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PTA-BinarySearchTree BasicOperation

2019年02月18日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论



/*  二叉查找树 基本操作  */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef int elementtype; typedef struct tnode *position; typedef position bintree;
struct tnode { elementtype element; bintree left;   bintree right; };

int preorderjudge( bintree t ); /* 判断是否满足bst */
void preordertraversal( bintree bst ); /* 先序遍历 */
void inordertraversal( bintree bst ); /* 中序遍历 */

bintree insert( bintree bst, elementtype x );
bintree delete( bintree bst, elementtype x );
position find( bintree bst, elementtype x );
position findmin( bintree bst );
position findmax( bintree bst );
int main() {   
bintree bst, minp, maxp, tmp;   
elementtype x;  
 int n, i;   

  /* insert node to build a bst */
bst = null;   scanf("%d", &n);   for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {     scanf("%d", &x);     bst = insert(bst, x);   }   printf("preorder: ");   preordertraversal(bst);   printf("\ninorder: ");
  minp = findmin(bst);     
  maxp = findmax(bst);  
  scanf("%d", &n); /* search n numebr */
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
    scanf("%d", &x);
    tmp = find(bst, x);
    if ( tmp == null ) 
      printf("%d is not found\n", x);
    else {
      printf("%d is found\n", tmp->element);
      if ( tmp == minp ) 
        printf("%d is the smallest key\n", tmp->element);
      if ( tmp == maxp ) 
        printf("%d is the largest key\n", tmp->element);
  } /* for */

/* delete all nodes */   scanf("%d", &n);   for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {     scanf("%d", &x);     bst = delete(bst, x);   }
  return 0; } bintree insert( bintree bst, elementtype x ) {   if ( !bst ) {
    /* 若原树为空,生成并返回一个结点的二叉搜索树 */     bst = (bintree)malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));     bst->element = x;     bst->left = bst->right = null;   } else {
    /* 开始找要插入元素的位置 */     if ( x < bst->element )       bst->left = insert( bst->left, x ); /*递归插入左子树*/     else if ( x > bst->element )       bst->right = insert( bst->right, x ); /*递归插入右子树*/       /* else x已经存在,什么都不做 */   }   return bst; } bintree delete( bintree bst, elementtype x ) {   position tmp;   if ( !bst )     printf("not found\n");   else {     if ( x < bst->element )       bst->left = delete( bst->left, x ); /* 从左子树递归删除 */     else if ( x > bst->element )       bst->right = delete( bst->right, x ); /* 从右子树递归删除 */     else { /* bst就是要删除的结点 */       /* 如果被删除结点有左右两个子结点 */       if ( bst->left && bst->right ) {         /* 从右子树中找最小的元素填充删除结点 */         tmp = findmin( bst->right );         bst->element = tmp->element;         /* 从右子树中删除最小元素 */         bst->right = delete( bst->right, bst->element );       } else {
        /* 被删除结点有一个或无子结点 */         tmp = bst;         if( !bst->left ) /* 只有右孩子或无子结点 */           bst = bst->right;         else /* 只有左孩子 */           bst = bst->left;         free( tmp );       }     } /* else */   }   return bst; } position find( bintree bst , elementtype x ) {   if ( !bst ) return null; /*查找失败*/   if ( x > bst->element )     return find( bst->right, x ); /*在右子树中继续查找*/   else if ( x < bst->element )     return find( bst->left, x); /*在左子树中继续查找*/   else /* x == bst->element */     return bst; /*查找成功,返回结点的找到结点的地址*/ } position findmin( bintree bst ) {   if ( !bst ) return null; /*空的二叉搜索树,返回null*/   else if ( !bst->left )     return bst; /*找到最左叶结点并返回*/   else     return findmin( bst->left ); /*沿左分支继续查找*/ } position findmax( bintree bst ) {   if ( bst ) {     while( bst->right )       bst = bst->right;       /*沿右分支继续查找,直到最右叶结点*/     return bst;
  } } void inordertraversal( bintree bst ) {   if ( bst ) {     inordertraversal( bst->left );     printf("%d", bst->element);     inordertraversal( bst->right );   } } void preordertraversal( bintree bt ) {   if( bt ) {     printf("%d ", bt->element);     preordertraversal( bt->left );     preordertraversal( bt->right );   } } void preorderjudge( bintree bst ) {   if ( bst == null ) {     printf("empty tree!");     return;   } else if ( bst ) {     if ( bst->left ) {
      /* 左儿子更大 */       if( bst->left->element >= bst->element )         return;     }     if ( bst->right ) {
     /* 右儿子更小 */       if ( bst->right->element <= bst->element )         return;     }     preorderjudge( bst->left );     preorderjudge( bst->right );   }


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