当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>数据库>Oracle > oracle创建表空间,授权,创建用户,导入dmp文件


2018年04月02日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



Create tablespace bpm datafile 'D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORCL\BPM.DBF' size 400M autoextend on

Create tablespace lyoa datafile 'D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORCL\LYOA.DBF' size 400M autoextend on
Create tablespace kdb datafile 'D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORCL\KDB.DBF' size 400M autoextend on
2-- 创建用户


create user LYOA

identified by LYOA
default tablespace LYOA
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to LYOA;
grant resource to LYOA;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create database link to LYOA;
grant create public database link to LYOA;

grant create view to LYOA;

3 创建KDB用户

create user KDB

identified by KDB
default tablespace KDB
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to KDB;
grant resource to KDB;
4 把LYOA下的表授权给KDB用户
grant all on lyoa.oa_public_address_book to KDB;
grant all on lyoa.oa_public_address_book_group to KDB;
grant all on bpm.bpm_orgdeptlist to KDB;
grant all on bpm.bpm_orguserdeptmap to KDB;
grant all on bpm.bpm_orguserlist to KDB;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges

grant create view to KDB;

grant unlimited tablespace to KDB;
-- Create the user
create user BPM
identified by BPM
default tablespace BPM
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to BPM;
grant resource to BPM;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create database link to BPM;
grant create public database link to BPM;
grant create view to BPM;
grant drop public database link to BPM;
grant unlimited tablespace to BPM;
grant all on lyoa.ly_im_news_2 to bpm;
grant all on lyoa.oa_system_message to bpm;
1.在orac数据中,给scott用户connect resource sysdb的权限 创建三个用户
导入用户的表 给与lyoa用户dba的权限 grant dba to lyoa
imp lyoa/lyoa@localhost/orcl file=F:\lyoa.dmp full=y
3.用户没有授权需要登录 SYS/ AS SYSDBA 之后 sysdba为密码进行授权

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