(invoker, method,
    new cacheoperationcontexts(operations, method, args, target, targetclass));

 return invoker.invoke();


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