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Mybatis mapper动态代理的原理解析

2019年09月06日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



public interface userdao {
 list<user> findall();
  * 保存用户
  * @param user
 void save(user user);

  * 更新用户
  * @return
 void update(user user);
  * 删除用户
 void delete(integer userid);
  * 查找一个用户
  * @param userid
  * @return
 user findone(integer userid);
  * 根据名字模糊查询
  * @param name
  * @return
 list<user> findbyname(string name);
  * 根据组合对象进行模糊查询
  * @param vo
  * @return
 list<user> findbyqueryvo(queryvo vo);

一、mybatis dao层两种实现方式的对比



public class userdaoimpl implements userdao{
 private sqlsessionfactory factory;
 public userdaoimpl(sqlsessionfactory factory){
  this.factory = factory;
 public list<user> findall() {
  sqlsession sqlsession = factory.opensession();
  list<user> list = sqlsession.selectlist("com.example.dao.userdao.findall");
  return list;
 public void save(user user) {
 public void update(user user) {
 public void delete(integer userid) {
 public user findone(integer userid) {
  return null;
 public list<user> findbyname(string name) {
  return null;
 public list<user> findbyqueryvo(queryvo vo) {
  return null;

这里的关键代码 list<user> list = sqlsession.selectlist("com.example.dao.userdao.findall"),需要我们自己手动调用sqlsession里面的方法,基于动态代理的方式最后的目标也是成功的调用到这里。




sqlsession session = factory.opensession();
userdao mapper = session.getmapper(userdao.class);
list<user> list = mapper.findall();






userdao mapper = session.getmapper(userdao.class); 因为sqlsesseion为接口,所以我们通过debug方式发现这里使用的实现类为defaultsqlsession。


 public <t> t getmapper(class<t> type) {
 return configuration.<t>getmapper(type, this);

3. 找到configuration类的getmapper方法,这里也是将工作继续交到mapperregistry的getmapper的方法中,所以我们继续向下进行。

 public <t> t getmapper(class<t> type, sqlsession sqlsession) {
 return mapperregistry.getmapper(type, sqlsession);

4. 找到mapperregistry的getmapper的方法,看到这里发现和以前不一样了,通过mapperproxyfactory的命名方式我们知道这里将通过这个工厂生成我们所关注的mapperproxy的代理类,然后我们通过mapperproxyfactory.newinstance(sqlsession);进入mapperproxyfactory的newinstance方法中

public <t> t getmapper(class<t> type, sqlsession sqlsession) {
 final mapperproxyfactory<t> mapperproxyfactory = (mapperproxyfactory<t>) knownmappers.get(type);
 if (mapperproxyfactory == null) {
  throw new bindingexception("type " + type + " is not known to the mapperregistry.");
 try {
  return mapperproxyfactory.newinstance(sqlsession);
 } catch (exception e) {
  throw new bindingexception("error getting mapper instance. cause: " + e, e);

5. 找到mapperproxyfactory的newintance方法,通过参数类型sqlsession可以得知,上面的调用先进入第二个newinstance方法中并创建我们所需要重点关注的mapperproxy对象,第二个方法中再调用第一个newinstance方法并将mapperproxy对象传入进去,根据该对象创建代理类并返回。这里已经得到需要的代理类了,但是我们的代理类所做的工作还得继续向下看mapperproxy类。

protected t newinstance(mapperproxy<t> mapperproxy) {
 return (t) proxy.newproxyinstance(mapperinterface.getclassloader(), new class[] { mapperinterface }, mapperproxy);
 public t newinstance(sqlsession sqlsession) {
 final mapperproxy<t> mapperproxy = new mapperproxy<t>(sqlsession, mapperinterface, methodcache);
 return newinstance(mapperproxy);

6. 找到mapperproxy类,发现其确实实现了jdk动态代理必须实现的接口invocationhandler,所以我们重点关注invoke()方法,这里看到在invoke方法里先获取mappermethod类,然后调用mappermethod.execute(),所以我们继续查看mappermethod类的execute方法。

public class mapperproxy<t> implements invocationhandler, serializable {
 private static final long serialversionuid = -6424540398559729838l;
 private final sqlsession sqlsession;
 private final class<t> mapperinterface;
 private final map<method, mappermethod> methodcache;
 public mapperproxy(sqlsession sqlsession, class<t> mapperinterface, map<method, mappermethod> methodcache) {
 this.sqlsession = sqlsession;
 this.mapperinterface = mapperinterface;
 this.methodcache = methodcache;

 public object invoke(object proxy, method method, object[] args) throws throwable {
 try {
  if (object.class.equals(method.getdeclaringclass())) {
  return method.invoke(this, args);
  } else if (isdefaultmethod(method)) {
  return invokedefaultmethod(proxy, method, args);
 } catch (throwable t) {
  throw exceptionutil.unwrapthrowable(t);
 final mappermethod mappermethod = cachedmappermethod(method);
 return mappermethod.execute(sqlsession, args);

 private mappermethod cachedmappermethod(method method) {
 mappermethod mappermethod = methodcache.get(method);
 if (mappermethod == null) {
  mappermethod = new mappermethod(mapperinterface, method, sqlsession.getconfiguration());
  methodcache.put(method, mappermethod);
 return mappermethod;

 private object invokedefaultmethod(object proxy, method method, object[] args)
  throws throwable {
 final constructor<methodhandles.lookup> constructor = methodhandles.lookup.class
  .getdeclaredconstructor(class.class, int.class);
 if (!constructor.isaccessible()) {
 final class<?> declaringclass = method.getdeclaringclass();
 return constructor
   methodhandles.lookup.private | methodhandles.lookup.protected
    | methodhandles.lookup.package | methodhandles.lookup.public)
  .unreflectspecial(method, declaringclass).bindto(proxy).invokewitharguments(args);
 * backport of java.lang.reflect.method#isdefault()
 private boolean isdefaultmethod(method method) {
 return ((method.getmodifiers()
  & (modifier.abstract | modifier.public | modifier.static)) == modifier.public)
  && method.getdeclaringclass().isinterface();

7. 找到类mappermethod类的execute方法,发现execute中通过调用本类中的其他方法获取并封装返回结果,我们来看一下mappermethod整个类。

public object execute(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 object result;
 switch (command.gettype()) {
  case insert: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.insert(command.getname(), param));
  case update: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.update(command.getname(), param));
  case delete: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.delete(command.getname(), param));
  case select:
  if (method.returnsvoid() && method.hasresulthandler()) {
   executewithresulthandler(sqlsession, args);
   result = null;
  } else if (method.returnsmany()) {
   result = executeformany(sqlsession, args);
  } else if (method.returnsmap()) {
   result = executeformap(sqlsession, args);
  } else if (method.returnscursor()) {
   result = executeforcursor(sqlsession, args);
  } else {
   object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
   result = sqlsession.selectone(command.getname(), param);
  case flush:
  result = sqlsession.flushstatements();
  throw new bindingexception("unknown execution method for: " + command.getname());
 if (result == null && method.getreturntype().isprimitive() && !method.returnsvoid()) {
  throw new bindingexception("mapper method '" + command.getname() 
   + " attempted to return null from a method with a primitive return type (" + method.getreturntype() + ").");
 return result;

8. mappermethod类是整个代理机制的核心类,对sqlsession中的操作进行了封装使用。

该类里有两个内部类sqlcommand和methodsignature。 sqlcommand用来封装crud操作,也就是我们在xml中配置的操作的节点。每个节点都会生成一个mappedstatement类。


public class mappermethod {
 private final sqlcommand command;
 private final methodsignature method;
 public mappermethod(class<?> mapperinterface, method method, configuration config) {
 this.command = new sqlcommand(config, mapperinterface, method);
 this.method = new methodsignature(config, mapperinterface, method);
 public object execute(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 object result;
 switch (command.gettype()) {
  case insert: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.insert(command.getname(), param));
  case update: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.update(command.getname(), param));
  case delete: {
  object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
  result = rowcountresult(sqlsession.delete(command.getname(), param));
  case select:
  if (method.returnsvoid() && method.hasresulthandler()) {
   executewithresulthandler(sqlsession, args);
   result = null;
  } else if (method.returnsmany()) {
   result = executeformany(sqlsession, args);
  } else if (method.returnsmap()) {
   result = executeformap(sqlsession, args);
  } else if (method.returnscursor()) {
   result = executeforcursor(sqlsession, args);
  } else {
   object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
   result = sqlsession.selectone(command.getname(), param);
  case flush:
  result = sqlsession.flushstatements();
  throw new bindingexception("unknown execution method for: " + command.getname());
 if (result == null && method.getreturntype().isprimitive() && !method.returnsvoid()) {
  throw new bindingexception("mapper method '" + command.getname() 
   + " attempted to return null from a method with a primitive return type (" + method.getreturntype() + ").");
 return result;

 private object rowcountresult(int rowcount) {
 final object result;
 if (method.returnsvoid()) {
  result = null;
 } else if (integer.class.equals(method.getreturntype()) || integer.type.equals(method.getreturntype())) {
  result = rowcount;
 } else if (long.class.equals(method.getreturntype()) || long.type.equals(method.getreturntype())) {
  result = (long)rowcount;
 } else if (boolean.class.equals(method.getreturntype()) || boolean.type.equals(method.getreturntype())) {
  result = rowcount > 0;
 } else {
  throw new bindingexception("mapper method '" + command.getname() + "' has an unsupported return type: " + method.getreturntype());
 return result;

 private void executewithresulthandler(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 mappedstatement ms = sqlsession.getconfiguration().getmappedstatement(command.getname());
 if (void.class.equals(ms.getresultmaps().get(0).gettype())) {
  throw new bindingexception("method " + command.getname() 
   + " needs either a @resultmap annotation, a @resulttype annotation," 
   + " or a resulttype attribute in xml so a resulthandler can be used as a parameter.");
 object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
 if (method.hasrowbounds()) {
  rowbounds rowbounds = method.extractrowbounds(args);
  sqlsession.select(command.getname(), param, rowbounds, method.extractresulthandler(args));
 } else {
  sqlsession.select(command.getname(), param, method.extractresulthandler(args));

 private <e> object executeformany(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 list<e> result;
 object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
 if (method.hasrowbounds()) {
  rowbounds rowbounds = method.extractrowbounds(args);
  result = sqlsession.<e>selectlist(command.getname(), param, rowbounds);
 } else {
  result = sqlsession.<e>selectlist(command.getname(), param);
 // issue #510 collections & arrays support
 if (!method.getreturntype().isassignablefrom(result.getclass())) {
  if (method.getreturntype().isarray()) {
  return converttoarray(result);
  } else {
  return converttodeclaredcollection(sqlsession.getconfiguration(), result);
 return result;

 private <t> cursor<t> executeforcursor(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 cursor<t> result;
 object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
 if (method.hasrowbounds()) {
  rowbounds rowbounds = method.extractrowbounds(args);
  result = sqlsession.<t>selectcursor(command.getname(), param, rowbounds);
 } else {
  result = sqlsession.<t>selectcursor(command.getname(), param);
 return result;

 private <e> object converttodeclaredcollection(configuration config, list<e> list) {
 object collection = config.getobjectfactory().create(method.getreturntype());
 metaobject metaobject = config.newmetaobject(collection);
 return collection;
 private <e> object converttoarray(list<e> list) {
 class<?> arraycomponenttype = method.getreturntype().getcomponenttype();
 object array = array.newinstance(arraycomponenttype, list.size());
 if (arraycomponenttype.isprimitive()) {
  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
  array.set(array, i, list.get(i));
  return array;
 } else {
  return list.toarray((e[])array);
 private <k, v> map<k, v> executeformap(sqlsession sqlsession, object[] args) {
 map<k, v> result;
 object param = method.convertargstosqlcommandparam(args);
 if (method.hasrowbounds()) {
  rowbounds rowbounds = method.extractrowbounds(args);
  result = sqlsession.<k, v>selectmap(command.getname(), param, method.getmapkey(), rowbounds);
 } else {
  result = sqlsession.<k, v>selectmap(command.getname(), param, method.getmapkey());
 return result;
 public static class parammap<v> extends hashmap<string, v> {
 private static final long serialversionuid = -2212268410512043556l;
 public v get(object key) {
  if (!super.containskey(key)) {
  throw new bindingexception("parameter '" + key + "' not found. available parameters are " + keyset());
  return super.get(key);
 public static class sqlcommand {
 private final string name;
 private final sqlcommandtype type;

 public sqlcommand(configuration configuration, class<?> mapperinterface, method method) {
  final string methodname = method.getname();
  final class<?> declaringclass = method.getdeclaringclass();
  mappedstatement ms = resolvemappedstatement(mapperinterface, methodname, declaringclass,
  if (ms == null) {
  if (method.getannotation(flush.class) != null) {
   name = null;
   type = sqlcommandtype.flush;
  } else {
   throw new bindingexception("invalid bound statement (not found): "
    + mapperinterface.getname() + "." + methodname);
  } else {
  name = ms.getid();
  type = ms.getsqlcommandtype();
  if (type == sqlcommandtype.unknown) {
   throw new bindingexception("unknown execution method for: " + name);
 public string getname() {
  return name;
 public sqlcommandtype gettype() {
  return type;
 private mappedstatement resolvemappedstatement(class<?> mapperinterface, string methodname,
  class<?> declaringclass, configuration configuration) {
  string statementid = mapperinterface.getname() + "." + methodname;
  if (configuration.hasstatement(statementid)) {
  return configuration.getmappedstatement(statementid);
  } else if (mapperinterface.equals(declaringclass)) {
  return null;
  for (class<?> superinterface : mapperinterface.getinterfaces()) {
  if (declaringclass.isassignablefrom(superinterface)) {
   mappedstatement ms = resolvemappedstatement(superinterface, methodname,
    declaringclass, configuration);
   if (ms != null) {
   return ms;
  return null;

 public static class methodsignature {
 private final boolean returnsmany;
 private final boolean returnsmap;
 private final boolean returnsvoid;
 private final boolean returnscursor;
 private final class<?> returntype;
 private final string mapkey;
 private final integer resulthandlerindex;
 private final integer rowboundsindex;
 private final paramnameresolver paramnameresolver;

 public methodsignature(configuration configuration, class<?> mapperinterface, method method) {
  type resolvedreturntype = typeparameterresolver.resolvereturntype(method, mapperinterface);
  if (resolvedreturntype instanceof class<?>) {
  this.returntype = (class<?>) resolvedreturntype;
  } else if (resolvedreturntype instanceof parameterizedtype) {
  this.returntype = (class<?>) ((parameterizedtype) resolvedreturntype).getrawtype();
  } else {
  this.returntype = method.getreturntype();
  this.returnsvoid = void.class.equals(this.returntype);
  this.returnsmany = (configuration.getobjectfactory().iscollection(this.returntype) || this.returntype.isarray());
  this.returnscursor = cursor.class.equals(this.returntype);
  this.mapkey = getmapkey(method);
  this.returnsmap = (this.mapkey != null);
  this.rowboundsindex = getuniqueparamindex(method, rowbounds.class);
  this.resulthandlerindex = getuniqueparamindex(method, resulthandler.class);
  this.paramnameresolver = new paramnameresolver(configuration, method);

 public object convertargstosqlcommandparam(object[] args) {
  return paramnameresolver.getnamedparams(args);

 public boolean hasrowbounds() {
  return rowboundsindex != null;

 public rowbounds extractrowbounds(object[] args) {
  return hasrowbounds() ? (rowbounds) args[rowboundsindex] : null;

 public boolean hasresulthandler() {
  return resulthandlerindex != null;

 public resulthandler extractresulthandler(object[] args) {
  return hasresulthandler() ? (resulthandler) args[resulthandlerindex] : null;

 public string getmapkey() {
  return mapkey;

 public class<?> getreturntype() {
  return returntype;

 public boolean returnsmany() {
  return returnsmany;

 public boolean returnsmap() {
  return returnsmap;

 public boolean returnsvoid() {
  return returnsvoid;

 public boolean returnscursor() {
  return returnscursor;
 private integer getuniqueparamindex(method method, class<?> paramtype) {
  integer index = null;
  final class<?>[] argtypes = method.getparametertypes();
  for (int i = 0; i < argtypes.length; i++) {
  if (paramtype.isassignablefrom(argtypes[i])) {
   if (index == null) {
   index = i;
   } else {
   throw new bindingexception(method.getname() + " cannot have multiple " + paramtype.getsimplename() + " parameters");
  return index;
 private string getmapkey(method method) {
  string mapkey = null;
  if (map.class.isassignablefrom(method.getreturntype())) {
  final mapkey mapkeyannotation = method.getannotation(mapkey.class);
  if (mapkeyannotation != null) {
   mapkey = mapkeyannotation.value();
  return mapkey;


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