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Java12 Collectors.teeing 你需要了解一下

2019年11月07日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


在 java 12 里面有个非常好用但在官方 jep 没有公布的功能,因为它只是 collector 中的一个小改动,它的作用是 merge 两个 collector 的结果,这句话显得很抽象,老规矩,我们先来看个图:

管道改造经常会用这个小东西,通常我们叫它「三通」,它的主要作用就是将 downstream1 和 downstream2 的流入合并,然后从 merger 流出



上面提到的小功能就是 collectors.teeing api, 先来看一下 jdk 关于该 api 的说明,看着觉得难受的直接忽略,继续向下看例子就好了:

 * returns a {@code collector} that is a composite of two downstream collectors.
 * every element passed to the resulting collector is processed by both downstream
 * collectors, then their results are merged using the specified merge function
 * into the final result.
 * <p>the resulting collector functions do the following:
 * <ul>
 * <li>supplier: creates a result container that contains result containers
 * obtained by calling each collector's supplier
 * <li>accumulator: calls each collector's accumulator with its result container
 * and the input element
 * <li>combiner: calls each collector's combiner with two result containers
 * <li>finisher: calls each collector's finisher with its result container,
 * then calls the supplied merger and returns its result.
 * </ul>
 * <p>the resulting collector is {@link collector.characteristics#unordered} if both downstream
 * collectors are unordered and {@link collector.characteristics#concurrent} if both downstream
 * collectors are concurrent.
 * @param <t>         the type of the input elements
 * @param <r1>        the result type of the first collector
 * @param <r2>        the result type of the second collector
 * @param <r>         the final result type
 * @param downstream1 the first downstream collector
 * @param downstream2 the second downstream collector
 * @param merger      the function which merges two results into the single one
 * @return a {@code collector} which aggregates the results of two supplied collectors.
 * @since 12
public static <t, r1, r2, r>
collector<t, ?, r> teeing(collector<? super t, ?, r1> downstream1,
                          collector<? super t, ?, r2> downstream2,
                          bifunction<? super r1, ? super r2, r> merger) {
    return teeing0(downstream1, downstream2, merger);

api 描述重的一句话非常关键:

every element passed to the resulting collector is processed by both downstream collectors
结合「三通图」来说明就是,集合中每一个要被传入 merger 的元素都会经过 downstream1 和 downstream2 的加工处理

其中 merger 类型是 bifunction,也就是说接收两个参数,并输出一个值,请看它的 apply 方法

public interface bifunction<t, u, r> {

     * applies this function to the given arguments.
     * @param t the first function argument
     * @param u the second function argument
     * @return the function result
    r apply(t t, u u);



为了更好的说明 teeing 的使用,列举了四个例子,看过这四个例子再回看上面的 api 说明,相信你会柳暗花明了



class countsum {
    private final long count;
    private final integer sum;
    public countsum(long count, integer sum) {
        this.count = count;
        this.sum = sum;

    public string tostring() {
        return "countsum{" +
                "count=" + count +
                ", sum=" + sum +

通过 collectors.teeing 处理

countsum countsum = stream.of(2, 11, 1, 5, 7, 8, 12)
                summingint(e -> e),

  • downstream1 通过 collectors 的静态方法 counting 进行集合计数
  • downstream2 通过 collectors 的静态方法 summingint 进行集合元素值的累加
  • merger 通过 countsum 构造器收集结果


countsum{count=7, sum=46}

我们通过 teeing 一次性得到我们想要的结果,继续向下看其他例子:


通过给定的集合, 一次性计算出集合的最大值与最小值,同样新建一个类 minmax,并创建构造器用于 merger 收集结果

class minmax {
    private final integer min;
    private final integer max;
    public minmax(integer min, integer max) {
        this.min = min;
        this.max = max;

    public string tostring() {
        return "minmax{" +
                "min=" + min +
                ", max=" + max +

通过 teeing api 计算结果:

minmax minmax = stream.of(2, 11, 1, 5, 7, 8, 12)
                (optional<integer> a, optional<integer> b) -> new minmax(a.orelse(integer.min_value), b.orelse(integer.max_value))));

  • downstream1 通过 collectors 的静态方法 minby,通过 comparator 比较器按照自然排序找到最小值
  • downstream2 通过 collectors 的静态方法 maxby,通过 comparator 比较器按照自然排序找到最大值
  • merger 通过 minmax 构造器收集结果,只不过为了应对 npe,将 bifunction 的两个入参经过 optional 处理


minmax{min=1, max=12}

为了验证一下 optional,我们将集合中添加一个 null 元素,并修改一下排序规则来看一下排序结果:

minmax minmax = stream.of(null, 2, 11, 1, 5, 7, 8, 12)
                        (optional<integer> a, optional<integer> b) -> new minmax(a.orelse(integer.min_value), b.orelse(integer.max_value))));
  • downstream1 处理规则是将 null 放在排序的最前面
  • downstream2 处理规则是将 null 放在排序的最后面
  • merger 处理时,都会执行 optional.orelse 方法,分别输出最小值与最大值


minmax{min=-2147483648, max=2147483647}



// 定义瓜的类型和重量
class melon {
    private final string type;
    private final int weight;
    public melon(string type, int weight) {
        this.type = type;
        this.weight = weight;

    public string gettype() {
        return type;

    public int getweight() {
        return weight;

// 总重和单个重量列表
class weightsandtotal {
    private final int totalweight;
    private final list<integer> weights;
    public weightsandtotal(int totalweight, list<integer> weights) {
        this.totalweight = totalweight;
        this.weights = weights;

    public string tostring() {
        return "weightsandtotal{" +
                "totalweight=" + totalweight +
                ", weights=" + weights +

通过 teeing api 计算总重量和单个列表重量

list<melon> melons = arrays.aslist(new melon("crenshaw", 1200),
    new melon("gac", 3000), new melon("hemi", 2600),
    new melon("hemi", 1600), new melon("gac", 1200),
    new melon("apollo", 2600), new melon("horned", 1700),
    new melon("gac", 3000), new melon("hemi", 2600)

weightsandtotal weightsandtotal = melons.stream()
            mapping(m -> m.getweight(), tolist()),

  • downstream1 通过 collectors 的静态方法 summingint 做重量累加
  • downstream2 通过 collectors 的静态方法 mapping 提取出瓜的重量,并通过流的终结操作 tolist() 获取结果
  • merger 通过 weightsandtotal 构造器获取结果


weightsandtotal{totalweight=19500, weights=[1200, 3000, 2600, 1600, 1200, 2600, 1700, 3000, 2600]}



class guest {
    private string name;
    private boolean participating;
    private integer participantsnumber;

    public guest(string name, boolean participating, integer participantsnumber) {
        this.name = name;
        this.participating = participating;
        this.participantsnumber = participantsnumber;
    public boolean isparticipating() {
        return participating;

    public integer getparticipantsnumber() {
        return participantsnumber;

    public string getname() {
        return name;

class eventparticipation {
    private list<string> guestnamelist;
    private integer totalnumberofparticipants;

    public eventparticipation(list<string> guestnamelist, integer totalnumberofparticipants) {
        this.guestnamelist = guestnamelist;
        this.totalnumberofparticipants = totalnumberofparticipants;

    public string tostring() {
        return "eventparticipation { " +
                "guests = " + guestnamelist +
                ", total number of participants = " + totalnumberofparticipants +
                " }";

通过 teeing api 处理

var result = stream.of(
                new guest("marco", true, 3),
                new guest("david", false, 2),
                new guest("roger",true, 6))
                        collectors.filtering(guest::isparticipating, collectors.mapping(guest::getname, collectors.tolist())),
  • downstream1 通过 filtering 方法过滤出确定参加的人,并 mapping 出他们的姓名,最终放到 tolist 集合中
  • downstream2 通过 summingint 方法计数累加
  • merger 通过 eventparticipation 构造器收集结果

其中我们定义了 var result 来收集结果,并没有指定类型,这个语法糖也加速了我们编程的效率


eventparticipation { guests = [marco, roger], total number of participants = 11 }


其实 teeing api 就是灵活应用 collectors 里面定义的静态方法,将集合元素通过 downstream1 和 downstream2 进行处理,最终通过 merger 收集起来,当项目中有同时获取两个收集结果时,是时候应用我们的 teeing api 了


  1. collectors 里面的静态方法你应用的熟练吗?
  2. 项目中你们在用 jdk 的版本是多少?
  3. lambda 的使用熟练吗?
  4. 你的灯还亮着吗?

  1. java并发系列文章,持续更新中
  2. maven 依赖传递性透彻理解
  3. 读取excel还用poi? 试试这个开源框架
  4. 基础面试,为什么面试官总喜欢问java string


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