当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>数据库>Mysql > MySQL数据库按日期汇总


2018年03月29日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%u') AS time,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y.%u') = DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%u') and plan_sheet_id=1 and overtime = 2) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC;

注:'%Y.%u' 其中u的大小写得到的时间不一样,U大写会比小写小1,小写应该是周数从0还是,U大写应该是从1开始
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%u') AS time,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y.%u') = DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%u') and plan_sheet_id=1 and (exception_count>0 or fault_count > 0)) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC;

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time,'%Y%m') as months,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y.%m') = DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%m')
and plan_sheet_id=1 and overtime = 2 ) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY months ORDER BY months DESC;
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time,'%Y%m') as months,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where DATE_FORMAT(create_time, '%Y.%m') = DATE_FORMAT(t.create_time, '%Y.%m')
and plan_sheet_id=1 and (exception_count>0 or fault_count > 0)) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY months ORDER BY months DESC;

SELECT quarter(create_time) as quart,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where quarter(create_time) = quarter(t.create_time)
and plan_sheet_id=1 and overtime = 2 ) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY quartORDER BY quartDESC;
SELECT quarter(create_time) as quart,
(SELECT COUNT(id) from t_task where quarter(create_time) = quarter(t.create_time)
and plan_sheet_id=1 and (exception_count>0 or fault_count > 0) ) as count
FROM t_task t GROUP BY quart ORDER BY quartDESC;



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