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用vbs脚本简易实现 番茄工作法

2019年08月13日  | 移动技术网科技  | 我要评论








 1 dim fso,f,count,time,shell
 2 set fso=wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
 3 set f=fso.opentextfile("d:\test.txt",8,true)
 4 set shell = createobject("shell.application")
 5 count = 1
 6 for j = 1 to 3
 7 for i = 1 to 4
 8 time = now
 9 shell.toggledesktop
10 createobject("sapi.spvoice").speak  "开始持续25分钟集中注意力"
11 msgbox "hello,start focusing in 25 minutes"
12 f.write("number of tasks started: ")
13 f.writeline(count)
14 f.writeline("start focusing in 25 minutes at ")
15 f.writeline(time)
16 wscript.sleep 1000*60*25
17 time = now
18 shell.toggledesktop
19 createobject("sapi.spvoice").speak  "集中注意力时间结束,开始持续5分钟休息"
20 msgbox "hello,start resting in 5 minutes"
21 f.writeline("start resting in 5 minutes at ")
22 f.writeline(time)
23 f.writeblanklines(1)
24 count=count+1
25 wscript.sleep 1000*60*5
26 next
27 time = now
28 shell.toggledesktop
29 createobject("sapi.spvoice").speak  "4次番茄工作法循环结束,开始持续20分钟休息"
30 msgbox "hello,4 times tomato work method end"
31 f.writeblanklines(1)
32 f.write("number of tasks started: ")
33 f.writeline(j)
34 f.writeline("start resting after 4 times tomato work method at ")
35 f.writeline(time)
36 wscript.sleep 1000*60*20
37 next
38 f.close()
39 set f = nothing
40 set fso = nothing



 1 include "d:\test.vbs"
 3 sub include(sinstfile) 
 4     dim ofso, f, s, w, time
 5     set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 
 6     set f = ofso.opentextfile(sinstfile) 
 7     set w = ofso.opentextfile("d:\timing.txt",8,true)
 8     count = 1
 9     'wscript.sleep 1000*60*14
10     time = now
11     msgbox "hello,start resting in 5 minutes"
12     createobject("sapi.spvoice").speak  "集中注意力时间结束,开始持续5分钟休息"
13     w.write("number of tasks started: ")
14     w.writeline(count)
15     w.writeline("start resting in 5 minutes at ")
16     w.writeline(time)
17     count=count+1
18     wscript.sleep 1000*60*3
19     s = f.readall 
20     f.close 
21     set f = nothing
22     set ofso = nothing
23     executeglobal s 
24     set w = nothing
25 end sub


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