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添加 Ti Botton Driver

2020年10月10日  | 移动技术网科技  | 我要评论
目录环境1. 添加Button 插件2. 添加相关代码环境系统:Windows 10SDK:simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_20_01_04IDE:Code Composer Studio, Version:代码工程:simple_peripheral_oad_offchip_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs (已删除不必要的代码,请看:删除simple_peripheral_oad_offchip工程多余的代码)


  1. 系统:Windows 10
  2. SDK:simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_20_01_04
  3. IDE:Code Composer Studio, Version:
  4. 代码工程:simple_peripheral_oad_offchip_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs (已删除不必要的代码,请看:删除simple_peripheral_oad_offchip工程多余的代码)

1. 添加Button 插件

添加4个Button, 并配置好IO。


2. 添加相关代码


void hal_button_init(void)
    Button_Params params;

    params.longPressDuration = 5000;

    Button_open(CONFIG_BUTTON_LEFT, hal_button_left_cb, &params);

    Button_open(CONFIG_BUTTON_RIGHT, hal_button_right_cb, &params);

    Button_open(CONFIG_BUTTON_BACK, hal_button_back_cb, &params);

    Button_open(CONFIG_BUTTON_ENTER, hal_button_enter_cb, &params);


void hal_button_left_cb(Button_Handle handle, Button_EventMask events)
    Debug("button_left: 0x%02x", events);

    /*! Button pressed down, may or may not subsequently have been released */
    if (events & Button_EV_PRESSED)
        hal_buzzer_start(50, 50, 1);
    /*! Button held down for more than tLongpress (ms) */
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGPRESSED)

    /*! Button released after press or longpress */
    if (events & Button_EV_RELEASED)

    /*! Button was pressed and released, but was not a long press */
    if (events & Button_EV_CLICKED)

     * Button was pressed and released, and held for longer than
     * longPressDuration (ms)
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGCLICKED)

    /*! Button was pressed when double click detection was active */
    if (events & Button_EV_DOUBLECLICKED)

void hal_button_right_cb(Button_Handle handle, Button_EventMask events)
    Debug("button_right: 0x%02x", events);

    /*! Button pressed down, may or may not subsequently have been released */
    if (events & Button_EV_PRESSED)
        hal_buzzer_start(50, 50, 1);
    /*! Button held down for more than tLongpress (ms) */
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGPRESSED)

    /*! Button released after press or longpress */
    if (events & Button_EV_RELEASED)

    /*! Button was pressed and released, but was not a long press */
    if (events & Button_EV_CLICKED)

     * Button was pressed and released, and held for longer than
     * longPressDuration (ms)
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGCLICKED)

    /*! Button was pressed when double click detection was active */
    if (events & Button_EV_DOUBLECLICKED)
        hal_buzzer_start(50, 950, 2);
void hal_button_back_cb(Button_Handle handle, Button_EventMask events)
    Debug("button_back: 0x%02x", events);

    /*! Button pressed down, may or may not subsequently have been released */
    if (events & Button_EV_PRESSED)
        hal_buzzer_start(50, 50, 1);
    /*! Button held down for more than tLongpress (ms) */
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGPRESSED)
    /*! Button released after press or longpress */
    if (events & Button_EV_RELEASED)

    /*! Button was pressed and released, but was not a long press */
    if (events & Button_EV_CLICKED)

     * Button was pressed and released, and held for longer than
     * longPressDuration (ms)
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGCLICKED)

    /*! Button was pressed when double click detection was active */
    if (events & Button_EV_DOUBLECLICKED)

void hal_button_enter_cb(Button_Handle handle, Button_EventMask events)
    Debug("button_enter: 0x%02x", events);

    /*! Button pressed down, may or may not subsequently have been released */
    if (events & Button_EV_PRESSED)
        hal_buzzer_start(50, 950, 3);
    /*! Button held down for more than tLongpress (ms) */
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGPRESSED)

    /*! Button released after press or longpress */
    if (events & Button_EV_RELEASED)

    /*! Button was pressed and released, but was not a long press */
    if (events & Button_EV_CLICKED)

     * Button was pressed and released, and held for longer than
     * longPressDuration (ms)
    if (events & Button_EV_LONGCLICKED)

    /*! Button was pressed when double click detection was active */
    if (events & Button_EV_DOUBLECLICKED)




