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the security settings could not be applied to the database(mysql安装error)【简记】

2018-10-11 21:47 | 评论:0 次 | 浏览: 0

在安装mysql时,出现“The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed with the following error. Error Nr. 1045 Acc ...


2020-07-17 14:29 | 评论:0 次 | 浏览: 0

# 初始化typeorm init --name mysite --database mysql --express# 目录结构│ ormconfig.json│ package-lock.json│ package.json│ tsconfig.json│└─src │ index.ts │ routes.ts │ ├─controller │ UserController.ts │ ├─entity
