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Thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>浅析

2019年08月15日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

有时候,你会在oracle数据库的告警日志中发现thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>  checkpoint not complete这类告警。具体案例如下所示:


thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 279334

checkpoint not complete

  current log# 4 seq# 279333 mem# 0: /u01/oradata/gsp/redo04.log

  current log# 4 seq# 279333 mem# 1: /u03/oradata/gsp/redo04.log




thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>

checkpoint not complete




oracle instance <name> - can not allocate log, archival required

thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>



   那么出现这类告警的具体原因是什么呢? 以及要如何去解决这个问题呢?





通常来说是因为重做日志(redo log)在写满后就会切换日志组,这个时候就会触发一次检查点事件(checkpoint),检查点(checkpoint)激活时会触发数据库写进程(dbwr),将数据缓冲区里的脏数据块写回到磁盘的数据文件中,只要这个脏数据写回磁盘事件没结束,那么数据库就不会释放这个日志组。在归档模式下,还会伴随着arch进程将重做日志进行归档的过程。如果重做日志(redo log)产生的过快,当cpk或归档还没完成,lgwr已经把其余的日志组写满,又要往当前的日志组里面写redo log的时候,这个时候就会发生冲突,数据库就会被挂起。并且一直会往alert.log中写类似上面的错误信息。







1:增大redo log file的大小


增大redo log file的大小容易操作,但是redo log file设置为多大才是合理的呢?




redo log file size (in megabytes) that is considered optimal based on the current setting of fast_start_mttr_target. it is recommended that the user configure all online redo logs to be at least this value.



you can use the v$instance_recovery view column optimal_logfile_size to determine the size of your online redo logs. this field shows the redo log file size in megabytes that is considered optimal based on the current setting of fast_start_mttr_target. if this field consistently shows a value greater than the size of your smallest online log, then you should configure all your online logs to be at least this size.


note, however, that the redo log file size affects the mttr. in some cases, you may be able to refine your choice of the optimal fast_start_mttr_target value by re-running the mttr advisor with your suggested optimal log file size.



sql> select optimal_logfile_size from v$instance_recovery;




可以用awr_redo_size_history脚本统计分析一下,每个小时、每天生成的归档日志的大小,然后可以某些时间段(切换频繁的时间段)的归档日志大小和15~ 20分钟(如果某个时间段切换非常频繁,几乎无法使用这个规则,因为重组日志会非常大)切换一次计算重做日志大小。当然这个不是放之四海而皆准的规则,需要根据实际业务判断,大部分情况下还是可以参考这个





(select round(avg(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 2) from v$log) as "redo size (mb)",
round((20 / average_period) * (select avg(bytes)
from v$log) / 1024 / 1024, 2) as "recommended size (mb)"
from (select avg((next_time - first_time) * 24 * 60) as average_period
from v$archived_log
where first_time > sysdate - 3
    and to_char(first_time, 'hh24:mi') between
    &start_of_peak_hours and &end_of_peak_hours


2:增加redo log group的数量


增加日志组的数量,其实并不能解决thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number> checkpoint not complete” 这个问题,但是他能解决下面这个问题:


oracle instance <name> - can not allocate log, archival required

thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>






3:tune checkpoint



这个比较难,参考官方文档:note 147468.1 checkpoint tuning and troubleshooting guide



4:increase i/o speed for writing online redo log/archived redo



this applies to thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>

checkpoint not complete


- use async i/o if not already so

- use dbwr i/o slaves or multiple dbwr processes




oracle database performance tuning guide

instance tuning using performance views

consider multiple database writer (dbwr) processes or i/o slaves


10.2 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/b19306_01/server.102/b14211/instance_tune.htm#i42802

11.1 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/b28359_01/server.111/b28274/instance_tune.htm#i42802

11.2 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/e11882_01/server.112/e16638/instance_tune.htm#pfgrf94511


- consider the generic recommendations for redo log files:


if the high i/o files are redo log files, then consider splitting the redo log files from the other files. possible configurations can include the following:


1. placing all redo logs on one disk without any other files. also consider availability; members of the same group should be on different physical disks and controllers for recoverability purposes.

2. placing each redo log group on a separate disk that does not store any other files.

3. striping the redo log files across several disks, using an operating system striping tool. (manual striping is not possible in this situation.)

4. avoiding the use of raid 5 for redo logs.



oracle database performance tuning guide

redo log files


10.2 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/b19306_01/server.102/b14211/iodesign.htm#sthref534

11.1 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/b28359_01/server.111/b28274/iodesign.htm#chdbcdhg

11.2 - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/e11882_01/server.112/e16638/iodesign.htm#pfgrf94396


oracle instance <name> - can not allocate log, archival required

thread <number> cannot allocate new log, sequence <number>


in the above document you may check section "archived redo logs"



5: 找到产生大量重做日志的sql,如果这个sql有业务或逻辑上不合理的地方,就要修改,或者将相关表设置为nologging,减少重做日志的产生











manual log switching causing "thread 1 cannot allocate new log" message in the alert log (文档 id 435887.1)

can not allocate log (文档 id 1265962.1)


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