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2020年03月09日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论
记录https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/linq/linq-and-file-directories的学习 查询具有指定扩展名的文件 (SearchOption.AllDirectorie ...



查询具有指定扩展名的文件 (searchoption.alldirectories 指递归文件夹获取所有文件)

string startfolder = @"c:\users\bibi\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\";
directoryinfo dir = new directoryinfo(startfolder);
ienumerable<fileinfo> filelist = dir.getfiles("*.*", searchoption.alldirectories);

var filequery = from file in filelist
                where file.extension == ".png"
                orderby file.name
                select file;

foreach(var item in filequery)


// take a snapshot of the file system.  
string startfolder = @"c:\users\bibi\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\";

// used in writeline to trim output lines.  
int trimlength = startfolder.length;

// take a snapshot of the file system.  
system.io.directoryinfo dir = new system.io.directoryinfo(startfolder);

// this method assumes that the application has discovery permissions  
// for all folders under the specified path.  
ienumerable<system.io.fileinfo> filelist = dir.getfiles("*.*", system.io.searchoption.alldirectories);

var querygroupbyext = from file in filelist
                      group file by file.extension.tolower() into filegroup
                      orderby filegroup.key
                      select filegroup;

foreach(var group in querygroupbyext)
    foreach(var item in group)
        console.writeline($"    {item.name}");


string startfolder = @"c:\users\bibi\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\";

system.io.directoryinfo dir = new system.io.directoryinfo(startfolder);
var totallength = dir.getfiles().sum(x=>x.length);

console.writeline(totallength+" bytes");


string patha = @"c:\users\bibi\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\";
string pathb = @"c:\users\bibi\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\testx\";

system.io.directoryinfo dir1 = new system.io.directoryinfo(patha);
system.io.directoryinfo dir2 = new system.io.directoryinfo(pathb);

//使用了顶层目录searchoption.topdirectoryonly,不需递归目录下的文件夹寻找文件,只要第一层文件。 ienumerable<system.io.fileinfo> list1 = dir1.getfiles("*.*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly); ienumerable<system.io.fileinfo> list2 = dir2.getfiles("*.*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly); //使用自定义的文件默认比较器 filecompare myfilecompare = new filecompare(); //判断两个序列是否相等 bool isequalone = list1.sequenceequal(list2, myfilecompare); if (isequalone == true) { console.writeline("the two folders are the same"); } else { console.writeline("the two folders are not the same"); } //求交集文件 var querycommonfiles = list1.intersect(list2, myfilecompare); if (querycommonfiles.any()) { console.writeline("the following files are in both folders:"); foreach (var v in querycommonfiles) { console.writeline(v.fullname); //shows which items end up in result list } } //求差集文件 在list1却不在list2的文件 var querylist1only = list1.except(list2, myfilecompare); console.writeline("the following files are in list1 but not list2:"); foreach (var v in querylist1only) { console.writeline(v.fullname); }


using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.data;
using system.diagnostics.codeanalysis;
using system.io;
using system.linq;
using system.reflection;

namespace consoleapp4
    class program
        static void main(string[] args)
            string startfolder = @"c:\users\mycomputer\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\testx\";

            system.io.directoryinfo dir = new system.io.directoryinfo(startfolder);
            ienumerable<system.io.fileinfo> filelist = dir.getfiles("*.*", system.io.searchoption.alldirectories);

            long maxsize = filelist.select(x => getfilelength(x)).max();
            console.writeline($"the length of the largest file under {startfolder} is {maxsize}");

            var longestfile = filelist.orderbydescending(x => getfilelength(x)).first();          

            console.writeline("the largest file under {0} is {1} with a length of {2} bytes",
                                startfolder, longestfile.fullname, longestfile.length);

            var smallestfile = filelist.orderby(x => getfilelength(x)).first();            

            console.writeline("the smallest file under {0} is {1} with a length of {2} bytes",
                                startfolder, smallestfile.fullname, smallestfile.length);

            var querytenlargest = filelist.orderbydescending(x => getfilelength(x)).take(10);        

            console.writeline("the 10 largest files under {0} are:", startfolder);

            foreach (var v in querytenlargest)
                console.writeline("{0}: {1} bytes", v.fullname, v.length);

        static long getfilelength(system.io.fileinfo fi)
            long bytes;
                bytes = fi.length;
            catch (system.io.filenotfoundexception)
                //如果文件找不到 0字节处理
                bytes = 0;
            return bytes;


using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.data;
using system.io;
using system.linq;

namespace consoleapp4
    class program
        static void main(string[] args)
            string startfolder = @"c:\users\biubiu\desktop\代码\异步\consoleapp4\test\";
            directoryinfo dir = new directoryinfo(startfolder);           
            ienumerable<system.io.fileinfo> filelist = dir.getfiles("*.*", system.io.searchoption.alldirectories);

            var querysamegroup = from file in filelist
                                     group file.name by new portablekey { name = file.name, lastwritetime = file.lastwritetime, length = file.length } into filegroup
                                     where filegroup.count() > 1
                                     select filegroup;

            //linq 方法调用写法 
            //var querysamegroup2 = filelist.groupby(file => new portablekey
            //    lastwritetime = file.lastwritetime,
            //    length = file.length,
            //    name = file.name
            //}, file => file.name).where(filegroup => filegroup.count() > 1);

            foreach(var group in querysamegroup)
                foreach(var item in group)
                    console.writeline($"  {item}");

    class portablekey
        public string name { get; set; }
        public datetime lastwritetime { get; set; }
        public long length { get; set; }

        public override bool equals(object obj)
            portablekey other = (portablekey)obj;
            return this.lastwritetime == other.lastwritetime &&
                this.length == other.length &&
                this.name == other.name;

        public override int gethashcode()
            string str = $"{this.lastwritetime}{this.length}{this.name}";
            return str.gethashcode();
        public override string tostring()
            return $"{this.name} {this.length} {this.lastwritetime}";



