当前位置: 移动技术网 > IT编程>开发语言>c# > 使用DocumentFormat.OpenXml操作Excel文件.xlsx


2019年08月25日  | 移动技术网IT编程  | 我要评论
1.开始 DocumentFormat.OpenXml是ms官方给一个操作office三大件新版文件格式(.xlsx,.docx,.pptx)的组件;特色是它定义了OpenXml所包含的所有对象(たぶん),能做到精确微调文件内容格式;因此它没有EppPlus那么容易上手,性能也很看使用者的水平。。 ...




↑已经忘记从哪里找来的了; workbookpart包含4个重要子节点:

  • worksheetpart:表格数据内容就在这里面,结构最复杂的部分,workheet的子节点除了colmns、sheetdata还有合并单元格集合mergecells(图中缺失);
  • worksheet:存放表单id及命名(sheet1, sheet2...),这里有excel的坑,如果包含多个sheet直接sheets.first()有可能获取到最后一张sheet,最好根据name来搜索;
  • workbootstylepart:存放样式;
  • sharedstringtablepart(上图中缺失):共享字符串集合,字符串默认会存在里面,然后cell引用其数组下标,这也是类似保存1w行"一二三亖"的.xlsx比.txt小的原因
  1 using system;
  2 using system.collections.generic;
  3 using system.linq;
  4 using system.xml;
  5 using documentformat.openxml;
  6 using documentformat.openxml.packaging;
  7 using documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet;
  9 namespace eopenxml
 10 {
 11     public static class openxmlexcelextentions
 12     {
 13         public static sheet getsheet(this workbookpart workbookpart, string sheetname)
 14         {
 15             return workbookpart.workbook
 16                 .getfirstchild<sheets>()
 17                 .elements<sheet>().where(s => s.name == sheetname).firstordefault();
 18         }
 20         /// <summary>
 21         /// given a worksheet and a row index, return the row.
 22         /// </summary>
 23         /// <param name="sheetdata"></param>
 24         /// <param name="rowindex"></param>
 25         /// <returns></returns>
 26         public static row getrow(this sheetdata sheetdata, uint rowindex)
 27         {
 28             return sheetdata.
 29                   elements<row>().where(r => r.rowindex == rowindex).firstordefault();
 30         }
 31         public static cell getcell(this sheetdata sheetdata, string columnname, uint rowindex)
 32         {
 33             row row = getrow(sheetdata, rowindex);
 35             if (row == null)
 36                 return null;
 38             return row.elements<cell>().where(c => string.compare
 39                       (c.cellreference.value, columnname +
 40                       rowindex, true) == 0).firstordefault();
 41         }
 43         // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/cc861607.aspx
 44         // given a column name, a row index, and a worksheetpart, inserts a cell into the worksheet. 
 45         // if the cell already exists, returns it. 
 46         public static cell getorcreatecell(this sheetdata sheetdata, string columnname, uint rowindex)
 47         {
 48             string cellreference = columnname + rowindex;
 50             // if the worksheet does not contain a row with the specified row index, insert one.
 51             row row;
 52             if (sheetdata.elements<row>().where(r => r.rowindex == rowindex).count() != 0)
 53             {
 54                 row = sheetdata.elements<row>().where(r => r.rowindex == rowindex).first();
 55             }
 56             else
 57             {
 58                 row = new row() { rowindex = rowindex };
 59                 sheetdata.append(row);
 60             }
 62             return row.getorcreatecell(cellreference);
 63         }
 64         public static cell getorcreatecell(this row row, string cellreference)
 65         {
 66             // if there is not a cell with the specified column name, insert one.  
 67             if (row.elements<cell>().where(c => c?.cellreference?.value == cellreference).count() > 0)
 68             {
 69                 return row.elements<cell>().where(c => c.cellreference.value == cellreference).first();
 70             }
 71             else
 72             {
 73                 // cells must be in sequential order according to cellreference. determine where to insert the new cell.
 74                 cell refcell = null;
 75                 foreach (cell cell in row.elements<cell>())
 76                 {
 77                     if (cell.cellreference.value.length == cellreference.length)
 78                     {
 79                         if (string.compare(cell.cellreference.value, cellreference, true) > 0)
 80                         {
 81                             refcell = cell;
 82                             break;
 83                         }
 84                     }
 85                 }
 87                 cell newcell = new cell() { cellreference = cellreference };
 88                 row.insertbefore(newcell, refcell);
 89                 return newcell;
 90             }
 91         }
 93         public static string getvalue(this cell cell, sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart)
 94         {
 95             if (cell == null)
 96                 return null;
 97             string cellvalue = cell.innertext;
 98             if (cell.datatype != null)
 99             {
100                 if (cell.datatype == cellvalues.sharedstring)
101                 {
102                     int id = -1;
103                     if (int32.tryparse(cellvalue, out id))
104                     {
105                         sharedstringitem item = getitem(sharestringpart, id);
106                         if (item.text != null)
107                         {
108                             //code to take the string value  
109                             cellvalue = item.text.text;
110                         }
111                         else if (item.innertext != null)
112                         {
113                             cellvalue = item.innertext;
114                         }
115                         else if (item.innerxml != null)
116                         {
117                             cellvalue = item.innerxml;
118                         }
119                     }
120                 }
121             }
122             return cellvalue;
123         }
124         public static string getvalue(this cell cell, string[] sharestringpartvalues)
125         {
126             if (cell == null)
127                 return null;
128             string cellvalue = cell.innertext;
129             if (cell.datatype != null)
130             {
131                 if (cell.datatype == cellvalues.sharedstring)
132                 {
133                     int id = -1;
134                     if (int32.tryparse(cellvalue, out id))
135                     {
136                         cellvalue = sharestringpartvalues[id];
137                     }
138                 }
139             }
140             return cellvalue;
141         }
143         public static cell setvalue(this cell cell, object value = null, sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart = null, int sharestringitemindex = -1, uint styleindex = 0)
144         {
145             if (value == null)
146             {
147                 cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue();
148                 if (sharestringitemindex != -1)
149                 {
150                     cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(sharestringitemindex.tostring());
151                     cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.sharedstring);
152                 }
153             }
154             else if (value is string str)
155             {
156                 if (sharestringpart == null)
157                 {
158                     cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(str);
159                     cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.string);
160                 }
161                 else
162                 {
163                     // insert the text into the sharedstringtablepart.
164                     int index = sharestringpart.getorinsertitem(str, false);
165                     // set the value of cell
166                     cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(index.tostring());
167                     cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.sharedstring);
168                 }
169             }
170             else if (value is int || value is short || value is long ||
171               value is float || value is double || value is uint ||
172               value is ulong || value is ushort || value is decimal)
173             {
174                 cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(value.tostring());
175                 cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.number);
176             }
177             else if (value is datetime date)
178             {
179                 cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(date.tostring("yyyy-mm-dd")); // iso 861
180                 cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.date);
181             }
182             else if (value is xmldocument xd)
183             {
184                 if (sharestringpart == null)
185                 {
186                     throw new exception("param [sharestringpart] can't be null when value type is xmldocument.");
187                 }
188                 else
189                 {
190                     int index = sharestringpart.getorinsertitem(xd.outerxml, true);
191                     // set the value of cell
192                     cell.cellvalue = new cellvalue(index.tostring());
193                     cell.datatype = new enumvalue<cellvalues>(cellvalues.sharedstring);
194                 }
195             }
197             if (styleindex != 0)
198                 cell.styleindex = styleindex;
200             return cell;
201         }
203         // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278314.aspx
204         // given text and a sharedstringtablepart, creates a sharedstringitem with the specified text 
205         // and inserts it into the sharedstringtablepart. if the item already exists, returns its index.
206         public static int getorinsertitem(this sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart, string content, bool isxml)
207         {
208             // if the part does not contain a sharedstringtable, create one.
209             if (sharestringpart.sharedstringtable == null)
210             {
211                 sharestringpart.sharedstringtable = new sharedstringtable();
212             }
214             int i = 0;
216             // iterate through all the items in the sharedstringtable. if the text already exists, return its index.
217             foreach (sharedstringitem item in sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.elements<sharedstringitem>())
218             {
219                 if ((!isxml && item.innertext == content) || (isxml && item.outerxml == content))
220                 {
221                     return i;
222                 }
224                 i++;
225             }
227             // the text does not exist in the part. create the sharedstringitem and return its index.
228             if (isxml)
229                 sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.appendchild(new sharedstringitem(content));
230             else
231                 sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.appendchild(new sharedstringitem(new text(content)));
232             sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.save();
234             return i;
235         }
236         private static sharedstringitem getitem(this sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart, int id)
237         {
238             return sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.elements<sharedstringitem>().elementat(id);
239         }
241         /// <summary>
242         ///  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/open-xml/how-to-merge-two-adjacent-cells-in-a-spreadsheet
243         /// </summary>
244         /// <param name="worksheet"></param>
245         /// <returns></returns>
246         public static mergecells getorcreatemergecells(this worksheet worksheet)
247         {
248             mergecells mergecells;
249             if (worksheet.elements<mergecells>().count() > 0)
250             {
251                 mergecells = worksheet.elements<mergecells>().first();
252             }
253             else
254             {
255                 mergecells = new mergecells();
257                 // insert a mergecells object into the specified position.
258                 if (worksheet.elements<customsheetview>().count() > 0)
259                 {
260                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<customsheetview>().first());
261                 }
262                 else if (worksheet.elements<dataconsolidate>().count() > 0)
263                 {
264                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<dataconsolidate>().first());
265                 }
266                 else if (worksheet.elements<sortstate>().count() > 0)
267                 {
268                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<sortstate>().first());
269                 }
270                 else if (worksheet.elements<autofilter>().count() > 0)
271                 {
272                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<autofilter>().first());
273                 }
274                 else if (worksheet.elements<scenarios>().count() > 0)
275                 {
276                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<scenarios>().first());
277                 }
278                 else if (worksheet.elements<protectedranges>().count() > 0)
279                 {
280                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<protectedranges>().first());
281                 }
282                 else if (worksheet.elements<sheetprotection>().count() > 0)
283                 {
284                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<sheetprotection>().first());
285                 }
286                 else if (worksheet.elements<sheetcalculationproperties>().count() > 0)
287                 {
288                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<sheetcalculationproperties>().first());
289                 }
290                 else
291                 {
292                     worksheet.insertafter(mergecells, worksheet.elements<sheetdata>().first());
293                 }
294                 worksheet.save();
295             }
296             return mergecells;
297         }
299         /// <summary>
300         ///  given the names of two adjacent cells, merges the two cells.
301         ///  create the merged cell and append it to the mergecells collection.
302         ///  when two cells are merged, only the content from one cell is preserved:
303         ///  the upper-left cell for left-to-right languages or the upper-right cell for right-to-left languages.
304         /// </summary>
305         /// <param name="mergecells"></param>
306         /// <param name="cell1name"></param>
307         /// <param name="cell2name"></param>
308         public static void mergetwocells(this mergecells mergecells, string cell1name, string cell2name)
309         {
310             mergecell mergecell = new mergecell() { reference = new stringvalue(cell1name + ":" + cell2name) };
311             mergecells.append(mergecell);
312         }
314         public static ienumerable<string> getitemvalues(this sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart)
315         {
316             foreach (var item in sharestringpart.sharedstringtable.elements<sharedstringitem>())
317             {
318                 if (item.text != null)
319                 {
320                     //code to take the string value  
321                     yield return item.text.text;
322                 }
323                 else if (item.innertext != null)
324                 {
325                     yield return item.innertext;
326                 }
327                 else if (item.innerxml != null)
328                 {
329                     yield return item.innerxml;
330                 }
331                 else
332                 {
333                     yield return null;
334                 }
335             };
336         }
337         public static xmldocument getcellassociatedsharedstringitemxmldocument(this sheetdata sheetdata, string columnname, uint rowindex, sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart)
338         {
339             cell cell = getcell(sheetdata, columnname, rowindex);
340             if (cell == null)
341                 return null;
342             if (cell.datatype == cellvalues.sharedstring)
343             {
344                 int id = -1;
345                 if (int32.tryparse(cell.innertext, out id))
346                 {
347                     sharedstringitem ssi = sharestringpart.getitem(id);
348                     var doc = new xmldocument();
349                     doc.loadxml(ssi.outerxml);
350                     return doc;
351                 }
352             }
353             return null;
354         }
355     }
356 }


 1         private static void generateexcel()
 2         {
 3             using (memorystream mem = new memorystream())
 4             {
 5                 using (var temp = file.openread(@"e:\template.xlsx"))
 6                 {
 7                     temp.copyto(mem);
 8                 }
10                 using (spreadsheetdocument doc = spreadsheetdocument.open(mem, true))
11                 {
12                     workbookpart wbpart = doc.workbookpart;
13                     worksheet worksheet = wbpart.worksheetparts.first().worksheet;
14                     //statement to get the sheetdata which contains the rows and cell in table  
15                     sheetdata sheetdata = worksheet.getfirstchild<sheetdata>();
17                     sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart;
18                     if (wbpart.getpartsoftype<sharedstringtablepart>().any())
19                         sharestringpart = wbpart.getpartsoftype<sharedstringtablepart>().first();
20                     else
21                         sharestringpart = wbpart.addnewpart<sharedstringtablepart>();
22                     //假设模板第一行是title不用动,把要用到的样式都定义在了第二行的单元格里
23                     var secondrow = sheetdata.getrow(2);
24                     uint[] linestyles = secondrow.elements<cell>().select(c => c.styleindex.value).toarray();
25                     sheetdata.removechild(secondrow);
26                     //从第二行开始循环插入4列1000数据
27                     uint currentrowindex = 2;
28                     for (int i = 0;i<1000;i++)
29                     {
30                         row row = new row();
31                         row.rowindex = currentrowindex;//设置行号
32                         row.appendchild(new cell().setvalue(1, sharestringpart, styleindex: linestyles[0]));
33                         row.appendchild(new cell().setvalue(datetime.now, sharestringpart, styleindex: linestyles[1]));
34                         row.appendchild(new cell().setvalue(3.1415926535, sharestringpart, styleindex: linestyles[2]));
35                         row.appendchild(new cell().setvalue("通商宽衣", sharestringpart, styleindex: linestyles[3]));//这里慢
36                         sheetdata.appendchild(row);
37                         currentrowindex++;
38                     }
39                     wbpart.workbook.save();
40                     doc.saveas($@"e:\temp_{datetime.now.tostring("yymmddhhmm")}.xlsx");
41                     doc.close();
42                 }
43                 mem.close();
44             }
45         }



 1         public static void read()
 2         {
 3             using (var sd = spreadsheetdocument.open(@"e:\temp.xlsx", false))
 4             {
 5                 workbookpart wbpart = sd.workbookpart;
 6                 sharedstringtablepart sharestringpart;
 7                 if (wbpart.getpartsoftype<sharedstringtablepart>().count() > 0)
 8                     sharestringpart = wbpart.getpartsoftype<sharedstringtablepart>().first();
 9                 else
10                     sharestringpart = wbpart.addnewpart<sharedstringtablepart>();
11                 string[] sharestringitemvalues = sharestringpart.getitemvalues().toarray();
13                 worksheetpart worksheetpart = wbpart.worksheetparts.first();
14                 uint datarowstart = 2;//数据开始行
15                 openxmlreader reader = openxmlreader.create(worksheetpart);
16                 while (reader.read())
17                 {
18                     if (reader.elementtype == typeof(worksheet))
19                     {
20                         reader.readfirstchild();
21                     }
23                     if (reader.elementtype == typeof(row))
24                     {
25                         row r = (row)reader.loadcurrentelement();
26                         if (r.rowindex < datarowstart)
27                             continue;
28                         foreach (cell c in r.elements<cell>())
29                         {
30                             if (c.cellreference != null && c.cellreference.hasvalue)
31                             {
32                                 string cv = c.getvalue(sharestringitemvalues);
33                                 console.writeline(cv);
34                                 if (c.cellreference.value == "b" + r.rowindex)
35                                     console.writeline("刚读取的是b列");
36                             }
37                         }
38                     }
39                 }
40                 sd.close();
41             }
42         }





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