当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>数据库>Mysql > 索引失效问题


2020年07月14日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


create table staffs(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null default "aaa" comment "姓名",
age int  not null default 0 comment "年龄",
pos varchar(20) not null default " ass" comment "职位",
add_time timestamp not null default  current_timestamp comment "入职时间"

insert into staffs(name,age,pos,add_time) values("Joke",29,"manager",now());
insert into staffs(name,age,pos,add_time) values("Bob",28,"dev",now());
insert into staffs(name,age,pos,add_time) values("Rose",29,"dev",now());
  • 最左前缀原则导致索引失效(部分失效)
alter table staffs add index index_name_age_pos(name,age,pos);
explain select *from staffs 
where age=28;
explain select *from staffs 
where name="Bob"  and pos="dev";
--              name,age
  • 函数导致索引失效
select *from staffs 
where left(name,4)="Rose" ;

explain select *from staffs
 where left(name,4)="Rose";
  • 不能使用范围列右边的列
select *from staffs 
where name="Rose" and age>20 and pos="dev";

explain select *from staffs 
where name="Rose" and age>20 and pos="dev";
  • 尽量少用*,使用覆盖索引
select age,name,pos 
where name="Rose" and age=29 and pos="dev";

explain select age,name,pos 
where name="Rose" and age=29 and pos="dev";

  • mysql在使用不等于(!= 或者<>)时会导致无法使用索引,全表扫描
explain select * from staffs
 where name!="Rose";
  • is null 或者is not null
explain select * from staffs
 where name is  not null;
explain select * from staffs 
where name is  null;
  • like会导致全表扫描(左边%和两边%会失效)(右边%是range)
 explain select * from staffs 
 where name like "%R_s%";
 explain select * from staffs 
 where name like "%R_s";
  • 字符串不加引号或者数字加引号,导致索引失效
explain select *from *from staffs 
where age="28";
explain select *from *from staffs 
where name=39;
  • 少用or
explain select *from staffs 
where name="Rose" or name="Joke";


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