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java 在观察者模式中使用泛型T的实例

2019年07月22日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论


public class observable<t> {

  list<observer> observers = new arraylist<observer>();

  boolean changed = false;

   * adds the specified observer to the list of observers. if it is already
   * registered, it is not added a second time.
   * @param observer
   *      the observer to add.
  public void addobserver(observer observer) {
    if (observer == null) {
      throw new nullpointerexception("observer == null");
    synchronized (this) {
      if (!observers.contains(observer))

   * clears the changed flag for this {@code observable}. after calling
   * {@code clearchanged()}, {@code haschanged()} will return {@code false}.
  protected void clearchanged() {
    changed = false;

   * returns the number of observers registered to this {@code observable}.
   * @return the number of observers.
  public int countobservers() {
    return observers.size();

   * removes the specified observer from the list of observers. passing null
   * won't do anything.
   * @param observer
   *      the observer to remove.
  public synchronized void deleteobserver(java.util.observer observer) {

   * removes all observers from the list of observers.
  public synchronized void deleteobservers() {

   * returns the changed flag for this {@code observable}.
   * @return {@code true} when the changed flag for this {@code observable} is
   *     set, {@code false} otherwise.
  public boolean haschanged() {
    return changed;

   * if {@code haschanged()} returns {@code true}, calls the {@code update()}
   * method for every observer in the list of observers using null as the
   * argument. afterwards, calls {@code clearchanged()}.
   * <p>
   * equivalent to calling {@code notifyobservers(null)}.
  public void notifyobservers() {

   * if {@code haschanged()} returns {@code true}, calls the {@code update()}
   * method for every observer in the list of observers using the specified
   * argument. afterwards calls {@code clearchanged()}.
   * @param data
   *      the argument passed to {@code update()}.
  public void notifyobservers(t data) {
    int size = 0;
    observer[] arrays = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (haschanged()) {
        size = observers.size();
        arrays = new observer[size];
    if (arrays != null) {
      for (observer observer : arrays) {
        observer.update(this, data);

   * sets the changed flag for this {@code observable}. after calling
   * {@code setchanged()}, {@code haschanged()} will return {@code true}.
  protected void setchanged() {
    changed = true;


public interface observer<t> {
  public void update(observable<t> observable, t data);

以上这篇java 在观察者模式中使用泛型t的实例就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持移动技术网。

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