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IOS ObjectiveC中的赋值与对象拷贝

2019年07月24日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


ios objectivec中的赋值与对象拷贝

在开发过程中我们经常会遇到对象拷贝的问题,下面我们分别讨论赋值操作、对象拷贝、以及浅拷贝(shallow copy)与深拷贝(deep copy)的区别与各自的实现方式。




// main.m 
#import <foundation/foundation.h> 
@interface testobject : nsobject 
  int x; 
  int y; 
@implementation testobject 
typedef struct teststruct 
  int x; 
  int y; 
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) 
  @autoreleasepool { 
    teststruct ts1 = {100, 50}; 
    nslog(@"ts1: %p, %d, %d", &ts1, ts1.x, ts1.y); 
    teststruct ts2 = ts1; 
    nslog(@"ts2: %p, %d, %d", &ts2, ts2.x, ts2.y); 
    testobject* to1 = [[[testobject alloc] init] autorelease]; 
    nslog(@"to1: %p, %d, %d", to1, to1->x, to1->y); 
    testobject* to2 = to1; 
    nslog(@"to2: %p, %d, %d", to2, to2->x, to2->y); 
  return 0; 


ts1: 0x7fff63463898, 100, 50 
ts2: 0x7fff63463890, 100, 50 
to1: 0x7fc342d00370, 0, 0 
to2: 0x7fc342d00370, 0, 0 




foundation框架的nsobject类提供了两个方法,分别是copy和mutablecopy方法,用于对nsobject对象进行拷贝操作。copy方法会调用nscopying协议的copywithzone:方法,而mutablecopy会调用 nsmutablecopying协议的mutablecopywithzone:方法。将上面的代码修改如下:

#import <foundation/foundation.h> 
@interface testobject : nsobject 
  int x; 
  int y; 
@implementation testobject 
- (nsstring*)description 
  return [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@: %p, x: %d, y: %d", [self class], self, x, y]; 
typedef struct teststruct 
  int x; 
  int y; 
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) 
    testobject* to1 = [[[testobject alloc] init] autorelease]; 
    to1->x = 100; to1->y = 50; 
    testobject* to2 = [[[testobject alloc] init] autorelease]; 
    to2->x = 200; to2->y = 400; 
    testobject* to3 = [[[testobject alloc] init] autorelease]; 
    to3->x = 300; to3->y = 500; 
    //创建包含to1, to2, to3的数组array1 
    nsarray* array1 = [nsarray arraywithobjects:to1, to2, to3, nil]; 
    nslog(@"array1: %p, \n%@", array1, array1); 
    nsarray* array2 = [array1 copy]; 
    nslog(@"array2: %p, \n%@", array2, array2); 
    [array2 release]; 
    nsmutablearray* mutablearray2 = [array1 mutablecopy]; 
    nslog(@"mutablearray2: %@, %p, \n%@", [mutablearray2 class], mutablearray2, mutablearray2); 
    [mutablearray2 removelastobject]; 
    nslog(@"after remove last object of mutablearray2"); 
    nslog(@"array1: %p, \n%@", array1, array1); 
    nslog(@"array2: %p, \n%@", array2, array2); 
    nslog(@"mutablearray2: %p, \n%@", mutablearray2, mutablearray2); 
    nsmutablearray* mutablearray3 = [mutablearray2 mutablecopy]; 
    nslog(@"mutablearray3: %p, \n%@", mutablearray3, mutablearray3); 
    [mutablearray2 release]; 
    nsarray* array4 = [mutablearray3 copy]; 
    nslog(@"array4: %@, %p, \n%@", [array4 class], array4, array4); 
    [mutablearray3 release]; 
    [array4 release]; 
  return 0; 


2012-03-22 19:20:49.548 objectcopy[18042:403] array1: 0x7f9071414820,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400", 
  "testobject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.550 objectcopy[18042:403] array2: 0x7f9071414820,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400", 
  "testobject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.551 objectcopy[18042:403] mutablearray2: __nsarraym, 0x7f9072800000,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400", 
  "testobject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.552 objectcopy[18042:403] after remove last object of mutablearray2 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.552 objectcopy[18042:403] array1: 0x7f9071414820,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400", 
  "testobject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.553 objectcopy[18042:403] array2: 0x7f9071414820,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400", 
  "testobject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.553 objectcopy[18042:403] mutablearray2: 0x7f9072800000,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.557 objectcopy[18042:403] mutablearray3: 0x7f90729000d0,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400" 
2012-03-22 19:20:49.558 objectcopy[18042:403] array4: __nsarrayi, 0x7f9071416e70,  
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50", 
  "testobject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400" 





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