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2019年08月29日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

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install-package hzh_controls



1 hzh_controls.forms.frmanchortips.showtips(button1, "测试提示信息\nleft", anchortipslocation.left);
2             hzh_controls.forms.frmanchortips.showtips(button1, "测试提示信息\nright", anchortipslocation.right);
3             hzh_controls.forms.frmanchortips.showtips(button1, "测试提示信息\ntop", anchortipslocation.top);
4             hzh_controls.forms.frmanchortips.showtips(button1, "测试提示信息\nbottom", anchortipslocation.bottom);








 1   #region override
 3         protected override void onclosing(canceleventargs e)
 4         {
 5             e.cancel = true;
 6             base.onclosing(e);
 7             havehandle = false;
 8             this.dispose();
 9         }
11         protected override void onhandlecreated(eventargs e)
12         {
13             initializestyles();
14             base.onhandlecreated(e);
15             havehandle = true;
16         }
18         protected override createparams createparams
19         {
20             get
21             {
22                 createparams cparms = base.createparams;
23                 cparms.exstyle |= 0x00080000; // ws_ex_layered
24                 return cparms;
25             }
26         }
28         #endregion
1  private void initializestyles()
2         {
3             setstyle(controlstyles.allpaintinginwmpaint, true);
4             setstyle(controlstyles.userpaint, true);
5             updatestyles();
6         }


 1  #region 根据图片显示窗体    english:display forms based on pictures
 2         /// <summary>
 3         /// 功能描述:根据图片显示窗体    english:display forms based on pictures
 4         /// 作  者:hzh
 5         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:31:16
 6         /// 任务编号:
 7         /// </summary>
 8         /// <param name="bitmap">bitmap</param>
 9         private void setbits(bitmap bitmap)
10         {
11             if (!havehandle) return;
13             if (!bitmap.iscanonicalpixelformat(bitmap.pixelformat) || !bitmap.isalphapixelformat(bitmap.pixelformat))
14                 throw new applicationexception("the picture must be 32bit picture with alpha channel.");
16             intptr oldbits = intptr.zero;
17             intptr screendc = win32.getdc(intptr.zero);
18             intptr hbitmap = intptr.zero;
19             intptr memdc = win32.createcompatibledc(screendc);
21             try
22             {
23                 win32.point toploc = new win32.point(left, top);
24                 win32.size bitmapsize = new win32.size(bitmap.width, bitmap.height);
25                 win32.blendfunction blendfunc = new win32.blendfunction();
26                 win32.point srcloc = new win32.point(0, 0);
28                 hbitmap = bitmap.gethbitmap(color.fromargb(0));
29                 oldbits = win32.selectobject(memdc, hbitmap);
31                 blendfunc.blendop = win32.ac_src_over;
32                 blendfunc.sourceconstantalpha = 255;
33                 blendfunc.alphaformat = win32.ac_src_alpha;
34                 blendfunc.blendflags = 0;
36                 win32.updatelayeredwindow(handle, screendc, ref toploc, ref bitmapsize, memdc, ref srcloc, 0, ref blendfunc, win32.ulw_alpha);
37             }
38             finally
39             {
40                 if (hbitmap != intptr.zero)
41                 {
42                     win32.selectobject(memdc, oldbits);
43                     win32.deleteobject(hbitmap);
44                 }
45                 win32.releasedc(intptr.zero, screendc);
46                 win32.deletedc(memdc);
47             }
48         }
49         #endregion


 1  class win32
 2     {
 3         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]
 4         public struct size
 5         {
 6             public int32 cx;
 7             public int32 cy;
 9             public size(int32 x, int32 y)
10             {
11                 cx = x;
12                 cy = y;
13             }
14         }
16         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)]
17         public struct blendfunction
18         {
19             public byte blendop;
20             public byte blendflags;
21             public byte sourceconstantalpha;
22             public byte alphaformat;
23         }
25         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]
26         public struct point
27         {
28             public int32 x;
29             public int32 y;
31             public point(int32 x, int32 y)
32             {
33                 this.x = x;
34                 this.y = y;
35             }
36         }
38         public const byte ac_src_over = 0;
39         public const int32 ulw_alpha = 2;
40         public const byte ac_src_alpha = 1;
42         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
43         public static extern intptr createcompatibledc(intptr hdc);
45         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
46         public static extern intptr getdc(intptr hwnd);
48         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true)]
49         public static extern intptr selectobject(intptr hdc, intptr hobj);
51         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true)]
52         public static extern int releasedc(intptr hwnd, intptr hdc);
54         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
55         public static extern int deletedc(intptr hdc);
57         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
58         public static extern int deleteobject(intptr hobj);
60         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
61         public static extern int updatelayeredwindow(intptr hwnd, intptr hdcdst, ref point pptdst, ref size psize, intptr hdcsrc, ref point pptsrc, int32 crkey, ref blendfunction pblend, int32 dwflags);
63         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
64         public static extern intptr extcreateregion(intptr lpxform, uint ncount, intptr rgndata);
65     }


  1  #region 构造函数    english:constructor
  2         /// <summary>
  3         /// 功能描述:构造函数    english:constructor
  4         /// 作  者:hzh
  5         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:27:51
  6         /// 任务编号:
  7         /// </summary>
  8         /// <param name="rectcontrol">停靠区域</param>
  9         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
 10         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
 11         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
 12         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
 13         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
 14         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
 15         private frmanchortips(
 16             rectangle rectcontrol,
 17             string strmsg,
 18             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
 19             color? background = null,
 20             color? forecolor = null,
 21             int fontsize = 10,
 22             int autoclosetime = 5000)
 23         {
 24             initializecomponent();
 25             graphics g = this.creategraphics();
 26             font _font = new font("微软雅黑", fontsize);
 27             color _background = background == null ? color.fromargb(255, 77, 58) : background.value;
 28             color _forecolor = forecolor == null ? color.white : forecolor.value;
 29             system.drawing.sizef sizetext = g.measurestring(strmsg, _font);
 30             g.dispose();
 31             var formsize = new size((int)sizetext.width + 20, (int)sizetext.height + 20);
 32             if (formsize.width < 20)
 33                 formsize.width = 20;
 34             if (formsize.height < 20)
 35                 formsize.height = 20;
 36             if (location == anchortipslocation.left || location == anchortipslocation.right)
 37             {
 38                 formsize.width += 20;
 39             }
 40             else
 41             {
 42                 formsize.height += 20;
 43             }          
 45             #region 获取窗体path    english:get the form path
 46             graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
 47             rectangle rect;
 48             switch (location)
 49             {
 50                 case anchortipslocation.top:
 51                     rect = new rectangle(1, 1, formsize.width - 2, formsize.height - 20 - 1);
 52                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x + (rectcontrol.width - rect.width) / 2, rectcontrol.y - rect.height - 20);
 53                     break;
 54                 case anchortipslocation.right:
 55                     rect = new rectangle(20, 1, formsize.width - 20 - 1, formsize.height - 2);
 56                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.right, rectcontrol.y + (rectcontrol.height - rect.height) / 2);
 57                     break;
 58                 case anchortipslocation.bottom:
 59                     rect = new rectangle(1, 20, formsize.width - 2, formsize.height - 20 - 1);
 60                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x + (rectcontrol.width - rect.width) / 2, rectcontrol.bottom);
 61                     break;
 62                 default:
 63                     rect = new rectangle(1, 1, formsize.width - 20 - 1, formsize.height - 2);
 64                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x - rect.width - 20, rectcontrol.y + (rectcontrol.height - rect.height) / 2);
 65                     break;
 66             }
 67             int cornerradius = 2;
 69             path.addarc(rect.x, rect.y, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 180, 90);//左上角
 70             #region 上边
 71             if (location == anchortipslocation.bottom)
 72             {
 73                 path.addline(rect.x + cornerradius, rect.y, rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.y);//上
 74                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.y, rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.y - 19);//上
 75                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.y - 19, rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.y);//上
 76                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.y, rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.y);//上
 77             }
 78             else
 79             {
 80                 path.addline(rect.x + cornerradius, rect.y, rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.y);//上
 81             }
 82             #endregion
 83             path.addarc(rect.x + rect.width - cornerradius * 2, rect.y, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 270, 90);//右上角
 84             #region 右边
 85             if (location == anchortipslocation.left)
 86             {
 87                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10);//右
 88                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10, rect.right + 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2);//右
 89                 path.addline(rect.right + 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10);//右
 90                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//右            
 91             }
 92             else
 93             {
 94                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//右
 95             }
 96             #endregion
 97             path.addarc(rect.x + rect.width - cornerradius * 2, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 0, 90);//右下角
 98             #region 下边
 99             if (location == anchortipslocation.top)
100             {
101                 path.addline(rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom, rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.bottom);
102                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.bottom, rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.bottom + 19);
103                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.bottom + 19, rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.bottom);
104                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.bottom, rect.x + cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom);
105             }
106             else
107             {
108                 path.addline(rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom, rect.x + cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom);
109             }
110             #endregion
111             path.addarc(rect.x, rect.bottom - cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 90, 90);//左下角
112             #region 左边
113             if (location == anchortipslocation.right)
114             {
115                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10);//左
116                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10, rect.left - 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2);//左
117                 path.addline(rect.left - 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10);//左
118                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//左          
119             }
120             else
121             {
122                 path.addline(rect.x, rect.bottom - cornerradius * 2, rect.x, rect.y + cornerradius * 2);//左
123             }
124             #endregion
125             path.closefigure();
126             #endregion
128             bitmap bit = new bitmap(formsize.width, formsize.height);
129             this.size = formsize;
131             #region 画图    english:drawing
132             graphics gbit = graphics.fromimage(bit);
133             gbit.setgdihigh();
134             gbit.fillpath(new solidbrush(_background), path);
135             gbit.drawstring(strmsg, _font, new solidbrush(_forecolor), rect.location + new size(10, 10));
136             gbit.dispose();
137             #endregion
139             setbits(bit);
140             if (autoclosetime > 0)
141             {
142                 timer t = new timer();
143                 t.interval = autoclosetime;
144                 t.tick += (a, b) =>
145                 {
146                     this.close();
147                 };
148                 t.enabled = true;
149             }
150         }
151         #endregion


 1  #region 显示一个提示    english:show a hint
 2         /// <summary>
 3         /// 功能描述:显示一个提示    english:show a hint
 4         /// 作  者:hzh
 5         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:28:58
 6         /// 任务编号:
 7         /// </summary>
 8         /// <param name="parentcontrol">停靠控件</param>
 9         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
10         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
11         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
12         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
13         /// <param name="deviation">偏移量</param>
14         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
15         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
16         public static frmanchortips showtips(
17             control parentcontrol,
18             string strmsg,
19             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
20             color? background = null,
21             color? forecolor = null,
22             size? deviation = null,
23             int fontsize = 10,
24             int autoclosetime = 5000)
25         {
26             point p;
27             if (parentcontrol is form)
28             {
29                 p = parentcontrol.location;
30             }
31             else
32             {
33                 p = parentcontrol.parent.pointtoscreen(parentcontrol.location);
34             }
35             if (deviation != null)
36             {
37                 p = p + deviation.value;
38             }
39             return showtips(parentcontrol.findform(), new rectangle(p, parentcontrol.size), strmsg, location, background, forecolor, fontsize, autoclosetime);
40         }
41         #endregion
43         #region 显示一个提示    english:show a hint
44         /// <summary>
45         /// 功能描述:显示一个提示    english:show a hint
46         /// 作  者:hzh
47         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:29:07
48         /// 任务编号:
49         /// </summary>
50         /// <param name="parentform">父窗体</param>
51         /// <param name="rectcontrol">停靠区域</param>
52         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
53         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
54         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
55         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
56         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
57         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
58         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
59         public static frmanchortips showtips(
60             form parentform,
61             rectangle rectcontrol,
62             string strmsg,
63             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
64             color? background = null,
65             color? forecolor = null,
66             int fontsize = 10,
67             int autoclosetime = 5000)
68         {
69             frmanchortips frm = new frmanchortips(rectcontrol, strmsg, location, background, forecolor, fontsize, autoclosetime);
70             frm.topmost = true;
71             frm.show(parentform);
72             return frm;
73         }
74         #endregion


  1 using system;
  2 using system.collections.generic;
  3 using system.componentmodel;
  4 using system.data;
  5 using system.drawing;
  6 using system.drawing.drawing2d;
  7 using system.linq;
  8 using system.runtime.interopservices;
  9 using system.text;
 10 using system.windows.forms;
 12 namespace hzh_controls.forms
 13 {
 14     public partial class frmanchortips : form
 15     {
 16         bool havehandle = false;
 17         #region 构造函数    english:constructor
 18         /// <summary>
 19         /// 功能描述:构造函数    english:constructor
 20         /// 作  者:hzh
 21         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:27:51
 22         /// 任务编号:
 23         /// </summary>
 24         /// <param name="rectcontrol">停靠区域</param>
 25         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
 26         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
 27         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
 28         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
 29         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
 30         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
 31         private frmanchortips(
 32             rectangle rectcontrol,
 33             string strmsg,
 34             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
 35             color? background = null,
 36             color? forecolor = null,
 37             int fontsize = 10,
 38             int autoclosetime = 5000)
 39         {
 40             initializecomponent();
 41             graphics g = this.creategraphics();
 42             font _font = new font("微软雅黑", fontsize);
 43             color _background = background == null ? color.fromargb(255, 77, 58) : background.value;
 44             color _forecolor = forecolor == null ? color.white : forecolor.value;
 45             system.drawing.sizef sizetext = g.measurestring(strmsg, _font);
 46             g.dispose();
 47             var formsize = new size((int)sizetext.width + 20, (int)sizetext.height + 20);
 48             if (formsize.width < 20)
 49                 formsize.width = 20;
 50             if (formsize.height < 20)
 51                 formsize.height = 20;
 52             if (location == anchortipslocation.left || location == anchortipslocation.right)
 53             {
 54                 formsize.width += 20;
 55             }
 56             else
 57             {
 58                 formsize.height += 20;
 59             }          
 61             #region 获取窗体path    english:get the form path
 62             graphicspath path = new graphicspath();
 63             rectangle rect;
 64             switch (location)
 65             {
 66                 case anchortipslocation.top:
 67                     rect = new rectangle(1, 1, formsize.width - 2, formsize.height - 20 - 1);
 68                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x + (rectcontrol.width - rect.width) / 2, rectcontrol.y - rect.height - 20);
 69                     break;
 70                 case anchortipslocation.right:
 71                     rect = new rectangle(20, 1, formsize.width - 20 - 1, formsize.height - 2);
 72                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.right, rectcontrol.y + (rectcontrol.height - rect.height) / 2);
 73                     break;
 74                 case anchortipslocation.bottom:
 75                     rect = new rectangle(1, 20, formsize.width - 2, formsize.height - 20 - 1);
 76                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x + (rectcontrol.width - rect.width) / 2, rectcontrol.bottom);
 77                     break;
 78                 default:
 79                     rect = new rectangle(1, 1, formsize.width - 20 - 1, formsize.height - 2);
 80                     this.location = new point(rectcontrol.x - rect.width - 20, rectcontrol.y + (rectcontrol.height - rect.height) / 2);
 81                     break;
 82             }
 83             int cornerradius = 2;
 85             path.addarc(rect.x, rect.y, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 180, 90);//左上角
 86             #region 上边
 87             if (location == anchortipslocation.bottom)
 88             {
 89                 path.addline(rect.x + cornerradius, rect.y, rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.y);//上
 90                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.y, rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.y - 19);//上
 91                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.y - 19, rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.y);//上
 92                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.y, rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.y);//上
 93             }
 94             else
 95             {
 96                 path.addline(rect.x + cornerradius, rect.y, rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.y);//上
 97             }
 98             #endregion
 99             path.addarc(rect.x + rect.width - cornerradius * 2, rect.y, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 270, 90);//右上角
100             #region 右边
101             if (location == anchortipslocation.left)
102             {
103                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10);//右
104                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10, rect.right + 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2);//右
105                 path.addline(rect.right + 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10);//右
106                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//右            
107             }
108             else
109             {
110                 path.addline(rect.right, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.right, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//右
111             }
112             #endregion
113             path.addarc(rect.x + rect.width - cornerradius * 2, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 0, 90);//右下角
114             #region 下边
115             if (location == anchortipslocation.top)
116             {
117                 path.addline(rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom, rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.bottom);
118                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 + 10, rect.bottom, rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.bottom + 19);
119                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.bottom + 19, rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.bottom);
120                 path.addline(rect.left + rect.width / 2 - 10, rect.bottom, rect.x + cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom);
121             }
122             else
123             {
124                 path.addline(rect.right - cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom, rect.x + cornerradius * 2, rect.bottom);
125             }
126             #endregion
127             path.addarc(rect.x, rect.bottom - cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, cornerradius * 2, 90, 90);//左下角
128             #region 左边
129             if (location == anchortipslocation.right)
130             {
131                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + cornerradius * 2, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10);//左
132                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 - 10, rect.left - 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2);//左
133                 path.addline(rect.left - 19, rect.y + rect.height / 2, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10);//左
134                 path.addline(rect.left, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + 10, rect.left, rect.y + rect.height - cornerradius * 2);//左          
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 path.addline(rect.x, rect.bottom - cornerradius * 2, rect.x, rect.y + cornerradius * 2);//左
139             }
140             #endregion
141             path.closefigure();
142             #endregion
144             bitmap bit = new bitmap(formsize.width, formsize.height);
145             this.size = formsize;
147             #region 画图    english:drawing
148             graphics gbit = graphics.fromimage(bit);
149             gbit.setgdihigh();
150             gbit.fillpath(new solidbrush(_background), path);
151             gbit.drawstring(strmsg, _font, new solidbrush(_forecolor), rect.location + new size(10, 10));
152             gbit.dispose();
153             #endregion
155             setbits(bit);
156             if (autoclosetime > 0)
157             {
158                 timer t = new timer();
159                 t.interval = autoclosetime;
160                 t.tick += (a, b) =>
161                 {
162                     this.close();
163                 };
164                 t.enabled = true;
165             }
166         }
167         #endregion
169         #region 显示一个提示    english:show a hint
170         /// <summary>
171         /// 功能描述:显示一个提示    english:show a hint
172         /// 作  者:hzh
173         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:28:58
174         /// 任务编号:
175         /// </summary>
176         /// <param name="parentcontrol">停靠控件</param>
177         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
178         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
179         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
180         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
181         /// <param name="deviation">偏移量</param>
182         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
183         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
184         public static frmanchortips showtips(
185             control parentcontrol,
186             string strmsg,
187             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
188             color? background = null,
189             color? forecolor = null,
190             size? deviation = null,
191             int fontsize = 10,
192             int autoclosetime = 5000)
193         {
194             point p;
195             if (parentcontrol is form)
196             {
197                 p = parentcontrol.location;
198             }
199             else
200             {
201                 p = parentcontrol.parent.pointtoscreen(parentcontrol.location);
202             }
203             if (deviation != null)
204             {
205                 p = p + deviation.value;
206             }
207             return showtips(parentcontrol.findform(), new rectangle(p, parentcontrol.size), strmsg, location, background, forecolor, fontsize, autoclosetime);
208         }
209         #endregion
211         #region 显示一个提示    english:show a hint
212         /// <summary>
213         /// 功能描述:显示一个提示    english:show a hint
214         /// 作  者:hzh
215         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:29:07
216         /// 任务编号:
217         /// </summary>
218         /// <param name="parentform">父窗体</param>
219         /// <param name="rectcontrol">停靠区域</param>
220         /// <param name="strmsg">消息</param>
221         /// <param name="location">显示方位</param>
222         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
223         /// <param name="forecolor">文字颜色</param>
224         /// <param name="fontsize">文字大小</param>
225         /// <param name="autoclosetime">自动关闭时间,当<=0时不自动关闭</param>
226         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
227         public static frmanchortips showtips(
228             form parentform,
229             rectangle rectcontrol,
230             string strmsg,
231             anchortipslocation location = anchortipslocation.right,
232             color? background = null,
233             color? forecolor = null,
234             int fontsize = 10,
235             int autoclosetime = 5000)
236         {
237             frmanchortips frm = new frmanchortips(rectcontrol, strmsg, location, background, forecolor, fontsize, autoclosetime);
238             frm.topmost = true;
239             frm.show(parentform);
240             return frm;
241         }
242         #endregion
244         #region override
246         protected override void onclosing(canceleventargs e)
247         {
248             e.cancel = true;
249             base.onclosing(e);
250             havehandle = false;
251             this.dispose();
252         }
254         protected override void onhandlecreated(eventargs e)
255         {
256             initializestyles();
257             base.onhandlecreated(e);
258             havehandle = true;
259         }
261         protected override createparams createparams
262         {
263             get
264             {
265                 createparams cparms = base.createparams;
266                 cparms.exstyle |= 0x00080000; // ws_ex_layered
267                 return cparms;
268             }
269         }
271         #endregion
273         private void initializestyles()
274         {
275             setstyle(controlstyles.allpaintinginwmpaint, true);
276             setstyle(controlstyles.userpaint, true);
277             updatestyles();
278         }
280         #region 根据图片显示窗体    english:display forms based on pictures
281         /// <summary>
282         /// 功能描述:根据图片显示窗体    english:display forms based on pictures
283         /// 作  者:hzh
284         /// 创建日期:2019-08-29 15:31:16
285         /// 任务编号:
286         /// </summary>
287         /// <param name="bitmap">bitmap</param>
288         private void setbits(bitmap bitmap)
289         {
290             if (!havehandle) return;
292             if (!bitmap.iscanonicalpixelformat(bitmap.pixelformat) || !bitmap.isalphapixelformat(bitmap.pixelformat))
293                 throw new applicationexception("the picture must be 32bit picture with alpha channel.");
295             intptr oldbits = intptr.zero;
296             intptr screendc = win32.getdc(intptr.zero);
297             intptr hbitmap = intptr.zero;
298             intptr memdc = win32.createcompatibledc(screendc);
300             try
301             {
302                 win32.point toploc = new win32.point(left, top);
303                 win32.size bitmapsize = new win32.size(bitmap.width, bitmap.height);
304                 win32.blendfunction blendfunc = new win32.blendfunction();
305                 win32.point srcloc = new win32.point(0, 0);
307                 hbitmap = bitmap.gethbitmap(color.fromargb(0));
308                 oldbits = win32.selectobject(memdc, hbitmap);
310                 blendfunc.blendop = win32.ac_src_over;
311                 blendfunc.sourceconstantalpha = 255;
312                 blendfunc.alphaformat = win32.ac_src_alpha;
313                 blendfunc.blendflags = 0;
315                 win32.updatelayeredwindow(handle, screendc, ref toploc, ref bitmapsize, memdc, ref srcloc, 0, ref blendfunc, win32.ulw_alpha);
316             }
317             finally
318             {
319                 if (hbitmap != intptr.zero)
320                 {
321                     win32.selectobject(memdc, oldbits);
322                     win32.deleteobject(hbitmap);
323                 }
324                 win32.releasedc(intptr.zero, screendc);
325                 win32.deletedc(memdc);
326             }
327         }
328         #endregion
329     }
331     public enum anchortipslocation
332     {
333         left,
334         top,
335         right,
336         bottom
337     }
339     class win32
340     {
341         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]
342         public struct size
343         {
344             public int32 cx;
345             public int32 cy;
347             public size(int32 x, int32 y)
348             {
349                 cx = x;
350                 cy = y;
351             }
352         }
354         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, pack = 1)]
355         public struct blendfunction
356         {
357             public byte blendop;
358             public byte blendflags;
359             public byte sourceconstantalpha;
360             public byte alphaformat;
361         }
363         [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]
364         public struct point
365         {
366             public int32 x;
367             public int32 y;
369             public point(int32 x, int32 y)
370             {
371                 this.x = x;
372                 this.y = y;
373             }
374         }
376         public const byte ac_src_over = 0;
377         public const int32 ulw_alpha = 2;
378         public const byte ac_src_alpha = 1;
380         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
381         public static extern intptr createcompatibledc(intptr hdc);
383         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
384         public static extern intptr getdc(intptr hwnd);
386         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true)]
387         public static extern intptr selectobject(intptr hdc, intptr hobj);
389         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true)]
390         public static extern int releasedc(intptr hwnd, intptr hdc);
392         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
393         public static extern int deletedc(intptr hdc);
395         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
396         public static extern int deleteobject(intptr hobj);
398         [dllimport("user32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
399         public static extern int updatelayeredwindow(intptr hwnd, intptr hdcdst, ref point pptdst, ref size psize, intptr hdcsrc, ref point pptsrc, int32 crkey, ref blendfunction pblend, int32 dwflags);
401         [dllimport("gdi32.dll", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]
402         public static extern intptr extcreateregion(intptr lpxform, uint ncount, intptr rgndata);
403     }
404 }
 1 namespace hzh_controls.forms
 2 {
 3     partial class frmanchortips
 4     {
 5         /// <summary>
 6         /// required designer variable.
 7         /// </summary>
 8         private system.componentmodel.icontainer components = null;
10         /// <summary>
11         /// clean up any resources being used.
12         /// </summary>
13         /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
14         protected override void dispose(bool disposing)
15         {
16             if (disposing && (components != null))
17             {
18                 components.dispose();
19             }
20             base.dispose(disposing);
21         }
23         #region windows form designer generated code
25         /// <summary>
26         /// required method for designer support - do not modify
27         /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
28         /// </summary>
29         private void initializecomponent()
30         {
31             this.suspendlayout();
32             // 
33             // frmanchortips
34             // 
35             this.autoscaledimensions = new system.drawing.sizef(6f, 12f);
36             this.autoscalemode = system.windows.forms.autoscalemode.font;
37             this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(226, 83);
38             this.formborderstyle = system.windows.forms.formborderstyle.none;
39             this.name = "frmanchortips";
40             this.startposition = system.windows.forms.formstartposition.manual;
41             this.text = "frmanchortips";
42             this.resumelayout(false);
44         }
46         #endregion
47     }
48 }


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