当前位置: 移动技术网 > 网络运营>安全>加解密 > 总结进入RING0的方法


2018年04月19日  | 移动技术网网络运营  | 我要评论

by wowocock1/CVC.GB



;      WOWOCOCK  编写      ;
   .model flat, stdcall
   option casemap :none  ; case sensitive
   include masm32includewindows.inc
   include masm32includekernel32.inc
   include masm32includeuser32.inc
   includelib masm32libkernel32.lib
   includelib masm32libuser32.lib
TRLink     dw   0   ;链接字段
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRESP0     dd   0   ;0级堆栈指针
TRSS0      dw   0   ;0级堆栈段寄存器
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRESP1     dd   0   ;1级堆栈指针
TRSS1      dw   0   ;1级堆栈段寄存器
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRESP2     dd   0   ;2级堆栈指针
TRSS2      dw   0   ;2级堆栈段寄存器
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRCR3      dd   0   ;CR3
TREIP      dd   0   ;EIP
TREFlag     dd   0   ;EFLAGS
TREAX      dd   0   ;eax
TRECX      dd   0   ;ecx
TREDX      dd   0   ;edx
TREBX      dd   0   ;ebx
TRESP      dd   0   ;esp
TREBP      dd   0   ;ebp
TRESI      dd   0   ;esi
TREDI      dd   0   ;edi
TRES      dw   0   ;ES
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRCS      dw   0   ;CS
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRSS      dw   0   ;ss
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRDS      dw   0   ;DS
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRFS      dw   0   ;FS
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRGS      dw   0   ;GS
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRLDTR     dw   0   ;LDTR
        dw   0   ;不使用,置为0
TRTrip     dw   0   ;调试陷阱标志(只用位0)
TRIOMap     dw   $+2  ;指向I/O许可位图区的段内偏移
TSS       ENDS
sztit   db "Gate Test",0
CTEXTCall db "call gate to Ring0!继续?",0
CTEXTInt  db "int gate to Ring0 By int 5 !继续?",0
CTEXTIntx db "int gate to Ring0 By int X !继续?",0
CTEXTTrap db "Trap gate to Ring0 By int 1!继续?",0
CTEXTFault db "Fault gate to Ring0!继续?",0
CTEXTTask db "Task gate to Ring0!继续?",0
temp1 db "Cr3的内容是:%8X",0
temp2 db 100 dup(?)
Freq db 08h    ;发声频率
gdtR df 0
idtR df 0
ldtR dw 0     
trR  dw 0     ;the contents of GDTR,IDTR,LDTR,TR

ldtDes dw 0    
    dw 0    ;LDT Limit  
    dd 0    ;LDT Base
Callgt dq 0    ;call gate's selff

TrDes dw 0    
    dw 0    ;TR Limit  
    dd 0    ;TR Base

Tss1Sel dw ?   ;TSS

Call32  dd 0
Tss1Gate dw ?   ;任务门

Tss1Limit equ $-TSS1

TestCR3 dd 4

MyCall MACRO Selector,Offsetv
 db 09ah
 dd Offsetv
 dw Selector
  sgdt  fword ptr gdtR
  sidt  fword ptr idtR
  sldt  word ptr ldtR   
  str   word ptr trR  ;save them for later use

    ; get the ldt mes
    movzx esi,ldtR
    add  esi,dword ptr [gdtR+2] ;esi->ldt descriptor

    mov  ax,word ptr [esi]
    mov  word ptr [ldtDes],ax
    mov  ax,word ptr [esi+6]
    and  ax,0fh
    mov  word ptr [ldtDes+2],ax     ;get ldt Limit
    mov  eax,[esi+2]
    and  eax,0ffffffh
    mov  ebx,[esi+4]
    and  ebx,0ff000000h
    or  eax,ebx
    mov  dword ptr [ldtDes+4],eax    ;get ldt Base
    ; get the tr mes
    movzx esi,trR
    add  esi,dword ptr [gdtR+2]

    mov  ax,word ptr [esi]
    mov  word ptr [TrDes],ax
    mov  ax,word ptr [esi+6]
    and  ax,0fh
    mov  word ptr [TrDes+2],ax     ;get tr Limit
    mov  eax,[esi+2]
    and  eax,0ffffffh
    mov  ebx,[esi+4]
    and  ebx,0ff000000h
    or  eax,ebx
    mov  dword ptr [TrDes+4],eax;get tr Base
    ; 这里演示在GDT中寻找空白表项来制造调用门
    mov  esi,dword ptr [gdtR+2] ;esi->gdt base
    movzx eax,word ptr [gdtR]  ;eax=gdt limit
    call  Search_XDT
                        ;esi==gdt Base
    mov  esi,dword ptr [gdtR+2]
    push  offset myring0_prc_callgt    ;set callgate in gdt
    pop  word ptr [esi+eax+0]    
    pop  word ptr [esi+eax+6]      ;offset

    mov  word ptr [esi+eax+2],28h
    mov  word ptr [esi+eax+4],0EC00h 
        ;sel=28h,dpl=3,and attribute ->386 call gate!

    and  dword ptr Callgt,0
    or   al,3h
    mov  word ptr [Callgt+4],ax
    call  fword ptr [Callgt]      ;use callgate to Ring0!

    ; 这里演示在Ldt中制造调用门
    invoke  MessageBoxA,0, addr CTEXTCall,addr sztit,MB_YESNO
    cmp  eax,IDNO
    jz   @xit000           ;继续演示?

    mov  esi,dword ptr [ldtDes+4]   ;esi->ldt base
    mov  eax,dword ptr [ldtDes]    ;eax=ldt limit

    call  Search_XDT          ;eax返回找到的空白选择子
    mov  esi,dword ptr [ldtDes+4]

    push  offset myring0_prc_callgt  ;set callgate in ldt
    pop  word ptr [esi+eax+0]    
    pop  word ptr [esi+eax+6]    ;offset

    mov  word ptr [esi+eax+2],28h
    mov  word ptr [esi+eax+4],0EC00h 
        ;sel=28h,dpl=3,and attribute ->386 call gate!

    and  dword ptr Callgt,0
    or   al,7h            ;所以选择子一定要指向LDT
    mov  word ptr [Callgt+4],ax
    call  fword ptr [Callgt]      ;use callgate to Ring0! 

; *通过中断门进入ring0,像在Dos下一样,我们只要替换中断向量表的地址以指向我们
; *自己的程序就可以了,不过在win下中断向量表变为IDT(中断描述符表),其第0~1保存
; *中断处理程序偏移的低16位,6~7字节保存偏移的高16位,我们必须使用描述符具有DPL=3
; *的中断门以便在ring3下转入中断程序,而int 03h,04h,05h,10h,13h,30h等本来就是
; *DPL=3,我们可以方便地利用之,注意中断处理程序返回用iretd
    ; 下面利用int 5进入ring0
    invoke  MessageBoxA,0,addr CTEXTInt,addr sztit,MB_YESNO
    cmp  e

如对本文有疑问, 点击进行留言回复!!

