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[Cake] 3. dotnet 本地工具 cake & dotnet format

2019年12月18日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


在上一篇[cake] 2. dotnet 全局工具 cake中介绍了通过.net core 2.1 的全局工具dotnet tool命令来简化cake的安装和使用。因为是全局安装,则无法适应每个项目对特定版本的要求。随着.net core 3.0中增加的对本地工具(项目级别)的支持,使得这一问题得以解决。

1. cake的安装和还原

# 创建一个本地的工具清单文件
dotnet new tool-manifest

# 安装本地工具 
dotnet tool install cake.tool --version 0.35.0

dotnet new tool-manifest命令会在当前目录下创建一个.config/dotnet-tools.json的文件。当我们执行dotnet tool install cake.tool时,就会把cake.tool的相关信息写入到这个文件。

  "version": 1,
  "isroot": true,
  "tools": {
    "cake.tool": {
      "version": "0.35.0",
      "commands": [
    "dotnet-format": {
      "version": "3.1.37601",
      "commands": [

之后就可以执行dotnet cake(或者dotnet tool run dotnet-cake)命令了。

$ dotnet cake --help

usage: cake.exe [script] [--target=value] [--verbosity=value]
                [--showdescription] [--dryrun] [..]

example: cake.exe
example: cake.exe build.cake --verbosity=quiet
example: cake.exe build.cake --showdescription

    --target <target>    target task to invoke. script must support this explicitly.
    --verbosity=value    specifies the amount of information to be displayed.
                         (quiet, minimal, normal, verbose, diagnostic)
    --debug              performs a debug.
    --showdescription    shows description about tasks.
    --showtree           shows the task dependency tree.
    --dryrun             performs a dry run.
    --exclusive          execute a single task without any dependencies.
    --bootstrap          download/install modules defined by #module directives
    --version            displays version information.
    --info               displays additional information about cake execution.
    --help               displays usage information.


dotnet tool restore


2. dotnet format 格式化


dotnet-format is a code formatter for dotnet that applies style preferences to a project or solution. preferences will be read from an .editorconfig file, if present, otherwise a default set of preferences will be used. at this time dotnet-format is able to format c# and visual basic projects with a subset of supported .editorconfig options.

它会使用中的格式化配置,来统一项目的文件编码和格式。 安装方式同上面的cake一样。

# 安装
dotnet tool install dotnet-format

# 检查并保存
dotnet format

# 只检查不保存,检查失败则返回非0的exit code
dotnet format --check --dry-run



$ dotnet format --check --dry-run
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(17,2): add final newline.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(17,2): add final newline.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(14,2): add final newline.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(18,2): add final newline.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(18,2): add final newline.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(1,31): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(2,2): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(3,18): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(4,12): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(5,19): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(6,38): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(7,6): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(8,22): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(9,15): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(10,23): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(11,32): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(12,29): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(13,10): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(14,25): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(15,10): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/cat.cs(16,6): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(1,31): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(2,2): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(3,18): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(4,11): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(5,19): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(6,38): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(7,6): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(8,22): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(9,15): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(10,23): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(11,32): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(12,29): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(13,10): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(14,25): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(15,10): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/animals/dog.cs(16,6): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(1,23): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(2,2): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(3,18): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(4,13): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(5,19): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(6,29): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(7,6): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(8,22): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(9,16): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(10,23): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(11,32): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(12,23): fix end of line marker.
  1-src/cake.example/ianimal.cs(13,6): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(1,28): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(2,13): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(2,13): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(4,42): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(5,2): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(6,32): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(7,6): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(8,15): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(9,39): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(10,10): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(11,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(11,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(13,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(13,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(15,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(16,10): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/cattest.cs(17,6): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(1,28): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(2,13): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(2,13): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(4,42): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(5,2): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(6,32): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(7,6): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(8,15): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(9,39): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(10,10): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(11,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(11,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(13,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(13,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(15,40): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(16,10): fix end of line marker.
  2-test/cake.example.tests/animalstests/dottest.cs(17,6): fix end of line marker.
  formatted code file 'cat.cs'.
  formatted code file 'dog.cs'.
  formatted code file 'ianimal.cs'.
  formatted code file 'cattest.cs'.
  formatted code file 'dottest.cs'.
  format complete in 3529ms.

dotnet-foramt支持的.editorconfig信息比较丰富,具体的参考 https://github.com/dotnet/format/wiki/supported-.editorconfig-options 的说明,这里也贴一个我在使用的.editorconfig

3. 参考


我的.editorconfig :


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