当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>开发语言>.net > unity 利用WebCamTexture 开启相机,解决移动端画面反转问题和首次点击同意权限后相机打不开问题。

unity 利用WebCamTexture 开启相机,解决移动端画面反转问题和首次点击同意权限后相机打不开问题。

2020年10月24日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论
1:解决相机反转问题,和安装后点击同意相机权限后,相机没有打开。using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.UI;using static UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter;//挂载到RawImage上即可[RequireComponent(typeof(AspectRatioFitter))][RequireC


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using static UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter;

public class Webcam_Test : MonoBehaviour

    private WebCamTexture cameraTexture;
    RawImage background;

    AspectRatioFitter fit;

    bool isFirst = true;
    IEnumerator Start()
        yield return StartCoroutine(InitCameraCor());

    // Update is called once per frame  
    void Update()
        if (cameraTexture == null)
            var isOk = Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam);
            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                if (isOk)
                    if (isFirst)
                        isFirst = false;
                        WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
                        var DeviceName = devices[0].name;
                        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
                            for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
                                if (!devices[i].isFrontFacing)
                                    DeviceName = devices[i].name;

                        cameraTexture = new WebCamTexture(DeviceName, Screen.width, Screen.height, 15);
                        cameraTexture.Play(); // Start the camera
                        background.texture = cameraTexture; // Set the texture



    void InitData()
        background = this.transform.GetComponent<RawImage>();
        fit = this.transform.GetComponent<AspectRatioFitter>();
        fit.aspectMode = AspectMode.EnvelopeParent;

    /// <summary>  
    /// 初始化摄像头
    /// </summary>  
    public IEnumerator InitCameraCor()

        yield return Application.RequestUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam);

        if (Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam))
            WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
            var DeviceName = devices[0].name;
            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
                for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
                    if (!devices[i].isFrontFacing)
                        DeviceName = devices[i].name;
            cameraTexture = new WebCamTexture(DeviceName, Screen.width, Screen.height, 15);
            cameraTexture.Play(); // Start the camera  
            background.texture = cameraTexture; // Set the texture  



    void AdjustmentRawimage()

        if (cameraTexture == null) return;

        float ratio = (float)cameraTexture.width / (float)cameraTexture.height;
        fit.aspectRatio = ratio; // Set the aspect ratio  

        float scaleY = cameraTexture.videoVerticallyMirrored ? -1f : 1f; // Find if the camera is mirrored or not  
        background.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, scaleY, 1f); // Swap the mirrored camera  

        int orient = -cameraTexture.videoRotationAngle;
        background.rectTransform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, orient);




    //private void OnDestroy()
    //    cameraTexture.Stop();
    //    cameraTexture = null;




