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雷客图 站长安全助手 vbs版代码(asp 木马查找)

2017年12月08日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



#用法: cscript antiiframe.vbs [处理的路径] [包含清除内容的文件]
#例子: cscript antiiframe.vbs d:\web d:\lake2.txt

#用法: cscript scan.vbs [扫描路径] [结果htm文件路径]
#例子: cscript scan.vbs d:\web f:\my\report.html

复制代码 代码如下:

'scan asp webshell in vbs
'author: lake2 (http://lake2.0x54.org)
'date: 2007-7-29
'version: 1.1

dimfileext = "asp,cer,asa,cdx"
dim report, report2, sun, sumfiles, sumfolders

call showinfo()
if wscript.arguments.count = 2 then
    sun = 0
    sumfiles = 0
    sumfolders = 1
    if right(wscript.arguments.item(0),1) = "\" then
        thepath = mid(wscript.arguments.item(0),1,len(wscript.arguments.item(0))-1)
        thepath = wscript.arguments.item(0)
    end if
    call checkarg(thepath)
    wscript.echo "开始扫描,请稍候……"
    starttime = now()
    call showallfile(thepath)
    endtime = now()
    wscript.echo vbcrlf & "扫描完成!" & vbcrlf
    report2 = report2 & "<html><head><title>雷客图 asp 站长安全助手vbs版扫描报告</title>"
    report2 = report2 & "<meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=gb2312""></head>"
    report2 = report2 & "<body><b><font size=4>雷客图 asp 站长安全助手vbs版扫描报告</font></b><br><br>"
    report2 = report2 & "<font size=2>开始时间:"&starttime&"</font><br>"
    report2 = report2 & "<font size=2>结束时间:"&endtime&"</font><br>"
    report2 = report2 & "<font size=2>扫描完毕!一共检查文件夹<font color=""#ff0000"">"&sumfolders&"</font>个,文件<font color=""#ff0000"">"&sumfiles&"</font>个,发现可疑点<font color=""#ff0000"">"&sun&"</font>个(<font color=""#ff0000"">红字</font>显示的为严重可疑)</font><br/>"
    report2 = report2 & "<table width=""100%"" border=""1"" bordercolor=""blue"" style=""padding:5px;line-height:170%;clear:both;font-size:12px;word-break:break-all"">"
    report2 = report2 & "<tr>"
    report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">文件路径</td>"
    report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">特征码</td>"
    report2 = report2 & "<td width=""40%"">描述</td>"
    report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">创建/修改时间</td>"
    report2 = report2 & "</tr>"
    report2 = report2 & "<p>"
    report2 = report2 & report
    report2 = report2 & "</p>"
    report2 = report2 & "</table><hr><script src=http://www.0x54.org/announce.js></script>"
    report2 = report2 & "<div align=center>powered by <a href=""http://www.0x54.org"" target=_blank>0x54.org</a></div>"
    report2 = report2 & "</body></html>"
    call writetofile()
    call showhelp()
end if

sub showinfo()
    helpstr = helpstr & "==============================" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "===== 欢迎使用雷客图 asp 站长安全助手vbs版 =====" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "===== 之 检查asp木马 =====" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "===== author: lake2 =====" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "===== email:lake2@mail.csdn.net =====" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "===== 欢迎访问 www.0x54.org 得到更多信息 =====" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "==============================" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & vbcrlf
    wscript.echo helpstr
end sub

sub showhelp()
    helpstr = helpstr & "#用法: cscript scan.vbs [扫描路径] [结果htm文件路径]" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & "#例子: cscript scan.vbs d:\web f:\my\report.html" & vbcrlf
    helpstr = helpstr & vbcrlf
    wscript.echo helpstr
end sub

sub checkarg(arg)
    tmppath = arg
    tmppath2 = left(wscript.arguments.item(1), instrrev(wscript.arguments.item(1),"\")-1)
    set objfso = wscript.createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if not objfso.folderexists(tmppath2) then
        wscript.echo "error:错误的路径“" & tmppath2 & "”!"
    elseif not objfso.folderexists(tmppath) then
        wscript.echo "error:错误的路径“" & tmppath & "”!"
    end if
    set objfso = nothing
end sub

sub showallfile(path)
    wscript.echo "正在检查目录" & path
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set f = fso.getfolder(path)
    set fc2 = f.files
    for each myfile in fc2
        if checkext(fso.getextensionname(path&"\"&myfile.name)) then
            'wscript.echo "正在检查文件" & path&"\"&myfile.name
            call scanfile(path&temp&"\"&myfile.name, "")
            sumfiles = sumfiles + 1
        end if
    set fc = f.subfolders
    for each f1 in fc
        showallfile path&"\"&f1.name
        sumfolders = sumfolders + 1
    set fso = nothing
end sub

function checkext(fileext)
    if dimfileext = "*" then checkext = true
    ext = split(dimfileext,",")
    for i = 0 to ubound(ext)
        if lcase(fileext) = ext(i) then
            checkext = true
            exit function
        end if
end function

sub scanfile(filepath, infile)
    if infile <> "" then
        infiles = "<font color=red>该文件被"& infile & "文件包含执行</font>"
    end if
    temp = filepath
    on error resume next
    set tstream = wscript.createobject("adodb.stream")
    tstream.type = 1
    tstream.mode = 3
    tstream.loadfromfile filepath
    if err then exit sub end if
    tstream.type = 2
    tstream.charset = "gb2312"
    do until tstream.eos
        filetxt = filetxt & lcase(replace(tstream.readtext(102400), chr(0), ""))
    set tstream = nothing

    set fsos = wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    
    if len(filetxt) >0 then
        filetxt = vbcrlf & filetxt
            'check "wscr"&domybest&"ipt.shell"
            if instr( filetxt, lcase("wscr"&domybest&"ipt.shell") ) or instr( filetxt, lcase("clsid:72c24dd5-d70a"&domybest&"-438b-8a42-98424b88afb8") ) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>wscr"&domybest&"ipt.shell 或者 clsid:72c24dd5-d70a"&domybest&"-438b-8a42-98424b88afb8</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被asp木马利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check "she"&domybest&"ll.application"
            if instr( filetxt, lcase("she"&domybest&"ll.application") ) or instr( filetxt, lcase("clsid:13709620-c27"&domybest&"9-11ce-a49e-444553540000") ) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>she"&domybest&"ll.application 或者 clsid:13709620-c27"&domybest&"9-11ce-a49e-444553540000</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被asp木马利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .encode
            set regex = new regexp
            regex.ignorecase = true
            regex.global = true
            regex.pattern = "\blanguage\s*=\s*[""]?\s*(vbscript|jscript|javascript).encode\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>(vbscript|jscript|javascript).encode</td><td><font color=red>似乎脚本被加密了,一般asp文件是不会加密的</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check my asp backdoor :(
            regex.pattern = "\bev"&"al\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>ev"&"al</td><td>e"&"val()函数可以执行任意asp代码,被一些后门利用。其形式一般是:ev"&"al(x)<br>但是javascript代码中也可以使用,有可能是误报。"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check exe&cute backdoor
            regex.pattern = "[^.]\bexe"&"cute(global)?\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>exec"&"ute()或者exe"&"cuteglobal()</td><td><font color=red>该函数可以执行任意asp代码,被一些后门利用。其形式一般是:ex"&"ecute(x)</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check script.control
            regex.pattern = "\.execu"&"testatement\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.exec"&"utestatement</td><td><font color=red>发现msscriptcontrol.scriptcontrol的.execut"&"estatement函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .(open|create)textfile
            regex.pattern = "\.(open|create)textfile\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.crea"&"tetextfile|.o"&"pentextfile</td><td>使用了fso的createtextfile|opentextfile函数读写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .savet&ofile
            regex.pattern = "\.savet"&"ofile\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.sa"&"vetofile</td><td>使用了stream或者jmail的savetofile函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .&save|.&saveas
            regex.pattern = "\.sa"&"ve(as)?\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.sa"&"ve或者.sa"&"veas</td><td>使用了save或saveas函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check set server
            regex.pattern = "set\s*.*\s*=\s*server\s"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>set xxx=se"&"rver</td><td><font color=red>发现set xxx=ser" & jj & "ver,请管理员仔细检查是否调用.execute</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check server.(transfer|ex&ecute)
            regex.pattern = "server.(ex"&"ecute|transfer)([ \t]*|\()[^""]\)"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>server.ex"&"ecute</td><td><font color=red>不能跟踪检查server.e"&"xecute()函数执行的文件。请管理员自行检查</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .ru&n
            regex.pattern = "\.r"&"un\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.ru"&"n</td><td><font color=red>发现 wscript 的 run 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .exe&c
            regex.pattern = "\.ex"&"ec\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.ex"&"ec</td><td><font color=red>发现 wscript 的 exec 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .shel&lexecute
            regex.pattern = "\.shel"&"lexecute\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.shelle"&"xecute</td><td><font color=red>发现 application 的 shellexecute 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            'check .&create
            regex.pattern = "\.cre"&"ate\b"
            if regex.test(filetxt) then
                report = report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.crea"&"te</td><td>发现 create 函数<br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&getdatecreate(filepath)&"<br>"&getdatemodify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
                sun = sun + 1
            end if
            set regex = nothing

        'check include file not with "&'
        set regex = new regexp
        regex.ignorecase = true
        regex.global = true
        regex.pattern = "<!--\s*#include\s+(file|virtual)\s*=\s*.*-->"
        set matches = regex.execute(filetxt)
        for each match in matches
            tfile = replace(trim(mid(match.value, instr(match.value, "=") + 1, len(match.value) - instr(match.value, "=") - 1)),"/","\")
            if left(tfile, 1)="'" then
                tfile = mid(tfile, 2, instr(2, tfile, "'", 1) - 2)
            elseif left(tfile, 1)="""" then
                tfile = mid(tfile, 2, instr(2, tfile, """", 1) - 2)
                tfile = replace(tfile, chr(9), " ")
                if instr(tfile, " ") <> 0 then
                    tfile = left(tfile, instr( tfile, " ") - 1)
                    tfile = left(tfile, instr( tfile, "-") - 1)
                end if
            end if
            if not checkext(fsos.getextensionname(tfile)) then
                call scanfile( mid(filepath,1,instrrev(filepath,"\"))&tfile, filepath)
                sumfiles = sumfiles + 1
            end if
        set matches = nothing
        set regex = nothing

        'check server&.execute|transfer
        set regex = new regexp
        regex.ignorecase = true
        regex.global = true
        regex.pattern = "server.(exec"&"ute|transfer)([ \t]*|\()"".*?"""
        set matches = regex.execute(filetxt)
        for each match in matches
            tfile = replace(mid(match.value, instr(match.value, """") + 1, len(match.value) - instr(match.value, """") - 1),"/","\")
            if not checkext(fsos.getextensionname(tfile)) then
                call scanfile( mid(filepath,1,instrrev(filepath,"\"))&tfile, filepath)
                sumfiles = sumfiles + 1
            end if
        set matches = nothing
        set regex = nothing

        'check runatscript
        set xregex = new regexp
        xregex.ignorecase = true
        xregex.global = true
        xregex.pattern = "<scr"&"ipt\s*(.|\n)*?runat\s*=\s*""?server""?(.|\n)*?>"
        set xmatches = xregex.execute(filetxt)
        for each match in xmatches
            tmplake2 = mid(match.value, 1, instr(match.value, ">"))
            srcseek = instr(1, tmplake2, "src", 1)
            if srcseek > 0 then
                srcseek2 = instr(srcseek, tmplake2, "=")
                for i = 1 to 50
                    tmp = mid(tmplake2, srcseek2 + i, 1)
                    if tmp <> " " and tmp <> chr(9) and tmp <> vbcrlf then
                        exit for
                    end if
                if tmp = """" then
                    tmpname = mid(tmplake2, srcseek2 + i + 1, instr(srcseek2 + i + 1, tmplake2, """") - srcseek2 - i - 1)
                    if instr(srcseek2 + i + 1, tmplake2, " ") > 0 then tmpname = mid(tmplake2, srcseek2 + i, instr(srcseek2 + i + 1, tmplake2, " ") - srcseek2 - i) else tmpname = tmplake2
                    if instr(tmpname, chr(9)) > 0 then tmpname = mid(tmpname, 1, instr(1, tmpname, chr(9)) - 1)
                    if instr(tmpname, vbcrlf) > 0 then tmpname = mid(tmpname, 1, instr(1, tmpname, vbcrlf) - 1)
                    if instr(tmpname, ">") > 0 then tmpname = mid(tmpname, 1, instr(1, tmpname, ">") - 1)
                end if
                call scanfile( mid(filepath,1,instrrev(filepath,"\"))&tmpname , filepath)
                sumfiles = sumfiles + 1
            end if
        set matches = nothing
        set regex = nothing

    end if
        set fsos = nothing

end sub

function getdatemodify(filepath)
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set f = fso.getfile(filepath)
    s = f.datelastmodified
    set f = nothing
    set fso = nothing
    getdatemodify = s
end function

function getdatecreate(filepath)
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set f = fso.getfile(filepath)
    s = f.datecreated
    set f = nothing
    set fso = nothing
    getdatecreate = s
end function

sub writetofile()
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set thefile = fso.opentextfile(wscript.arguments.item(1), 2, true)
    set fso = nothing
    wscript.echo "扫描结果已经写入文件“"&wscript.arguments.item(1)&"”,请查看之!"
end sub


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