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2010年09月07日  | 移动技术网科技  | 我要评论



1?¢ node


node name£ojh10xx98/

node address£o85023153/

route selection table size£o32/

mnemonic table size£o32/

2?¢x.25 port


port number£o1/

[1]*port type£ox25/

[1] connection type£osimp/

[1] port control£onone/

[1] clock speed£o64000/

[1] link address£odte/

[1]*number of pvc channels£o0/

[1]*starting pvc channel number£o1/

[1]*number of svc channels£o128/

[1]p packet size£o1024

[1]x.25 options£ocause/

3?¢route selection table

6.3£¨configure network services£?.1£¨route selection table configure£?

entry number£o1/3


[3]#1 destination£ox25-1/

[3]#1 priority£o1/

4?¢mnemonic table

6.3.3£¨mnemonic table£?

entry number£o1/

[1]mnemonic name£ou6000/

[1] call parameters£o2001005303/

entry number£o2/

[2]mnemonic name£ojh60xx98/

[2] call parameters£o2011134294/

entry number£o3/

[3]mnemonic name£ojh10ca98/

[3] call parameters£o8502510394/

entry number£o4/

[4]mnemonic name£ojh9999/

[4] call parameters£o2001225394/

entry number£o5/

[5]mnemonic name£ojh10da98/

[5] call parameters£o8521710594/

entry number£o6/

[6]mnemonic name£ojh10aa98/

[6] call parameters£o8521710494/

entry number£o7/

[7]mnemonic name£ojh10db98/

[7] call parameters£o8502910994/

entry number£o8/

[8]mnemonic name£ojh10dc98/

[8] call parameters£o8502410294/

entry number£o9/

[9]mnemonic name£ojh10dd98/

[9] call parameters£o8501811094/

entry number£o10/

[10]mnemonic name£ojh10df98/

[10] call parameters£o8502710294/

entry number£o11/

[11]mnemonic name£ojh10ea98/

[11] call parameters£o8521210294/

entry number£o12/

[12]mnemonic name£ojh10eb98/

[12]call parameters£o8521610194/

entry number£o13/

[13]mnemonic name£ojh10ec98/

[13]call parameters£o8521410294/

entry number£o14/

[14]mnemonic name£ojh10ed98/

[14]call parameters£o8521510194/

entry number£o15/

[15]mnemonic name£ojh10ee98/

[15]call parameters£o8521310294/

entry number£o16/

[16]mnemonic name£ojh10de98/

[16]call parameters£o8502415194/

entry number£o17/

[17]mnemonic name£ojh10bx98/

[17]call parameters£o850121100594/

5?¢x25 route table

6.3.1£¨route selection table£?

entry number£o1/

[1] address£o8502315394/



1?¢ configure interface states

6.18£¨config route£?.1£¨config interface states£?

#interface #1 state£oenabled

#interface #5 state£oenabled

#interface #6 state£oenabled

#interface #7 state£oenabled


6.18.4£¨configure ip£?.1£¨parameters£?

*maximum number of ip interfaces£o36/

*interal ip address£o£¨blank£?/

*interal net mask£o255.255.255.0/

*access control£oenable/

*rip enable£odisable/


entry number£o1/

[1]*interface number£o1/

[1]*ip address£o20.59.28.98/

[1]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

entry number£o2 /

[2]*interface number£o5 /

[2]*ip address£o20.1.254.65/

[2]*ip address mask£o255.255.0.0/

entry number£o3 /

[3]*interface number£o6 /

[3]*ip address£o20.58.254.1/

[3]*ip address mask£o255.255.0.0/

entry number£o4 /

[4]*interface number£o7 /

[4]*ip address£o98.122.9.254/

[4]*ip address mask£o255.0.0.0/

4?¢stati routes£¨static routes£?

entry number £o1/

[1]*ip network/subnet£o20.4.28.0/

[1]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[1]*next hop£o20.1.254.8/

entry number £o2/

[2]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.138.0

[2]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0

[2]*next hop£o20.28.254.31

entry number £o3/

[3]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.149.0/

[3]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[3]*next hop£o20.58.254.9/

entry number £o4/

[4]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.148.0/

[4]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[4]*next hop£o20.58.254.11/

entry number £o5/

[5]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.147.0/

[5]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0

[5]*next hop£o20.58.254.13/

entry number £o6/

[6]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.146.0/

[6]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[6]*next hop£o20.58.254.15/

entry number £o7/

[7]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.145.0/

[7]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[7]*next hop£o20.58.254.17

entry number £o8/

[8]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.144.0/

[8]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[8]*next hop£o20.58.254.19/

entry number £o9/

[9]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.143.0/

[9]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[9]*next hop£o20.58.254.21/

entry number £o10/

[10]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.142.0/

[10]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[10]*next hop£o20.58.254.23/

entry number £o11/

[11]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.141.0/

[11]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[11]*next hop£o20.58.254.25/

entry number £o12/

[12]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.140.0/

[12]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[12]*next hop£o20.58.254.27/

entry number £o13/

[13]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.139.0/

[13]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[13]*next hop£o20.58.254.29/

entry number £o14/

[14]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.137.0/

[14]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[14]*next hop£o20.58.254.33/

entry number £o15/

[15]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.250.0/

[15]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[15]*next hop£o20.58.254.7/

entry number £o16/

[16]*ip network/subnet£o20.59.136.0/

[16]*ip address mask£o255.255.255.0/

[16]*next hop£o20.58.254.16/


