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2017年12月08日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论

使用wmi修改文件文件夹的ntfs权限, 代码:

复制代码 代码如下:

struser = "guests"
strpath = "d:\\abc.txt"
retval = addpermission(struser,strpath,"r",true)


'用于给文件和文件夹添加一条权限设置.返回值: 0-成功,1-账户不存在,2-路径不存在
'straccess表示允许权限设置的字符串,字符串中带有相应字母表示允许相应权限: r-读,c-读写,f-完全控制

function addpermission(struser,strpath,straccess,blinherit)
        set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
        set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        set colusers = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_account where name='"&struser&"'")
        if colusers.count<>0 then
                for each objuser in colusers
                        strsid = objuser.sid
                addpermission = 1
                exit function
        end if
        set objsid = objwmiservice.get("win32_sid.sid='"&strsid&"'")
        pathtype = ""
        if fso.fileexists(strpath) then pathtype = "file"
        if fso.folderexists(strpath) then pathtype = "folder"
        if pathtype = "" then
                addpermission = 2
                exit function
        end if
        set objtrustee = objwmiservice.get("win32_trustee").spawninstance_()
        objtrustee.domain = objsid.referenceddomainname
        objtrustee.name = objsid.accountname
        objtrustee.sid = objsid.binaryrepresentation
        objtrustee.sidlength = objsid.sidlength
        objtrustee.sidstring = objsid.sid
        set objnewace = objwmiservice.get("win32_ace").spawninstance_()
        objnewace.trustee = objtrustee
        objnewace.acetype = 0
        if instr(ucase(straccess),"r") > 0 then objnewace.accessmask = 1179817
        if instr(ucase(straccess),"c") > 0 then objnewace.accessmask = 1245631
        if instr(ucase(straccess),"f") > 0 then objnewace.accessmask = 2032127
        if pathtype = "file" and blinherit = true then objnewace.aceflags = 16
        if pathtype = "file" and blinherit = false then objnewace.aceflags = 0
        if pathtype = "folder" and blinherit = true then objnewace.aceflags = 19
        if pathtype = "folder" and blinherit = false then objnewace.aceflags = 3
        set objfilesecsetting = objwmiservice.get("win32_logicalfilesecuritysetting.path='"&strpath&"'")
        call objfilesecsetting.getsecuritydescriptor(objsd)
        blse_dacl_auto_inherited = true
        if (objsd.controlflags and &h400) = 0 then
                blse_dacl_auto_inherited = false
                objsd.controlflags = (objsd.controlflags or &h400)               
        end if
        if blinherit = true then
                objsd.controlflags = (objsd.controlflags and &hefff)       
                objsd.controlflags = (objsd.controlflags or &h1400)               
        end if
        objolddacl = objsd.dacl
        redim objnewdacl(0)
        set objnewdacl(0) = objnewace
        if isarray(objolddacl) then               
                for each objace in objolddacl
                        if (blse_dacl_auto_inherited=false and blinherit=true) or ((objace.aceflags and 16)>0 and (blinherit=true) or (lcase(objace.trustee.name)=lcase(struser))) then
                                'do nothing
                                ubd = ubound(objnewdacl)
                                redim preserve objnewdacl(ubd+1)
                                set objnewdacl(ubd+1) = objace
                        end if
        end if

        objsd.dacl = objnewdacl
        call objfilesecsetting.setsecuritydescriptor(objsd)
        addpermission = 0
        set fso = nothing
end function

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