当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>脚本编程>Python > 荐 STC8A基于STC15的双串口中断收发程序的移植

荐 STC8A基于STC15的双串口中断收发程序的移植

2020年07月13日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论





串口部分的修改,由于利用STC15的文件,所以STC8A的串口2改在P1.0 P1.1。





/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------*/
/* --- STC 1T Series MCU RC Demo -----------------------------------*/
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966 ---------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* --- QQ:  800003751 ----------------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the  */
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC    */

#ifndef __USART_H
#define __USART_H	 

#include	"config.h"

//#define	COM_TX1_Lenth	128
//#define	COM_RX1_Lenth	128
//#define	COM_TX2_Lenth	128
//#define	COM_RX2_Lenth	128

#define	COM_TX1_Lenth	1024
#define	COM_RX1_Lenth	1024
#define	COM_TX2_Lenth	1024
#define	COM_RX2_Lenth	1024

#define	USART1	1
#define	USART2	2

#define	UART_ShiftRight	0		//同步移位输出
#define	UART_8bit_BRTx	(1<<6)	//8位数据,可变波特率
#define	UART_9bit		(2<<6)	//9位数据,固定波特率
#define	UART_9bit_BRTx	(3<<6)	//9位数据,可变波特率

#define	UART1_SW_P30_P31	0
#define	UART1_SW_P36_P37	(1<<6)
#define	UART1_SW_P16_P17	(2<<6)	//必须使用内部时钟
#define	UART2_SW_P10_P11	0
#define	UART2_SW_P46_P47	1

#define	TimeOutSet1		15
#define	TimeOutSet2		15

#define	BRT_Timer1	1
#define	BRT_Timer2	2

typedef struct
	u8	id;				//串口号

	u16	TX_read;		//发送读指针
	u16	TX_write;		//发送写指针
	u8	B_TX_busy;		//忙标志

	u16 	RX_Cnt;			//接收字节计数
	u8	RX_TimeOut;		//接收超时
	u8	B_RX_OK;		//接收块完成
} COMx_Define; 

typedef struct
	u8	UART_Mode;			//模式,         UART_ShiftRight,UART_8bit_BRTx,UART_9bit,UART_9bit_BRTx
	u8	UART_BRT_Use;		//使用波特率,   BRT_Timer1,BRT_Timer2
	u32	UART_BaudRate;		//波特率,       ENABLE,DISABLE
	u8	Morecommunicate;	//多机通讯允许, ENABLE,DISABLE
	u8	UART_RxEnable;		//允许接收,   ENABLE,DISABLE
	u8	BaudRateDouble;		//波特率加倍, ENABLE,DISABLE
	u8	UART_Interrupt;		//中断控制,   ENABLE,DISABLE
	u8	UART_Polity;		//优先级,     PolityLow,PolityHigh
	u8	UART_P_SW;			//切换端口,   UART1_SW_P30_P31,UART1_SW_P36_P37,UART1_SW_P16_P17(必须使用内部时钟)

} COMx_InitDefine; 

extern	COMx_Define	COM1,COM2;
extern	u8	xdata TX1_Buffer[COM_TX1_Lenth];	//发送缓冲
extern	u8 	xdata RX1_Buffer[COM_RX1_Lenth];	//接收缓冲
extern	u8	xdata TX2_Buffer[COM_TX2_Lenth];	//发送缓冲
extern	u8 	xdata RX2_Buffer[COM_RX2_Lenth];	//接收缓冲

u8	USART_Configuration(u8 UARTx, COMx_InitDefine *COMx);
void TX1_write2buff(u8 dat);	//写入发送缓冲,指针+1
void TX2_write2buff(u8 dat);	//写入发送缓冲,指针+1
void PrintString1(u8 *puts);
void PrintString2(u8 *puts);

//void COMx_write2buff(COMx_Define *COMx, u8 dat);	//写入发送缓冲,指针+1
//void PrintString(COMx_Define *COMx, u8 *puts);



/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------*/
/* --- STC 1T Series MCU RC Demo -----------------------------------*/
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-0513-55012956,55012947,55012969 ---------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-0513-55012928,55012929,55012966 ---------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.GXWMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* --- QQ:  800003751 ----------------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the  */
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC    */

#include	"config.h"
#include	"USART.h"
#include	"delay.h"

/*************	功能说明	**************


通过PC向MCU发送数据, MCU收到后通过串口把收到的数据原样返回.


/*************	本地常量声明	**************/

/*************	本地变量声明	**************/

/*************	本地函数声明	**************/

/*************  外部函数和变量声明 *****************/

void	UART_config(void)
	COMx_InitDefine		COMx_InitStructure;					//结构定义
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Mode      = UART_8bit_BRTx;		//模式,       UART_ShiftRight,UART_8bit_BRTx,UART_9bit,UART_9bit_BRTx
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_BRT_Use   = BRT_Timer1;			//使用波特率,   BRT_Timer1, BRT_Timer2 (注意: 串口2固定使用BRT_Timer2)
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_BaudRate  = 115200ul;			//波特率, 一般 110 ~ 115200
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_RxEnable  = ENABLE;				//接收允许,   ENABLE或DISABLE
	COMx_InitStructure.BaudRateDouble = DISABLE;			//波特率加倍, ENABLE或DISABLE
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Interrupt = ENABLE;				//中断允许,   ENABLE或DISABLE
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Polity    = PolityLow;			//中断优先级, PolityLow,PolityHigh
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_P_SW      = UART1_SW_P30_P31;	//切换端口,   UART1_SW_P30_P31,UART1_SW_P36_P37,UART1_SW_P16_P17(必须使用内部时钟)
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_RXD_TXD_Short = DISABLE;		//内部短路RXD与TXD, 做中继, ENABLE,DISABLE
	USART_Configuration(USART1, &COMx_InitStructure);		//初始化串口1 USART1,USART2

	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Mode      = UART_8bit_BRTx;		//模式,       UART_ShiftRight,UART_8bit_BRTx,UART_9bit,UART_9bit_BRTx
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_BaudRate  = 115200ul;			//波特率,     110 ~ 115200
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_RxEnable  = ENABLE;				//接收允许,   ENABLE或DISABLE
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Interrupt = ENABLE;				//中断允许,   ENABLE或DISABLE
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_Polity    = PolityLow;			//中断优先级, PolityLow,PolityHigh
	COMx_InitStructure.UART_P_SW      = UART2_SW_P10_P11;	//切换端口,   UART2_SW_P10_P11,UART2_SW_P46_P47
	USART_Configuration(USART2, &COMx_InitStructure);		//初始化串口2 USART1,USART2

	PrintString1("STC15F2K60S2 UART1 Test Prgramme!\r\n");	//SUART1发送一个字符串
	PrintString2("STC15F2K60S2 UART2 Test Prgramme!\r\n");	//SUART2发送一个字符串

void main(void)
	u16	i;

	EA = 1;

	while (1)
		if(COM1.RX_TimeOut > 0)		//超时计数
			if(--COM1.RX_TimeOut == 0)
				if(COM1.RX_Cnt > 0)
					for(i=0; i<COM1.RX_Cnt; i++)	TX2_write2buff(RX1_Buffer[i]);	//串口1收到的数据原样返回给串口2
				COM1.RX_Cnt = 0;
		if(COM2.RX_TimeOut > 0)		//超时计数
			if(--COM2.RX_TimeOut == 0)
				if(COM2.RX_Cnt > 0)
					for(i=0; i<COM2.RX_Cnt; i++)	TX1_write2buff(RX2_Buffer[i]);	//串口2收到的数据原样返回给串口1
				COM2.RX_Cnt = 0;



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